Sunday, December 23, 2007

Bottomless Women In Harold And Kumar

Meeting PHCG Italy

a stunning backdrop of Borgo Scopeto (SI),
Friday 14 and Saturday, December 15, 2007, the group
PHCG Italy met
(for those do not know P ublicis H ealthcare C ommunication G roup).

A meeting strongly desired:
a way to know, integrate, start to love ...

moments to start thinking as one group ,
and act according to common objectives .

The conditions there are more ...
PHCG good luck!

in this set some of the pics!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Best Value Camera Lens Cases

Profession Content Manager ...

Content Manager:
here is a better definition borrowed from the site

The Content Manager is responsible for write, develop, manage and publish content on a site .

If the production of original information content is high, it is un team di lavoro di tipo redazionale al cui vertice generalmente si trova un copy writer , un giornalista o comunque un professionista della comunicazione professionale.
Trasferire le proprie competenze sul web diventa immediato ed il controllo sul prodotto finito è spesso superiore alle procedure tradizionali (ad esempio di un giornale cartaceo). Nell'esemplificativa gerarchia redazionale, sotto di lui stanno altri livelli di editor con privilegi di accesso editoriale più limitati.
È normale far partecipare alla redazione del sito appartenenti all'organizzazione competenti nel proprio settore (i veri produttori di contenuto) privi di competenze specifiche nella comunicazione, calibrandone il privilegio d'accesso editoriale. The Content Manager

usually participates in the overall design of the site and the definition of its objectives, the plan has been developed publishing and editorial organization.
His advice may end up with the overall approach of the system and the training of the maximum charge of content production from the owner of the site, which may be internal resources (marketing, sales, etc..) Or external (PR agencies communication and collaboration which has already started).

of every background is the Content Manager deals produce and publish content (text, images, tables, files) with the tools Wizzy (what you see is what you get), organizes the aggregation of information units on the site and assigns access privileges tailored editorial for the other components of the working group. It can produce
personally ' image enhancement related to a single information unit or coordinate technicians available.
As soon as new content (text or other media file) is available on the computer to the Editor of its publication only passes the time needed to load it on the server with the browser.

The Table of Contents, always visible to the user, is automatically updated with every modification. is part of the editorial hierarchy of content organization, and may have to define the editorial plans, manage the flow of content and timely structuring .

- professionalism in the production of public content
- basic computer skills

responsibility - establishment of a publishing project
- Rate, timeliness and effectiveness of content produced
- research, analysis and management of
information from external sources - to coordinate the preparation and content control
products - production planning and content publishing

------------------------ --------------------------------------------

About Content management Wikipedia states:

"The term Content management refers to a set of processes and technologies to support the evolutionary life cycle of digital information (content or digital content ).

This life cycle includes six main steps: Creating

  • Update
  • Publication
  • Translation
  • storage and use

The Content management is a collaborative process in the strictest sense of the term .
The content creation is done by one or more people, but the community takes part of its update (formal and substantive) to the final publication, after which it can begin a process of updating the duration of which may not be limited.

The update process is based on the following basic roles and privileges:

  • Main Author - responsible for creating the content.
  • Curator (or secondary author) - responsible for the content of the formal (style, presentation) to ensure the uniformity and distribution.
  • Publisher - responsible for the deployment and use of the content.
  • Administrator - responsabile della gestione delle versioni del contenuto negli archivi e nei sistemi di diffusione (Content Management System).

Un aspetto critico del Content management è la capacità di gestire le versioni del contenuto durante la sua evoluzione. Gli autori e i curatori spesso hanno necessità di ripristinare vecchie versioni del contenuto in conseguenza di errori del processo di evoluzione o di errati aggiornamenti."

Mod Clothing Brighton

Da domenica 25 Novembre è on line in sito ,
il nuovo nato in casa Healthware .
In bocca al lupo a questa creature then.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Waffles Martha Stewart

After nearly two months of no return now to update this blog.

Introducing a selection of beautiful beaches I've seen this summer.

I leave a few shots, the most representative, to make you enjoy the beauty of Cagliari and surroundings!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Is Water Considered A Utility?

The Landscapes of Sardinia to the Other Tyndra Movida

the first Saturday of L 'Another Movida
(event organized by' Association Salerno Youth sponsored by the City of Salerno ) ,
saw the group perform the Neapolitan Tyndra
( Agostino Carbone to Low Cozzolino Nicola on drums, Francesco La Barbera on guitar).

The evening was a success, not only because of the excellent music of Tyndra but also thanks to the valuable cooperation of the local Round that have offered non-alcoholic cocktails to promote healthy habits
fun and informed use of alcohol .

During the evening were also dealt to gadget and addresses were collected e-mail of the public to give way to ' Salerno Youth Association to make known le tante iniziative e di farsi conoscere.

Di seguito qualche foto del concerto e dello staff.

A stasera... L'Altra Movida continua

Friday, July 20, 2007

Brown Discharge From The Viginia

The first weekend of the Other The Other Movida Movida

Il primo week-end dell'Altra Movida
Sabato 21 e Domenica 22 Luglio dalle ore 22.00 alle 24.00
in piazza Flavio Gioia (la Rotonda)

L’ Associazione Salerno Giovani , con il patrocinio del Comune di Salerno , presenta la rassegna “ L’ altra movida ”- eventi live nel centro storico, in piazza Flavio Gioia (la rotonda) sabato 21 e domenica 22 Luglio dalle ore 22.00 alle 24.00 .

Sabato 21 i Tyndra , trio musicale composto da Francesco La Barbera alla chitarra, Agostino Carbone al basso e Nicola Cozzolino alla batteria, ai quali si aggiungerà, per l'occasione, Francesco Spinosa , chitarrista special guest della serata, will delight the spectators with jazz and fusion improvisation .

Sunday 22 the troupe of the " the proscenium " will present the hilarious comedy "Francesca da Rimini or Pulcinella and his strolling players ", text by Edoardo Scarpetta "reworked" by Claudia Colla.

The festival, now in its second edition, aims to bring a healthy, intelligent, responsible for conceiving the "by night."

L 'Association Salerno Youth thank you for your participation in the bar della Rotonda (The Round Coffee, Clipper, Flavio Gioia American bar, Why not? ) that, during the event, will offer strictly non-alcoholic cocktail to all customers.

The festival will go on 28 and 29 July, at 22:00

Sunday, July 8, 2007

How Long Should A Car Be Plugged In

back to Salerno

After the wonderful results of the 2006 edition, the
'Association Salerno Youth the successful replication event
L' Other Movida .

music concerts and dance performances and theater cheer, even this summer, the streets of downtown

Appointment then for the last two weekends of July
(21-22 and 28-29 July 2007 )
in Piazza Flavio Gioia (better known as the Rotunda),
from 22.00 to 24.00 ,
set to spend two hours of fun.
For more info click here !

Monday, June 18, 2007

Should I Worry About Enlarged Liver


Finally, after telephone calls, mail and spells ... We were published, too!!

Here is the link of our work!!

"The strange craft" sell "news. Traces of scattered news marketing


Friday, June 15, 2007

At What Temperature Will Pvc Pipe Freeze

for the team at

Here's the short letter of greetings that I wrote at the end of my internship, to thank the Healthware, and especially the TEAM A, of 3 beautiful months in their company!

I share with you all!

