Il wiki è un sistema per realizzare pagine web in maniera collaborativa.
Il più popolare sistema wiki è sicuramente wikipedia .
Wikipedia è un'enciclopedia on line libera e open source alla quale tutti possono collaborare in maniera attiva a espanderla e implementarla.
Nata nel 2001, è presente sul web in 200 lingue ed è uno dei siti più popolari per la ricerca.
E' caratterizzata da copyleft , ovvero è permessa la redistribuzione, la creazione di opere derivate e l'uso commerciale del contenuto a condizione che si mantenga l'attribuzione agli autori.
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Friday, December 1, 2006
Dating Someone With Ocular Herpes
Utopias is a non-profit, independent, non-violent, non-partisan.
has as its object the promotion and implementation of cultural, social and editorials. Acting, information and training to contribute to the development community with a commitment that takes precedence in understanding and cooperation local and international.
has engaged in the dissemination of information on local and global issues and awareness campaigns , conducting seminars and workshops, organization of events. Inside
the site there are numerous insights on various issues: critical consumption, sustainable economy , Ecotourism , non-violence, human development and many others.
is also an interesting community.
Utopias is a non-profit, independent, non-violent, non-partisan.
has as its object the promotion and implementation of cultural, social and editorials. Acting, information and training to contribute to the development community with a commitment that takes precedence in understanding and cooperation local and international.
has engaged in the dissemination of information on local and global issues and awareness campaigns , conducting seminars and workshops, organization of events. Inside
the site there are numerous insights on various issues: critical consumption, sustainable economy , Ecotourism , non-violence, human development and many others.
is also an interesting community.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
How Much Build Squash Court
Plan Info-Communication Association
Hypothesis plan info-communication
A well-known paradox reads something like this: "If a tree falls in a forest, desert, make noise?".
mutatis mutandis, those responsible for the communications department of the Central Dairy of Salerno, in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness of communication mechanisms implemented by the organization, should ask themselves: "If our company, its brand, its products and its activities are not sufficiently publicized, it still manages to attract the attention of audiences? ". The answer to that question that anyone would be "No".
The reason is simple: the success of a business and maintaining competitive advantage over time are related primarily to the distinctive skills and values \u200b\u200bguide the company, its mode of operation, the characteristics of its offer (the elements, these which are all high-profile case in the central dairy), but also to the ability of the firm to communicate these outside elements, making it nearly transparent in the eyes of those who do not live and work within it (whether actual or potential consumers, retailers, public opinion or opinion leaders in general) and allowing them to get an idea, as faithful as possible to reality, the value enterprise.
The communication activities of the Central Dairy of Salerno, but may rely on a good marketing department, has not yet reached full maturity. In fact you prefer traditional forms of communication, easier to implement (since it is more common in practice), but less secure in the quality and effectiveness of the impact on public (since they often follow communication of the plates, instead of grasping the characteristic identity that communicates the company).
Station of milk, in fact, to date, the highest concentration of joint efforts on the front of the classic advertising (TV and radio spots, advertisements in newspapers, billboards and posters - whose language, in our view, should come to updated and enhanced to appeal to new generations, following, for example, the collective model of the campaign "Got Milk?" of U.S. producers of milk) and the organization or sponsorship of events (recurring yearly, just to name a few most significant the event "I love milk "or conferences on healthy eating) ignoring completely the support that could come from a parallel of" public relations ", and in particular relations with the press in a news-marketing perspective. Such a type of activity, also known by the name of publicity or propaganda, has significant positive implications of non-negligible:
- is at no cost, as it is a form of communication media consists of any form of news or editorial comment paid but not commercially significant, the content, defined by opinion leaders (journalists) covers ideas, products, events or institutions;
- has a high degree of credibility, since the message conveyed is not developed and managed by the company at a space purchased, as with advertising, but is filtered in an impartial manner by means of mass communication.
