Monday, April 21, 2008

What Food Should Be Avoided In Ulcerative Colitis

Sadeviz: Log-File Visualization

Sadeviz : Log File Visualization
Sadeviz, acronym for Lerno De Sa sign There sual z ation, is the first the title of my thesis degree in Business Communication obtained with immense satisfaction, nel mentre della mia assenza "bloggistica".
Log-file Visualization sta ad indicare, semplicemente, il contenuto del mio lavoro: la progettazione di un software per visualizzare i log-file.

Continua così la tradizione di questo blog che, dopo la tesi di laurea di primo livello , ospiterà anche il mio ultimo parto universitario. Ecco, per il momento, l'introduzione!


" Grafica, design, comunicazione visiva, scienze cognitive, nuove tecnologie informatiche, e-marketing : questi sono solo alcuni degli argomenti trattati in questo work.

Create new visualization techniques and discover new approaches to communication are just some of the goals of those who make, communication, his profession and of those who see, in being communicative, its essence.
not enough to just know how to speak well or well know what to say. It is true that there are rules, written laws, and in any case, shared, which make communicating a real science, but the fact remains communicate matter of instinct.

SaDeViz: Log File Visualization born in completing a route, made up of tests and studies, passion and fun, boredom and anxiety, a path that ends fully, with the certainty of having taken away the best we could, with the conviction that now is finally ready to start living the lessons learned, eager to go around the world and communicate their rebirth.

Communicate with awareness, in the light of all that semiotics, proxemics, linguistics, psychology and teaches strategy in the light of all that, living immersed in the statement, he left in nature and in everyday life.
In this paper I begin to live as a communicator, to communicate in life, talking to live (and how could it otherwise).

In this paper we will speak first of Information Design : What, what is the object studied, those who are dealing with it, in what environment comes in contact with other disciplines such lives. (Part I, Chapters I-III)

The second part of the work describes different types of data and their most common forms of display : linear representations, representations organized in a reticular or hierarchical views for web. (Part II, Chapters IV-VII)

In the third part, to accommodate the deep curiosity and passion that I feel towards everything related to the World Wide Web, I focus my attention on log-file e sui diversi metodi di analisi ed interpretazione dei dati provenienti da Internet . (Parte III, Capitolo VII)

Nella quarta ed ultima parte descrivo il mio esperimento, il prototipo di un software che, tenendo conto di tutti gli accorgimenti raccolti in anni di studio, riesca a comunicare al meglio le informazioni ottenute dall'analisi dei log-file .

Il mio modo, ma solo uno dei tanti possibili, per rappresentare e visualizzare informazioni complesse a dimostrazione, metafora della vita, che da un intrico di dati, incomprensibile a primo acchito, indecifrabile e illeggibile anche al secondo, sia sempre possibile far emergere qualcosa good, interesting and communicative.

The right method, some simple measures and new technologies, because what you think, today, it also becomes possible . (Part IV, Chapter VIII) "