December 2006

It was freezing that day but up the stairs I heard a few thrills. Excellent initial impression ... great space, lots of light, bright colors and minimalist decor, in full agreement with my style and with the requirements of ergonomics. I make the space between the decorations and packaging of paper that contain them ... I find a chair beside a table covered both (chair and table) from twigs ready to be stapled to the walls. I sit down, talk to Antonio, a quick look of the room (coffee maker ... ... even less maleeeeee refrigerator and microwave ... this environment I had envisioned the organization studying Japanese / American and theories of knowledge spiral of Nonaka ... but I did not think there was a really so young and dynamic Salerno) ... we ended up in a day a little 'turbulent Christmas in the air and was getting ready: Antoinette (I did not know his name but I remember that I noticed because he was dressed in matching green - and green is one of my favorite colors-) was busy with the tree and decorations, Flaviana was busy packing bags and brochures (the expression on his face was not smiling much ... I challenge you to pack all that stuff ... white sheets held by staples, pamphlets, addresses, and adhesive label).
A quick look at my "competitors" and then there is Gianluca, I recognize the voice I had heard on the phone the day before (I was in the warm up lap to figure out where was the seat and, after yet another dead end, I had decided to call and ask!) and after the first moments of disorientation (the ones you get in those moments when you must put a face to a voice) so here you go! We count but there is something wrong ... or someone has made false declarations on their gender ... or is there a woman more.
course (because good day starts in the morning ...) my CVnon had never come to Healthware. UFFFFFFFFFFF!
omit to report what I flashed on his head at that moment (the fear of being considered un'imbucata stramacchio to put me in a imbarazzooooooo) ...! Luckily I was in possession of all the sheets that could be used (a copy of CV, copy of Celiaqui, a copy of the plan for info-communication per la centrale del latte, etc.)!
Consegno la copia del curriculum e Gianluca inizia l’appello. Ci vediamo una alla volta, in ordine alfabetico, nella sala meeting 1.
Ok, perfetto… non mi scompongo più di tanto, sarò una delle prime, il mio cognome comincia per “D”!
Sono stata l’ULTIMA, contro ogni regola della probabilità, gli altri “concorrenti” avevano cognomi che andavano da A a DELO…(e che sfiga!).
Ne approfitto per osservare ancora un po’ il posto (Flaviana è sempre più alienata nell’impacchettamento!!!).
L’atmosfera incomincia a diventare familiare e mi inizio a rilassare fino a quando Antonella exits, after a half hour interview and, just at your ears, tells me: "I have to speak English!"
QUE?!?! Quoi?!?! WHAT ?!?!?! Other familiar
that ... there is panic! But I speak French and English! Antonella
begin to target: what they asked you? And how did you answer? How do you combine the verb to the past! Fascists have a vacuum .... Ripetimi well as the present and the future as we are! No, no, these figures should I do if I go ... I do not want to do 'I'm interviewed! Anton, translates as "complete and comprehensive? Complete and comprehensive
?!?!? Come to think of me now to laugh! At times not even remember how to say thank you in English ... and I go out with "complete and comprehensive!
From that time up to my entry in the legendary first meeting between the time flies and phonetic rules of English grammar ... so much effort but little hope!
that it comes my turn, "complete and comprehensive" (they were adjectives to describe how I had found the company's web site) had become merely "interesting." There was no time, my moment had arrived and, like a condemned man resigned to death, I set off, resigned to my figure Barbini, following the Bertone! I see Dr.
. Di Filippo (I had met shortly before in rest. area), we meet Michael, (my first thought was "but how many years will, we seem to peers and is already responsible for the recruitment of interns ... Lucky you!).
begin to talk about myself, about my Erasmus experience (Gianluca seems particularly interested in this subject!), The things I've learned and foreign languages \u200b\u200bthat I speak (at this point I say that English chewed, but then-or so to spare them prepare ungrammatical-), I speak of my love for photography, my studies, the project Celiaqui, and much more.
The first part of the interview is over and here we are, all together, to further "evidence".
The task given to us is to create something! So I decide to draft a work of cognitive ergonomics and usability of a site and hand over the block! We ended ...
KNOW WE WILL ! And while there
Flaviana card brainy automatic in the day ... I think I'm a full of smells and colors, greetings and close the door behind me.

University ... ... daily life ...

January 2007

A phone call ... the legendary Antonio Di Filippo "is pleased to report that the Healthware chose my profile to begin an internship."
be defined remain to be solved and only the dates solo scartoffie burocratiche tra azienda e università ma l’entusiasmo è tanto e il resto non conta!
Inizio un po’ dopo Antonella perché ho approfittato di quei 5 giorni in più per fare l’ennesimo esame… dal 19 Febbraio in poi potrò dedicarmi con maggiore spensieratezza a questa nuova esperienza!

19 Febbraio 2007

Team A… da subito ho avuto il sentore, adesso ne ho la certezza, che quel team è stato quanto di meglio potesse capitarmi!
Il team più numeroso (eppure i nomi li ho memorizzati con un’insolita facilità!), quello più stimolante, quello più divertente e competente (non me ne vogliano gli altri…), the most committed and point of reference agency. What a beautiful
my desk ... great for those who want to learn. Allows us to capture the expressions, the sounds, the faces of all (aside from Ivan, but simply because she disappears behind the monitor!). And then I look outside, rain, sun, clouds ... I feel at the center of the world, in the right place to enjoy the outside and inside, not to lose contact with either size.
The first week passes, including welcome meetings and presentations, until it arrives on the first Monday: 15:00 Progress ... eh ?!?!?!?! But, in Italian, which VOR (Roman is the in honor of Paul).
Anna Dina reassures me: Today you will not understand anything I say but that's normal (pfiuuuuuuuuu!), you'll see that with time, when you're in the projects, will all be clear!
And from that day when I did not understand anything, now how many things have changed!

May 2007

I confess (I can already see the faces of the darkening Nutile and Santoro!) Which, to date, the progress is the time of the week that I prefer, for various reasons:
a) Firstly, because now I can to understand what is spoken;
b) secondly because it only starts when we are all present;
c) and, above all, because when it comes to Act Against Allergy, Cardarelli, Cooperation, infarction, MedSolve, Pages Policlinico Gemelli Medical and know that part, we talk a little 'me. Me as a resource team (and not just as an intern of way), I am as a person informed of events and as part of that whole. And for those
progress, for coffee breaks, lunch time, for every moment that I felt part of this family, and all the moments I lived in your company that I say THANK . Thanks to Alessandra

, the perfect example of femininity, for his infinite generosity, for welcoming me to the team and for having constantly reassured
With Loredana, the mother of the team, for his attention and chats without remembering our Erasmus
With Joe , demanding the Australian account, just for having communicated so much with words but with looks and smiles;
With Angelo, the jester of the company, for its "good" for no reason, and his cough (because when I had my headache thinking about your phlegm and calms me) ;
With Valter , the father of the team (Nutile, I will not persecute the story of the plumber and the engineer of TV ... but uahahahahah!), with its orange sweater and his voice reassuring (even when uploaded content did not appear on the site or when you are angry because he could not find the tables and images to add - but where you want to find if you do not ask where !?!?!?!?-) ;
With Gianni, my trusted and invaluable technical support, for his valuable information about the ratings, the tags of Dreamweaver and its magic (see also pezzotti!) on the anomalies of the portal of the Twins;
With Ivana , the gentle soul of the team, the disarming sweetness of his voice, his gestures, for having been close and have collected my anxieties. [Ah, I forgot, thanks for health and biz and the time sheet (!?!??!?!?)].
Grazie infine (dulcis in fundo… scusate la non imparzialità di questa scelta!) ad Anna Dina , la mia guida, mecenate della mia opera, punto di riferimento del mio agire, custode e confidente delle mie crisi, perché è suo il merito di tutto ciò che ho realizzato ed imparato in questa esperienza.
Un grazie sincero ed affezionato, anche a Michela (Michi, grazie ancora per le lentine, J) e a Gianluca , per avermi scelta qualche mese fa, per esser stati sempre disponibili e presenti nel mio percorso; grazie a Paola per il supporto morale e tecnico per AAA e Hp3; grazie a Francesco (piacere, My name is Melanie!), for the activities of press releases related to the Gemelli physicians (and sometimes even for those who wanted to boycott the news on Family Day because he let me die with laughter!), thanks to Ross , for the gossip and always accompanied me to make supplies of caffeine, thanks again to Antoinette, Flaviana , fixed groups, those seated at the usual places, the usual time, for the usual tea and coffee breaks, and thanks again to all those I just crossed and that I did not quite know, because I miss them too.