If well managed, therefore, this type of communication is able to reach influential audiences with the aim to introduce the company to create goodwill towards him and, simultaneously, known for its products.
lines of action that, as a result of this analysis, we recommend to the Central Milk Salerno go in a direction that favors the appearance of a news-marketing to support a communication that is already active, developed and characterized by specific themes and recognizable. It is desirable, therefore, the creation of a press office, which, with its activities, maintain a high level of visibility of the stimuli and the attention and interest of journalists on the company's products and initiatives, particularly through the issuing of press releases targeted, built around specific business issues that can support the informational value of the news and generate interest in the public, regardless of mere promotional activity. This organization does not
upgrade will provide the Central Dairy of Salerno, who knows what titanic enterprise, from momento che la logica della qualità è parte integrante dell’azienda, a tutti i livelli della filiera. I contenuti della comunicazione, dunque, non mancano. Occorre solo dar loro una voce.
Presentation of business case
"Central Dairy of Salerno"
Published by the Department of Economics and Statistics, University of Salerno in the collection Notebooks in "The Strange job of" selling "news. Traces Scattered news marketing "n ° 19, 2006 ( CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE FILE ).
Station of Salerno's milk, in contrast to what might lead one to imagine the popularity of its brand and his name is, with its 49 employees, one of the many small and medium-sized enterprises that have made the economic history of Salerno.
Founded in 1928, is now nearly eighty years on the local market, boasting an undisputed leadership in terms of quality control and certification of products and production processes, but also in terms of breadth and variety of the range.
speaking, however, in terms of location within del mercato di riferimento, la Centrale del latte si trova a competere, oltre che con marchi diffusi su scala nazionale come Parmalat o Granarolo, solo per citarne alcuni, anche con un marchio campano, Latte Berna, che può contare su una grande fetta di quote di mercato derivanti da un ampio e consolidato bacino di consumatori presenti in tutta la regione, marchio che per questo motivo si configura come il vero market leader, nei confronti del quale la Centrale del latte di Salerno si pone in posizione di challenger, ovvero di sfidante.
La sfida di mercato che vede protagonisti, sul limitato terreno del mercato locale, queste aziende e i loro marchi si realizza sulla base di presupposti strategici antitetici:
- la strategia portata avanti from the Central Dairy of Salerno is based on the competitive advantage resulting from the differentiation and quality certified and guaranteed supply (premium price);
- the competitive strategy of brands such as Bern, or as national, is based on the reduction of price (price competition), which makes the products more appealing because the scope of the pockets of anyone, especially those who consume large quantities of milk daily.
You can complete this analysis scenario outlining a framework that reflects both the short-term horizon is the future, and sees a market like that of milk essentially static (year after year, its size tend to remain constant, so each company must grow to try to steal share to competitors) and saturated (no more development potential because the penetration or the percentage of the total number of potential consumers reached by the product has reached its maximum , then the survival of businesses is linked to their ability to differentiate products, work on their quality or intervene on their price).
Even a product like milk has specific characteristics, that is a good basic necessities (meets, that is, a basic need) and consumer (is an asset for a large group of consumers, low price and high frequency of purchase) characteristics that do not leave enough freedom to develop innovative communication campaigns and high impact.
A key question, to which heads both the planning and marketing to communication, is the design and definition of the target group. Before going to analyze what were the choices that effect the central dairy, it is necessary to clarify that absolutely must not confuse the target group that meets the objective of marketing (simply put, those on which you wish to sell product) with the target group that meets the objective of communication (people to whom it is intended to change attitudes towards the product). I due gruppi possono a volte coincidere, ma nella maggior parte dei casi il target di comunicazione è molto più ampio del target di marketing, sia perché per raggiungere quelli che si desidera acquistino il prodotto è necessario contattarne molti di più, sia perché è comunque utile creare un alone di favore e di notorietà per il prodotto anche presso un pubblico che non necessariamente diventerà acquirente.
Per quanto riguarda il caso in esame, si verifica una condizione estremamente sfavorevole all’azienda: il target di comunicazione della Centrale è sostanzialmente più ristretto di quello di marketing. Infatti a fronte di un target di marketing potenzialmente estensibile a tutte le fasce di consumatori (bambini, young adults-especially women-and the elderly; even the lactose intolerant, in which it is addressed to the Allegro Fresh line of products low in sugar) due to intrinsic properties of the milk and the quality and variety of products offered, the target of communication is calibrated essentially on an audience of children and, secondarily, by women.