And what I miss most, after these three months will be together:
• The sound of heels di Alessandra , i suoi progress e il rumore di tutte le sue buste;
· il “Ma ti ho salutato? C’eri stamattina? Scusa oggi sono stonata” di Loredana ;
· il “ Joe speacking” e le sue interminabili conversazioni in inglese;
· il dialogare di Angelo con il monitor e le sue preghiere ai numeri dei report;
· il difendersi di Valter dai bacilli del Nutile ed i suoi suicidi con le sciabole immaginarie;
· il doppio tocco del bussare di Gianni (delicato, il suo, a differenza di quello del Nutile!) quando entra in stanza e il suo volto concentrato mentre gioca con Valter;
· Ivana, his fiddling with his pen on his nose (or chin) when you progress and its rush to solve everyone's problems (as well as his way of imitating the position to account!)
· Anna Dina ! She, her mail, her way of explaining what to do, the grim expression on his face when exasperated, his voice and his jokes about child Nutile when it is peaceful. His way of typing on the keyboard, the millions of windows open on your desktop. The black and green pen, water bottle with the cap still attached to the half circle of plastic. His encouragement and phrases such as "Just two minutes we have a say couple of things ... "" This work we see how to organize it ... "" This press also published as the pages of medical care "," This work I pass it to you, "" The first prepares the newsletter that I send in the approval "" In my town there are files for the media "... and much more!
(The bullet is for Anna Dina always tells me that it is more elegant to use!)

At the end of this will pseudo I only hope that, having revived the these 3 months with my own eyes, there has sent the admiration I feel towards you, and can serve as a witness value of your personal and professional.
I, for my part, I am proud of having known and having worked at your side. You were fantastic adventure companions. See you soon! With great affection ...


Thursday, April 19, 2007

Skin Reaction When Using Wood Stove


By Arminante Antonella, Carfora Rachel, Melanie De Luca, Teresa Gualtieri.


The process of change in recent years has characterized the public sector in many industrialized countries has led to substantive element of the progressive reduction of public intervention in the economy and the crisis of the system defined by the term "welfare state. This

model was characterized by strong centralization of the institutions, mainly necessitated by the existence of primitive computer technology, communication systems substantially slow and poorly trained human resources and also by a commitment in the economy growing in terms of wealth public investment and direct involvement in the management of public utilities, which resulted in an increase in the number of public companies made up of nature, namely that both processes are dispensers that productive than those which are essentially paid. Simultaneously, the increasing supply of public services, supported by a simultaneous increase in the demand of themselves and favored by improving economic conditions and people's lives, increased the dissatisfaction of the citizens because of the progressive increase in public spending and inefficient supply of services. The
significant increase in public spending was "determined by a much wider range of services and performance of public administration (in some cases beyond the actual needs) and from spending patterns are not always rational and devoid of specific optimization goals , and also as the drive to centralize responsibility taxation and spending decisions, which at the micro level, ie individual public enterprises, was exacerbated by a management inefficient them.

This has created strong pressures for development of a public role to the state being defined as the quality of life, which creates a more streamlined methods of intervention, geared mainly to support activities not guaranteed by the private sector, ensuring the pursuit of equity and the achievement of adequate levels of efficiency and effectiveness. The objectives pursued by the state's quality of life are separable, in particular, into two distinct parts:

of the State services, which becomes central in the performance of public services to produce in quantity quality and meet the expectations of citizens, families, businesses (customer service orientation);
the regulatory state, in which, however, is the central aspect of the downsizing of the public, for which the administration is less and less involved in the processes of production technique, having to concentrate on the economic behavior of other government entities [1] .

Changing the role of the public body, combined with changing market demands, has therefore initiated a complex process of reform of the instruments through which to achieve and / or manage the infrastructure works and public services.
In this new context we see more and more of the public entity to attempt to involve private capital in the creation and / or management of those services or works.
The need, therefore, the involvement of private capital, due to the continuous growth of public debt, resulted in the spread of national and international mechanisms for cooperation between public and private, which go under the name of public-private partnership ( PPP).

Over the last decade, the PPP phenomenon developed in many fields within the public sector (transport, public health, education, public safety ...). The increase in the use of standing di PPP è riconducibile a vari fattori.
In presenza delle restrizioni di bilancio cui gli stati devono fare fronte, risponde alla necessità di assicurare il contributo di finanziamenti privati al settore pubblico.
Inoltre, il fenomeno è spiegabile anche con la volontà di beneficiare maggiormente del "know-how" e dei metodi di funzionamento del settore privato nel quadro della vita pubblica. Lo sviluppo del PPP va, d’altronde, inquadrato nell'evoluzione più generale del ruolo dello Stato nella sfera economica, che passa da un ruolo d'operatore diretto ad un ruolo d'organizzatore, di regolatore e di controllore.
In Italia le iniziative di PPP più significative hanno origini agli inizi degli anni Venti quando venne impostata la realizzazione della prima autostrada (la Milano-Laghi) che venne inaugurata nel 1925.
Nel 1927 un’apposita legge (la n. 1137) stabilì che anche i soggetti privati potevano essere destinatari della concessione di autostrade. La c.d. “Legge Romita” del 1955 (n. 463) stabilì, poi, la scelta del metodo concessionale quale strumento principale per la costruzione della rete autostradale.
Le autostrade italiane, quindi, sono state realizzate tramite iniziative di PPP.

In Italia, nel triennio 2002–2004, sono state censite 101.379 gare per la realizzazione di opere pubbliche per un importo totale di 101,3 miliardi di euro. Rispetto a questo aggregato, il PPP incide per circa il 24% the total amount of projects.
These data confirm that, in moments like the present, when the European economic system has constraints imposed by scarce resources and widespread difficulties in boosting investment, the PPP may be an opportunity.

In light of this, it should be noted that while it is certainly true that cooperation between public and private sectors can determine microeconomic benefits of allowing a project with the best value for money, the other should not be considered a "miracle" solution.
In this vein, the European Commission's Green Paper on public-private partnership is il primo passo per l’ eventuale adozione di una direttiva ad hoc che disciplini il fenomeno a livello comunitario. Tralasciando i possibili sviluppi, l’interesse del Libro Verde risiede nella puntualizzazione di alcune regole di base affinché le forme di partenariato pubblico-privato possano considerarsi coerenti con i principi generali di diritto comunitario, superando di fatto l’estrema eterogeneità dei rapporti e degli istituti giuridici che sono riconducibili alle molteplici forme possibili di partnership pubblico-privato.


Il 30 aprile 2004 la Commissione has published the "Green Paper on public-private partnerships and Community law on public contracts and concessions" (COM327/2004) [2] .
The Green Paper launches a process of recognition of the situation currently prevailing in different states of the Union with a view to possibly come to identify a framework of common rules and share with regard to forms of "collaboration" between public and private entities.
It has the merit to propose a systematic and comprehensive legal framework on the issue of the various forms of partnership, where they found gaps and inconsistencies both in Community law and the rights of the Member States. The
concept of PPP which moves the Green Paper is likely to cover a wide spectrum of cases that arise from the practice even more than the laws.

The Green Paper examines the phenomenon of PPPs in the light of Community law on public contracts and concessions. The law does not provide for specific arrangements including the PPP. Nevertheless, any act by which a public body awards work involving an economic activity to a third party must be examined in light of the rules and principles deriving from the Treaty, in particular in the light of the principles of transparency, equal treatment, proportionality and mutual recognition.

The Green Paper aims to initiate a debate on the application of Community law on public contracts and concessions to the PPP. This debate focuses on the rules to be applied when you decide to entrust a mission or task to a third party. It is located downstream of the organizational and economic choice made by a local authority or national level, and can not be interpreted as a debate designed to express a general appreciation regarding the decision whether or not to outsource the management of public services. This decision lies exclusively with the public authorities.
Community law on public contracts and concessions is neutral as regards the choice exercised by Member States to provide a public service through their services themselves or to entrust it to third. More specifically, the Green Paper is intended to illustrate the scope of EU standards in the selection of the private partner and the next step in order to identify any uncertainties and to assess whether the EU framework is adequate to the challenges and characteristics of PPPs .


The term public-private partnership (PPP) is not defined at Community level.
It covers the various forms of possible cooperation between public and private sectors, through which their skills and resources are integrated to ensure the financing, construction, renovation, la gestione o la manutenzione di un’infrastruttura o la fornitura di un servizio.

Il PPP costituisce una operazione complessa, un contratto tra l’amministrazione e l’operatore privato, caratterizzata dalla coesistenza di tutti o parte dei seguenti elementi chiave:
la progettazione (Design);
il finanziamento (Finance);
la costruzione (Build);
la gestione (Operate);
la manutenzione (Maintenance).

I seguenti elementi caratterizzano normalmente le operazioni di PPP:
la durata relativamente lunga della collaborazione, che implica una cooperazione tra il partner pubblico ed il partner privato in relazione a vari aspetti di un progetto da realizzare [3] .
the method of financing the project, provided by the private sector, sometimes by means of complex relationships between different actors. Often, however, share of public funding, sometimes quite substantial, can be added to private financing.
the important role of economic, participating in various project phases (design, development, implementation, financing). The public partner concentrates primarily on defining the objectives to be achieved in terms of public interest, quality of services offered, pricing policy, and ensure the monitoring of compliance with these objectives.
the allocation of risks between the public partner and the partner private, where risks are usually transferred to the public sector [4] . The PPP does not necessarily imply that the private partner assumes all the risks, or the most significant risks of the operation. The precise allocation of risk is made on a case by case basis, depending on the ability of the parties concerned to assess, monitor and manage the same.

Depending on the allocation of risk between the public partner and private partner are two major types of projects through forms of PPP:
a) Projects with an intrinsic capacity to generate income
In this type can be distinguished:
· the projects that generate ricavi da utenza (soggetti terzi), in pratica il partner privato consegue un integrale recupero dei costi sostenuti nell’arco della durata della concessione,
· i progetti in cui il privato fornisce direttamente servizi alla PA: è il caso di tutte quelle opere pubbliche - carceri, ospedali, scuole - per le quali il soggetto privato che le realizza e gestisce trae la propria remunerazione esclusivamente (o principalmente) da pagamenti effettuati dalla pubblica amministrazione.

b) I progetti che richiedono una contribuzione pubblica
In tale tipologia rientrano gli interventi i cui ricavi da utenza sono di per se insufficienti a generare adeguati ritorni economici, in tali casi per coprire i costi si rende necessaria una contribuzione pubblica. La realizzazione di tali interventi economicamente negativi trova la propria ratio nella capacità di determinare delle esternalità positive in termini di benefici sociali.

Tramite l’uso del PPP, dunque, il settore privato può dare un grosso contributo mettendo a disposizione del settore pubblico le sue capacità di gestione, la sua efficienza, il suo potenziale di finanziamento e investimento, lasciando alla pubblica amministrazione il compito di assicurare la fornitura dei servizi pubblici, la regolamentazione dell’economia e ovviamente la condivisione del rischio con il settore privato.
Tale cooperazione porta con sé innumerevoli vantaggi [5] , tutti derivanti da un’ottimale allocation and risk-sharing between public and private sector: if, in fact, the project risks are properly identified and analyzed, then the project participants can minimize the risk of failure and a project with the best value for money [ 6] .
course perspective to be adopted is that of long-term project throughout the duration of the individual must be able to provide a high quality service that the public sector would not be able to provide.

As we have seen, the public-private partnerships can be a useful option to enable the financing of projects of public interest, but in any case, they must observe a number of essential conditions, that the COM (2003) 132 identifies:
the "clear" definition of the project in question;
the political will that must be "long-term, to avoid calling into question the initial decisions;
transparency and the protection of competition in the management of tender procedures;
"stakeholders must work to ensure a quality partnership"
a precise and stable legal environment;
the definition of adequate financial guarantees;
the consistent sizing statement for the project under consideration;
financial returns within a reasonable period of time;
prediction of "a breakdown revenue beyond a jointly agreed - minimum amount of income guaranteed by the state (but they may be related to disguised aid);
clear and detailed definition of the risks to the project;
cost transparency, conditions for granting and exercise, and more generally of the project.

These conditions, as repeatedly stated by the European Commission itself, "are not respected in practice."

The Green Paper has analyzed the phenomenon of PPPs in the light of Community law on public contracts and concessions, outlining an initial distinction between:
PPPs of a purely contractual in which the partnership between the public and private sector bonds is based solely on conventional
institutionalized PPPs, involving cooperation between the public and the private sector within a distinct entity.
This distinction is based on the finding that the diversity of PPP practices encountered in the Member States can be traced to these two great models.

4. THE TYPE OF PARTNERSHIP purely contractual PPP

The term of a purely contractual concerns a partnership based solely on contractual links between the various actors. It defines various types of operation, in which one or more tasks more or less wide (including the design, financing, construction, renovation or exploitation of a work or a service) are assigned to the private partner.

The partnership models of a purely contractual best known are the contract and award.
Public contracts are contracts for pecuniary interest concluded in writing between one or more economic operators and one or more contracting authorities and having as its object the execution of works, supply of goods or the provision of services. The private partner is intended to build and manage infrastructure for public administration (eg, a school, hospital, prisons, infrastructure transport). In this model, the remuneration of the private partner is not the case in the form of fees paid by users of the work or service, but regular payments are received by the public partner. These payments may be fixed or variable depending, for example, availability of work or services relating to it, or even attending the opera [7] . Concessions are
, such as public procurement, contracts for pecuniary interest concluded in writing between one or more economic operators and one or more contracting authorities and having as its object the execution of works or the provision of services (no delivery) whose consideration, however, is right only to exploit the work or services or in this right together with payment. The concession model is characterized by the direct link between the private partner and the end user: the private partner provides a service to the public, "in place", but under the control of the public partner. The salary of the co-contractor consists of fees collected from users of the service, if necessary supplemented by subsidies paid by the public.
The difference between these two models is, therefore, in this: in the concession, the concessionaire company provides its services to the public and, therefore, assumes the risk of operating the works or services, as it pays for at least a significant part, on users by charging a price in the contract, however, benefits are paid not to the public, but the administration, which is required to remunerate the work done by ' contractor for the services it yields. The company that provides work or service can not stand, therefore, the risk involved in the management of the work or service, so that, lacking the element of risk, the case does not constitute an award, but as a contract works or services

regards the stage of selecting the private partner, the Commission shall treat separately the "act attributive classified as a public "from the" regarded as a concession. "
In the first case, it is stated in the Green Paper, the "rules applicable to the award of contracts for public works or public services, derives from the provisions of EU directives setting detailed rules, in particular in the field of advertising and participation ".
In the case of attribution of acts classified as concessions, the Commission recognizes that there are a number of provisions of secondary legislation coordinate the award procedures.
The choice of private partner must be those who are still respecting the principles established in the Treaty, which are principles of transparency, proportionality, mutual recognition and equal treatment. More precisely, we shall meet the following conditions: pre-determination of criteria for the selection of the concessionaire, appropriate advertising, put in actual competition in the potentially affected operators, the award on the basis of objective criteria and not discriminatory.
In general, government intervention in the choice of private partner should never be detrimental to the principles of equal treatment and transparency.


The partnership is institutionalized when it has formed an autonomous entity jointly owned dal soggetto pubblico e dal soggetto privato (es. società miste).
Tale società ha la missione di fornire un servizio o la realizzazione di un opera a favore del pubblico.
Negli Stati membri, le autorità pubbliche ricorrono a volte a queste strutture, in particolare per la gestione di servizi pubblici a livello locale (ad esempio, per i servizi d'approvvigionamento idrico o per la raccolta dei rifiuti).

La cooperazione diretta tra il partner pubblico ed il partner privato nel quadro di un ente dotato di personalità giuridica propria permette al partner pubblico di conservare un livello di controllo relativamente elevato sullo svolgimento delle operazioni, che può adattare nel tempo in funzione delle circostanze, attraverso its presence in the shareholding and decision-making bodies in the joint venture.
It also allows the public partner to develop its own experience with regard to the provision of the service in question, while using the support of a private partner.

The creation of an IPPP can happen in two ways: a) creation of an entity owned jointly by the public and private b) shift to private control of a public that already exists.
a) creation of an entity owned jointly by the public and private:
the operation is to create a company with mixed capital, in this type of operation should be il rispetto dei principi comunitari di cui all’art 43 e 49 del trattato UE che impongono: trasparenza, proporzionalità, mutuo riconoscimento e parità di trattamento. Inoltre, la scelta del soggetto privato destinato a svolgere gli incarichi deve avvenire nel pieno rispetto del principio di non discriminazione.
b) passaggio a controllo privato di un’impresa pubblica già esistente:
tale operazione si verifica quando si assiste ad una modifica della partecipazione azionaria di un’impresa pubblica. Tale scelta è una scelta esclusivamente politica e come tale è di competenza esclusiva dello Stato. Anche questa forma di PPP istituzionale deve avvenire nel pieno rispetto dei principi del trattato.


Data la carenza a livello comunitario di una normativa specifica, che identifichi in maniera tassativa le forme di PPP, esso si è sviluppato in modo differente nei vari stati membri.
A tal fine e per completezza di analisi passeremo in rassegna le diverse forme giuridiche attraverso le quali si possono realizzare operazioni di PPP sia nell’ordinamento italiano sia nella prassi internazionale.

a) PPP nell’ordinamento giuridico nazionale

Concessione di lavori pubblici (art. 19, II comma L.109/1994 e art. 7 d.lgs 190/2002): è il contratto tra un soggetto privato e una P.A. avente ad oggetto la progettazione, la esecuzione delle opere unitamente managing them. The fee for the private is the right to manage the property. The government grant can be finalized only in the economic-financial balance, in fact, the risk management must be in the hands of the private sector.

Service concession (art. 1, par. 4, Directive 2004/17/EC) is an agreement between the PA and an individual to manage a service, the fee for the private sector is represented only by the right to manage the service, possibly with a price, as long as the risk always remains in the hands of the private entity.

third-party agreement for the management of a local public service (Art.113, paragraph V, Letter TUEL) is the contract between the PA ed una società di capitali individuata in base ad una procedura ad evidenza pubblica.

Project Financing (art 37 bis e ss L 109/94): è una operazione di finanziamento di una particolare iniziativa imprenditoriale, che è valutata da un finanziatore (soggetto privato) fin dallo stato iniziale in funzione della redditività e del flusso di cassa (cash flow) che essa è in grado di generare, che costituiscono la garanzia primaria per il rimborso del debito ed il capitale di rischio (equity).

Contraente generale (art. 9 d.lgs 190/02): è il contratto tra un soggetto privato e la PA avente ad oggetto la progettazione, l’esecuzione con qualsiasi mezzo ed il prefinanziamento dell’opera against a payment by the PA in whole or in part to the work completed. The pre-financing can have a maximum of 20% of the basic notice. Mixed Company

TUEL (artt.113, V paragraph letter b, 116 and 120 of TUEL) is a partnership between the PA and a private entity for the management of a public service to local economic importance, or to create of works related to public service, or to design and implement interventions of urban transformation.

Mixed Company under the Civil Code (art.2247 and SS) is a partnership between the PA and the private entity for construction and / or management of Public Works

Company transformation Urban - STU (Article 120 of TUEL): metropolitan cities and municipalities may provide for the design and implementation of interventions of urban transformation, for the marketing of rehabilitated areas and the management of any public services, corporation mixed public-private partnerships.
The STU is a company closely linked to the role of local authorities in the setup of their territory. Examples of

STU - The municipality of Bolzano retrieves the area around the railway station
- the city of Bergamo on intervening railway station;
- The municipality of Livorno involved for the improvement of the urban;
- the City of Piombino acts to replace the industrial plants
- The municipality of Terni acts to promote the service industry;
- the towns of Formia and Gaeta intervene to redevelop the south-coast Pontino;
- The municipality of Pescara action to recover: degraded areas either that the urban periphery of production plants discharged;
- Naples City Council recovers the industrial area in the east;
- The municipality of Crotone has appointed two companies of the station and the transformation of the port;
- the City of Syracuse has taken steps to revitalize the historic center;
- The municipality of Sant 'Antioco è intervenuto per valorizzare il territorio a livello turistico.

Fondazione di partecipazione (art. 14 e ss codice civile) è un negozio tra PA e privato per la gestione dei servizi pubblici.

Global Service (norma UNI 10685/98): contratto di esternalizzazione basato sui risultati, che comprende una pluralità di servizi sostitutivo delle normali attività di manutenzione di un immobile o di un patrimonio immobiliare con piena responsabilità dei risultati da parte dell’assuntore.

Acquisto di cosa futura (art. 1472 codice civile): contratto avente ad oggetto l’acquisto della proprietà di un bene immobile appena questo viene ad esistenza.

Leasing operativo: è awarding the contract between a company that produces or manages the property and the PA the good. The PA used is a licensing fee to the company, including charges related to the availability, the share of depreciation and finance costs and maintenance expenses.

Sale & Leaseback: is a contract under which the PA transfers ownership of an asset to an individual that allows him to enjoy in front of a monthly fee. The PA may at the end of the period of entitlement to redeem the property by paying the final installment.

b) PPP in international practice.

Contracting Out: contract with a private entity for design and construction of public works which are financed and retained by the public entity. There is a transfer of the risk of construction and design leader in private, a containment time of creation, not involving private capital. This operation is particularly suited to situations in which the public prefers to see the operational responsibility.

DBFT (Design, build, finance and transfer) is a contract with a private company which designs and builds a new airport and then transfer to the PA. This operation requires the involvement of private capital, private assume the risk of design and construction. E 'operation suitable for projects with high requirements, such as road infrastructure.

DBFO (Design, Build, Finance and Operate): This is a model in which a private company designs and builds a new infrastructure, runs for a specified number of years and then transfers it to the public entity. This operation requires the involvement of the private two-tier economic (investment) management of the work (know-how). E'adatta to projects with high standards of design and management, involves the transfer of the risk of design, construction and infrastructure management in the hands of the private sector.

BLT (Build Lease and Transfer): a private company against an agreed rent acquires the rights of revenues a public service in exchange for management. This transaction involves the transfer of commercial risk borne by the individual is particularly suited to complex tasks.

BOT (Build Operate and Transfer) is a concession contract to build and operate a new infrastructure of fixed-term work with final transfer to the PA. This operation is characterized by the involvement of private capital and risk transfer in-chief of planning and construction to the private sector itself. It 's a task suited to projects with high management requirements (eg the water sector and waste management).
Service Contracts: is a contract by which the private was involved solely for the provision of specific services (eg maintenance and accounting). It 's a task suited to situations in which the public prefers to transfer the operational responsibility, using the contribution of private experience.

Contract Management: transfer the responsibility for operation and maintenance of public property in the public sector to the private sector. This operation is suitable in all cases in which a prior cost-benefit analysis shows it to the utility, the consideration of the individual may be related to the achievement of certain quality standards.

Concession: is a contract concession that transfers to the private management responsibility for the management and maintenance of the investments, leaving ownership of assets remain public. E 'is suitable for projects where possible pricing.


In these past nineteen years there has been considerable debate around the role of local authorities, both at national and at EU level.
In the European Union, in 1986, with the approval of the Charter of Local Autonomy ", have been established the fundamental principles of subsidiarity (ie, the administration has to be for the entity closer to the people), autonomy (in the policy, regulatory and organizational) and popular participation
The keyword can contain the essence of the reform process that has affected the local authorities, at least until 1997, is was the word autonomy.
The law marked an important step in the process of institutional reform, starting from below, from local, was the Law 142, 1990.
The principle of subsidiarity has begun to take shape in 1997 with the approval of Law 59.
From 1997 to 1999 we had an impressive series of laws, among which are:
- better known as Law 127/97 a. Bassanini;
- a series of decrees, including the most important is the Legislative Decree 112/98;
- Law 265 of 1999, better known as Law-Napolitano Vigneri;
As if to put address the proliferation of legislation in recent years, the Government has approved the TU of Local Authorities (Legislative Decree 267/2000) which, although not by innovating on the substance of existing laws, has the advantage of having coordinated and merged with the current regulations, guidelines in the light of the prevailing case law.
The law of constitutional revision No 3 of 2001 was the culmination of the reform process started in '90 with the L. 142.
The new constitutional text provides for the articulation of the Republic, of course, in municipalities, provinces, metropolitan cities, regions and state.
addition to the State Bodies of the territorial government, in the above four categories specified by the standard, entities are exponentials of their communities, called to administer the interest ("autonomous entities with their own statutes, powers and functions, according to the principles established by the Constitution ( art. 114)).
The system is being introduced is a system of variable geometry, differential, which replaces the administrative unity and consistency to which we were and are still used.

: Campania

is the region that in 2003, has presented more PPP projects.

- NAPLES PORT: This project started the 2nd phase of the restructuring of the port. The Company Nausica SpA, comprising: Port Authority, City of NA, NA Provinces, and the Campania Region, has launched an international design competition for the urban redevelopment, the architectural and functional seaport. The value of the works is 50 million €, while 2 million and € 320 000 are expected by design. Were submitted, from engineering and architecture, 150 projects.
Una parte importante dei lavori saranno portati avanti in PPP o in project financing.

- NAPOLI ORIENTALE S.p.A.: con sei milioni di metri quadrati è la più estesa area dismessa del Sud. Soci: Comune NA, Provincia NA, Autorità Portuale, Unione Industriali NA, Confartigianato e API Napoli. Compito delle società è quello di presentare un piano di fattibilità economico-finanziaria che delinei un’ipotesi di riqualificazione dell’area. A novembre 2003 è stata presentata l’idea di lasciare gli impianti petroliferi a Napoli Est seppure in un’area limitata riqualificando il resto dell’area a fini commerciali, museali, turistici e alberghieri costituendo una STU per gestire gli interventi.

- SOTTOPASSO TUNNEL VIA ACTON è parte del “Progetto Integrato Napoli” e tra gli obiettivi ha quello di eliminare o almeno ridurre la barriera di auto nella zona del porto e verrà realizzato in project financing con 150 milioni di euro finanziati dalla Regione Campania ed utilizzando altre risorse che un altro project financing ha liberato nella realizzazione del progetto “Porto Fiorito”. La realizzazione del sistema dei collettori, l’adeguamento degli impianti di depurazione delle zone di Acerra, Cuma, Foce Reg Lagni, Marcianise e Napoli-Nord, nonché la realizzazione o l’adeguamento degli impianti di trattamento dei fanghi è stata assegnata in project financing.

- FLEGREA LAVORO SPA – BACOLI (NA) [8] : the City of Bacoli in 2000 to bring order to the city traffic, and reduce the phenomenon of valet "abusive", has decided to introduce the system of public pay car parks. To manage this new service, the City Council in August 2000 approved the establishment of a joint enterprise, a public limited company with public majority (51% of the capital) where the members are made by the City of Bacoli and Italy job . The decision to set up a company is linked not only to managerial reasons associated with efficiency, effectiveness and affordability, but especially dint of social need of having a job are "socially useful". The company has established the "Flegrea Lavoro SpA" with a capital amounting to three hundred million pounds, operates throughout the municipal area, which extends to about 13 square km and has about 27,000 inhabitants and provides the service through the six workers socially useful assumed direct.
The parking spaces provided by the City to "Flegrea Lavoro SpA are approximately 700, the company provides the service from 8.00 am to 20.00 at a price of 0.52 euro per hour which, if detected of the cars in no parking, the employees of Flegrea issue of the minutes which are then collected by the City.

POR Campania Region in 2000-2006 has expressly provided that the provinces should be promoted, for each geographical area, the establishment of PPP that can be composed of EE.LL, associations and organizations representative of the agricultural and productive organizations working in the field of environmental protection, tourism promotion and the voluntary sector.


The phenomenon has characterized the Public-Private Partnership with substantial national and international reality of the last decade, growing in many areas covered in the public sphere (transportation, health, education and security).
The interest in this phenomenon is due to the enormous benefits (fiscal, economic, technological, political and social) that may result from the cooperation between the public and the private sector and, therefore, dall'ottimale allocation and division of their risks.
For this to occur you need a huge effort and real commitment by governments (and of course by individuals).
Firstly it must be that the legal order to be credible, that there is an efficient system of trade laws that allow financial assets, corporate and business to grow. In the absence of this should at least be possible to ensure, however, the essential interests of the private sector.
Having said that legislative measures are practical: the government must have the authority to make concessions or licenses that make possible the participation of the private sector in an infrastructure project or a public service, this is not always easy and often necessary the inclusion of specific laws.
The acquisition process by which a PPP is formed to be transparent, fair, smooth and strong in order to attract maximum interest from potential private partners.
The public sector often has to provide certain facilities, or any right to use, the PPP that it may be feasible and funded. These structures may include land, existing structures, a existing public channel of income, subsidies and grants, projects and intellectual property, etc..
addition to this we must take into account the fact that such projects are facilitated by a clear commitment and long term, as the private sector to commit themselves, must have confidence in a stable political development.
To stimulate private investment in infrastructure, governments must commit themselves to promote a rebalancing of tariffs of existing services to reflect the actual costs involved in it.
Another important element is the private sector confidence in the public concerned, the PPP projects require time and effort to be implemented and if the bureaucracy is too complicated then investors will look elsewhere.
But the crucial point is that governments must be prepared to take certain risks and responsibilities without which the project will go forward and, in cases where payments for the use of the property does not come directly from the public, they may have to provide themselves an income stream for the project.
From the above it is clear how it can be difficult to carry out PPP projects, particularly in view of the fact that those key conditions identified by COM (2003) 132 (§ 3, pp. 7.8), are not always fulfilled and respected in practice.
On the other hand, the very term "Public-Private Partnership" we have seen not to be defined at Community level: the Green Paper, published in April 2004 by the European Commission initiated a process of recognition of the situations currently existing in the Member States with a view to possibly come to identify a framework of common rules and share with regard to forms of collaboration between public and private entities.
In particular, the interest of the Green Paper is in the clarification of some basic rules so that the forms of public-private partnership can be considered consistent with the general principles of Community law, beyond the fact of the extreme heterogeneity of the reports and legal institutions , due to the multiple forms possible PPP.
With reference to Community law on public contracts and concessions, in fact, outlines two types of PPP, to the purely contractual and institutionalized, to be implemented in full compliance with the principles of the Treaty and to which it seems possible to reconnect the diversity of practices PPP that can be found precisely in the EU.
is in this light, therefore, that our attention has been directed mainly to the Green Paper as a step towards the eventual adoption of a specific law governing this phenomenon at Community level in terms of better coordination of national practices, the exchange of best practices among member states and dissemination of PPP also trans.

[1] See Borgonovi E., Principles and business systems for government, Giuffrè, Milan, 1975, p.. 62.
[2] The Green Papers are discussion papers on a specific policy issue published by the Commission. They are first of all documents to all those - both agencies and private - involved in the process of consultation and debate. In some cases, represent the first step of the subsequent legislative developments. The
White Papers are documents containing proposals for Community action in a specific area. Sometimes followed by a Green Paper published to promote consultation at European level. While the green papers display a range of ideas for a public debate, white papers contain an official of proposals in specific policy areas and provide the means for achieving them.

[3] PPP contracts always have a very long duration, usually between 25 and 30 years.
[4] build and manage a public infrastructure has a number of risks: rising construction costs, maintenance costs higher than expected, changes in legislation affecting the use of infrastructure, increase or decrease in demand services provided and so on. These risks was traditionally facing the public sector, PPP projects but the risk must be specified, quantified and analyzed, and are divided between the public and private sector. It is essential that the risk is allocated to the party better able to control it, which in return will receive more economic benefits. Generally, the risk borne by the public sector are transferred to the private partner governments tend to take risks but not the political or financial of the project. When a substantial part of the risk is transferred to the private sector comes to funding off-balance-sheet "(outside the budget), in which case the costs incurred by the private not affect the public debt.
[5] benefits that PPPs can offer are varied: fiscal, economic, technological, social, political.
Among the tax advantages are worth mentioning, as mentioned above, that allow the PPP to borrow money off balance sheet, this form of financing, easing the burden of debt, allows the use of public resources in other areas.
One of the economic benefits is the speed in carrying out the works. Leveraging finances private sector projects and easing restrictions on public spending, PPPs can accelerate the speed with which infrastructure projects are launched. This allows the implementation of projects in circumstances where they would otherwise possible. With reference to social
PPP can provide better transport networks, cleaner water, new communication systems, etc..
[6] The assessment of the appropriateness of the transaction is, however, specifically evaluated case by case basis, through the construction of a parameter called the Public Sector Comparator (CSP), ie the hypothetical costs incurred by the public entity in the project.
[7] The most typical example of this model is the operation of PFI. The term PFI refers to "Private Finance Initiative, a program of the British government that allows the modernization of public infrastructure con l'ausilio del ricorso al finanziamento privato. Lo stesso modello è utilizzato in altri Stati membri, con varianti a volte notevoli.
[8] Citazione da Impagliazzo C. - Ippolito A, Il ruolo delle aziende miste nello sviluppo di nuovi rapporti tra pubblico e privato e nella creazione di valore sociale: il caso della Flegrea lavoro.

Period Like Cramps And Increased Cervical Mucous

Observations on the chin

A cura di Arminante Antonella, De Luca Melania, Gualtieri Teresa.

«Niente di quello che ho detto è vero, non perché non sia vero ma perché l’ho detto [1] ,
e viceversa
nothing of what I said is false, not because it is false but because I said so ".

Emilio Garroni With these words in his essay Observations on the chin [2] , introduces us to the age-old debate about the relationship between truth and falsehood, between the honest and saying what is false .
Prior to the analysis of the issues addressed in the work, it is necessary to clarify the terminology to avoid misunderstanding: we do not speak of lies and truth in an absolute sense, but the terms truthful / truthful / veracity will be used meaning ' non-liar " or "who says what he believes to be true."
The aim of the author is to understand the common foundation of real-lie and lie literature. This is done through a reflection on similarities and contrasts that first examines the actual circumstances of lying, then to compare with what happens in the fiction that is created in the literary text. On the other hand, as pointed out by the same Garroni, "It would not be possible" literary liar "if there was a" liar realeo better, if somehow there was a condition of lying. "

In fact, you can observe a wide phenomenology of lying [1] : The liar social
built that is eager for approval, to integrate into the group mind. He wears a mask, and if someone puts in doubt his claims, belies desperation. It 'a person who tends to believe that his lies are not really lies, while being haunted by the suspicion that they might be really,
The liar and realistic policy, which assumes that all behave like him a liar, while declaring the 'opposite. It 'not so much worried that the others believe, but rather the fact that the lies will be successful. Accused, denies with other lies or half lies, The Liar
mundane, nonprofit, mind as mind, without necessarily practical purposes. If it is found even denied, can smile, insisting on the lie or candidly acknowledging he had lied, liar
The exiled by the company in society is infantile, anxious, restless and white at the same time. Mind and leaves almost always dangerous signs of their own lies to be discovered as a liar.

the light of the above, therefore, we can not explain the phenomenon of the lie and the liar with one intention, but we can identify a common characteristic: the trait of sociability.
and social practice to expose the lie. It also supports Oscar Wilde, in The decay of lying when he speaks of a mythical cavernicolo protobugiardo come del fondatore delle relazioni sociali e della società civile [2] : «il protobugiardo è senza dubbio il vero iniziatore dei rapporti sociali perché l’obiettivo del bugiardo è affascinare, procurare piacere e gioia. Costui incarna le radici della società civile». Egli, una sera, pur non essendo mai uscito dalla caverna per andare a caccia, quando tutti erano riuniti attorno al primo fuoco che mai si fosse acceso, si mise a raccontare di come avesse ucciso il più grosso dinosauro che mai uomo avesse ucciso e, alla richiesta di prove per quanto raccontava, si inventò l'improvviso arrivo di una squadriglia di pterodattili che con i loro artigli avevano sollevato la preda e l'avevano portava via, con ciò unendo frottola a frottola.
Questa capacità di creare qualcosa di simile alla realtà, ma allo stesso tempo di diverso, fonda i rapporti sociali; detto altrimenti, non è sufficiente la pura elaborazione, è necessario anche comunicare a qualcuno questa invenzione. Le motivazioni di tale gesto possono essere fondamentalmente due, ossia la bugia può esser detta per gioco (una bugia fine a se stessa) o per ottenere qualcosa di più (per ingannare). Nel primo caso si ha la dimensione letteraria, i romanzi, le avventure di personaggi inventati che vivono in un universo così vicino e allo stesso tempo lontano da quello della nostra realtà quotidiana. Il secondo è l'ambito dell'inganno per avere un vantaggio personale, un avere di più che la sola nostra dotazione naturale non sarebbe in grado di garantire [3] .

Il bugiardo, quindi, non può essere un solitario; è piuttosto il prototipo dell’uomo sociale: la menzogna corrisponde alle aspettative di chi la ascolta, anzi presuppone un “intelligenza” delle aspettative di verità di chi vuole ingannare. Solo se c’è da parte del bugiardo un autentico intus legere, ovvero un “leggere dentro” la mente della sua vittima, egli può sperare di essere creduto. Non c’è bugia senza comprensione dell’altro.
Inoltre non c’è bugia senza conoscenza della verità. Questa questione already found ample space in the pages of the Sophist of Plato when he says: "Vera is the proposition that says about you things as they are, while false is the one that tells you different things than they are. [...] (The false proposition) says things are, but other than those that are related to you. " The hoax, a lie is not nothing, but different. Only by keeping in mind the concepts of otherness and relation, the concept of lying is meaningful and genuine possibility of success. It is ironic but true: the lie, to be true, requires the assumption of the truth that the discourse of falsehood and are then denied it later. "The lie is a share (and betray, we add) the most general and specific conditions of truthfulness, "says Garroni.
You can even dare to say that truth is more related to the liar than the truthful. The true, in fact, truthful no matter what others think of what he says, and the consciousness of its truth defends him enough from any possible attack. The liar, however, not be contained within its own separate universe, no interest if other people believe or not, but at the same time choose to share and to betray the terms of the joint report, click twice.
addition, because the lie has to have a course, can not help it that within the language shared by the group, which is within the so-called language-context that the liar shares with the speech community in which it is inserted [4] .

Just as it needs to share with other language-context, the liar makes it the least possible changes that should not be perceived as such by others. The principle underlying it is the "minimal effort": the lie because they must be strong and effective offense is never sensational, and every new lie is supported by previous lies embedded in the language-shared context.
Actually no speech act is the pure and simple repetition of something already fully contained in a shared language-context: every speech act involves at least a small change in a given context or aspect, the meaning of a word or expression, etc. .. So, ironically, the truthful mind getting a little 'as it brings only minor variations in language, shared context, contributing to its preservation, processing, and the liar is always a little' truthful because, by making changes to the language-context contributes the same way as truthful to its preservation-transformation [5] .
This does not mean that true and false are the same thing. Indeed
statement sarà definita di volta in volta veritiera o menzognera rispetto a certe condizioni fattuali che standardizzano il contesto-linguaggio di riferimento. Ad esempio, nel caso in cui, in uno scambio comunicativo, si sia verificata un’incertezza o uno scarto nella comunicazione, si fa di solito richiesta di un chiarimento, di una precisazione, che possa essere d’aiuto nel ricollegare l’origine del misunderstanding ad una menzogna o semplicemente ad un comportamento linguistico non convenzionale.
L’individuazione di una bugia, dunque, implica una lunga e problematica procedura di riformulazione, esplicitazione e di espansione del contesto volta ad appurare se le variazioni apportate al linguaggio-contesto vengono via via portate alla luce o sono, invece, ostinatamente presentate dal nostro mendace interlocutore come non-variazioni, come pure e semplici repliche del già condiviso.
In sostanza, il bugiardo si configura, oltre che come prototipo dell’uomo sociale, anche come un conservatore: egli non si ferma neanche di fronte all’evidenza, in quanto tenta di far passare come già previste le variazioni da lui apportate, pur essendo queste ultime delle variazioni palesemente finalizzate a portare fuori strada l’interlocutore.

È evidente che la procedura di riformulazione di cui si è detto non è che la specificazione di ciò che è l’intenzione del parlante.
L’idea di intenzionalità sembrerebbe fungere da vera e propria ultima condizione, presumibilmente anche sufficiente, della possibilità del veritiero e del menzognero.
Se si vuole analizzare a fondo il tema dell’intenzionalità, non si può non prendere in considerazione la riflessione filosofica di Sant’Agostino che, pur ricollegandosi a questioni più strettamente teologiche, ci offre comunque degli spunti interessanti.
Per Agostino non tutte le falsità sono menzogne: è mendax colui che vuole ingannare, indipendentemente dalla veridicità delle sue parole. Il male non è nell’errore, ma nell’intenzione di voler fare credere ciò che si ritiene un errore, non nell’ingannarsi ma nell’ingannare. Ovvero la menzogna non is similar to the error.
Therefore, to arrive at a clear definition of the lie must necessarily take into account the factor of intentionality.
"It's not a liar who tells lies, because they could be mistaken, you may joke, can lead one to believe the false to the truth: Who is a liar and double voluntas, who wants to fool expressing, in words or by other means, something different from what he believes true, with the clear intention to pass off the fake real. " You mind, then, only if there is going to lie. Besides, who minds, as St. Augustine, has a heart duplex, a double heart, because pensa una cosa diversa da quella che dice: «ha un pensiero della cosa che sa o ritiene vera e che non dice, un altro di quella che sa o ritiene essere falsa e che dice al posto del primo. Da ciò deriva che si possa dire il falso senza mentire […] e che si possa dire il vero mentendo […]. È dunque dall’intenzione dell’animo e non dalla verità o falsità delle cosa in sé che bisogna giudicare se uno mente o non mente» [6] .
Nella valutazione che Sant’Agostino fa della menzogna, dunque, si realizza il passaggio da uno schema diadico (basato sulla struttura mente-parola) ad uno schema triadico (basato sulla struttura mente-volontà-parola) [7] .

Garroni, indicates a very different position, which, however, stressed that the intentions of our actions, linguistic or otherwise, are ephemeral and unfathomable, and therefore apparently represent only a sufficient condition of the possibility of true and false.
intentions, in fact, are never so clear, in fact they are always a little 'ambiguous, often multiple, sometimes embedded one inside the other like Chinese boxes. For example, you may knowingly lie about aspects of an issue deemed to be insignificant, in the belief that they are intentionally truthful to the essentials, conversely, it can be for a while being truthful to our accuracy conditioned by an intention on the other misleading that tends to mislead the other party [8] .

These reflections, arising from observation of everyday reality, are also confirmed in the literary, as claimed Garroni 'understanding of lies have a relationship with the literary work in general. "
If we examine the liars in literature, in this case we are not facing a "going out that" we can read directly in the text.
In fact, apart from specifying the author all the real conditions for which a given lie is a lie, and even explicitly attributed to a character the intention of lying, the ambiguity and instability, which we previously referred, tend to persist [9] .
is true, in fact, that a character can be attributed intentions, but in reality he, as a character, not intentions, the author is simply a loan, often only in specific situations, not to stretch the overall context of the work .
ambiguity and lies, on the other hand, are essentially the inherent characteristics of the language: there seems reason to suspect that the lie is part of the talk itself. It is in this sense that we find the analogy between real and literary lie lie. Eco says: "There is no language where lies" [10] .
contrast, the literary lie differs from the real lie, as in the opera lacks the good will of the speakers "which allows, in fact, to limit and control the ambiguity just enough for the purposes of speaking and communicating. In reality, the procedures for drafting the context shall continue until such time as the speakers to reach an agreement and are satisfied, in a literary text that is not possible. This implies that if the character is a liar, he is in so far as it says and it is specified, no more than one measure: are not possible expansions of the language-context, that is ideally infinite integrations on the same level of literary description.
However, being a liar a liar, because of its limitations, characterization is never final and final interpretative: it is a liar, be suspended in its finite but open to interpretation ideally infinite. Although, for example, a character often said the way the lies of a liar for calling, it would be wrong or at least misleading to interpret it more as a liar.

a literary character, and the work to which it belongs, therefore, be regarded as a set of speech acts that require a language-context shared (ie the language-context of the writing of a certain type of work in a certain historical moment), which can be changed more or less deeply. Hence the opportunity to take a further analogy between literature and lying: they both have similar underlying mechanisms of operation.
But compared to lies and not-lie (which, as we saw in the course of this work, assume the truth conditions and a common problem of determining intent), occurs in the literary thing as a real lack of distinction between truth and untruthfulness. The literary work is both truthful and untruthful, and therefore not strictly truthful, properly or misleading. In it, simply, occurs and manifests itself in an exemplary manner the building, bedding and changing context of a language-. Conditions are those in the literary expression of the true mean lying and saying that in reality they are indescribable, the work itself is, indeed, the actual outcome (ie explicit) understanding (which is implied) by the author what is true / not true.

In this brief journey through the real and literary falsehood we have seen how the universal and necessary condition of mind is precisely the same time the condition of being universal and necessary veridici. L’opera letteraria non fa altro che mettere esplicitamente sotto i nostri occhi questa duplicità, che è la prova dell’esistenza di una vera e propria vocazione alla menzogna; come dice Garroni: «vivere, fare, esperimentare, parlare, conoscere, pensare è sempre qualcosa che oscilla tra veridicità e menzogna, tra l’avere-a-che-fare-con-qualcosa e il farlo-passare-per-qualcosa-d’altro» [11] .

«Niente di quello che ho detto è vero, non perché non sia vero ma perché l’ho detto [12] ,
e viceversa
niente di quello che ho detto è falso, not because it is false but because I said '

NOTES [1] In addition to liars, philosophers have more often dealt with the lie, which, in the literature, there are multiple taxonomies . We recall here those of St. Augustine and Jean Jacques Rousseau.
St. Augustine, the second part of De lies, the lies ranking based on their use and in decreasing order of severity:
1. Convert someone (and it is very serious lie in matters of faith);
2. Hurt tout court;
3. Enjoy deception;
4. As a favor to someone harming others;
5. Make a wish without harming anyone,
6. Revive the conversation;
7. Save a life;
8. Avoid someone to be an outrage unclean.
Jean Jacques Rousseau in his Confessions, classifies four types of lies:
1. The imposture, when you lie for personal gain;
2. Fraud, when you lie to the benefit of others;
3. Slander, when you lie with malicious intent;
4. The "white lie" when it is silent or deforms a thing of no use or do not bear any damage: it is pure fiction.
[2] See Oscar Wilde, The decay of lying, Mondadori, 1995, p. 41-42.
[3] emblem of this attitude toward life is the figure of Ulysses. During his wanderings around the Mediterranean, is ambiguous outlined an individual who does not lie just to save his life and that of his companions, as it might seem at first glance, but for the sake of lying. See Andrea Tagliapietra, Philosophy of the lie, Mondadori, 2001, pg. 126.
[4] The notion of language-context can be traced to the conception of language expressed by Wittgenstein in Philosophical Investigations. According to the philosopher, in fact, the language, as it is actually used, is a set of expressions that perform different functions in different discursive practices and rules, created in relation to a set of circumstances that he describes as life forms, and it is an instrument of the life of a community.
[5] The concept of language-a dynamic context and is not describable in a net; Garroni says, "is precisely a center that is immersed in the endless suburbs of speaking generally, extending as far as the horizon and generating virtually infinite number of centers, which is related, also intersecting with countless other places, that is always willing to change from within, as well as integrated or stand out from other centers in new configurations. "

[6] See Augustine, De mendacity, III, 3.
[7] See Andrea Tagliapietra, Philosophy of lies, 2001, Bruno Mondadori, pp. 257-258.
[8] On the other hand, the same Garroni highlights the existence of a relationship between true / false and one true or not true to say: "In time you can be true and also lie in what are known or presumed to know that there is something like the truth. " There is therefore a need, a request for truth, which can not help neither truthful nor not truthful.
[9] As you know, the fact that it states that a liar is not without serious difficulties interpretation, as the ancient paradox of the liar, also known as the antinomy of Crete.
[10] "The language does not need to know a possible reality, but to brush, not to see her, knowing exactly where he is, even assuming that this fact is known beyond doubt." See Giorgio Manganelli, Literature as lies, 1985, Adelphi, p. 14.
The language may simply touch the reality, known in full only by thought. Literature is the most honest expression of artificiality of the language: it is aware of its limitations, and from the outset, it is proposed physiologically misleading.
[11] Emilio Garroni, "Observations on lying" in comments on the chin and other conferences, Tecla Editions, 1994, p. 39.
[12] Tommaso Landolfi, "The suit" in three stories, Vallecchi publisher, 1964.