The evidence to support this claim comes to us from the fact that the common tactics of the Central Dairy of Salerno leverage mainly on forms of communication such as advertising and sales promotion (options trading), who turn the so-called purchasing managers (those who do not necessarily consume the product, but buying it in stores, are critical in choosing a brand rather than another)-the vast majority of cases are women-or the sponsorship and organization of events for the benefit of the elementary school, that appeal to children in their role as counselors-makers (those not directly involved in the purchase, but are, however, the final consumers, with their suggestions to the purchasing manager which brand to buy).
order to expand the advertising target, in order to reach all potential consumers and enter into a phase of market expansion, we suggest, as a driver of development, exploitation of excellent public relations skills demonstrated by the company over the years through alternative forms of communication that can stimulate the interest of opinion leaders and the media.
Founded in 1928, is now nearly eighty years on the local market, boasting an undisputed leadership in terms of quality control and certification of products and production processes, but also in terms of breadth and variety of the range.
speaking, however, in terms of location within del mercato di riferimento, la Centrale del latte si trova a competere, oltre che con marchi diffusi su scala nazionale come Parmalat o Granarolo, solo per citarne alcuni, anche con un marchio campano, Latte Berna, che può contare su una grande fetta di quote di mercato derivanti da un ampio e consolidato bacino di consumatori presenti in tutta la regione, marchio che per questo motivo si configura come il vero market leader, nei confronti del quale la Centrale del latte di Salerno si pone in posizione di challenger, ovvero di sfidante.
La sfida di mercato che vede protagonisti, sul limitato terreno del mercato locale, queste aziende e i loro marchi si realizza sulla base di presupposti strategici antitetici:
- la strategia portata avanti from the Central Dairy of Salerno is based on the competitive advantage resulting from the differentiation and quality certified and guaranteed supply (premium price);
- the competitive strategy of brands such as Bern, or as national, is based on the reduction of price (price competition), which makes the products more appealing because the scope of the pockets of anyone, especially those who consume large quantities of milk daily.
You can complete this analysis scenario outlining a framework that reflects both the short-term horizon is the future, and sees a market like that of milk essentially static (year after year, its size tend to remain constant, so each company must grow to try to steal share to competitors) and saturated (no more development potential because the penetration or the percentage of the total number of potential consumers reached by the product has reached its maximum , then the survival of businesses is linked to their ability to differentiate products, work on their quality or intervene on their price).
Even a product like milk has specific characteristics, that is a good basic necessities (meets, that is, a basic need) and consumer (is an asset for a large group of consumers, low price and high frequency of purchase) characteristics that do not leave enough freedom to develop innovative communication campaigns and high impact.
A key question, to which heads both the planning and marketing to communication, is the design and definition of the target group. Before going to analyze what were the choices that effect the central dairy, it is necessary to clarify that absolutely must not confuse the target group that meets the objective of marketing (simply put, those on which you wish to sell product) with the target group that meets the objective of communication (people to whom it is intended to change attitudes towards the product). I due gruppi possono a volte coincidere, ma nella maggior parte dei casi il target di comunicazione è molto più ampio del target di marketing, sia perché per raggiungere quelli che si desidera acquistino il prodotto è necessario contattarne molti di più, sia perché è comunque utile creare un alone di favore e di notorietà per il prodotto anche presso un pubblico che non necessariamente diventerà acquirente.
Per quanto riguarda il caso in esame, si verifica una condizione estremamente sfavorevole all’azienda: il target di comunicazione della Centrale è sostanzialmente più ristretto di quello di marketing. Infatti a fronte di un target di marketing potenzialmente estensibile a tutte le fasce di consumatori (bambini, young adults-especially women-and the elderly; even the lactose intolerant, in which it is addressed to the Allegro Fresh line of products low in sugar) due to intrinsic properties of the milk and the quality and variety of products offered, the target of communication is calibrated essentially on an audience of children and, secondarily, by women.
The evidence to support this claim comes to us from the fact that the common tactics of the Central Dairy of Salerno leverage mainly on forms of communication such as advertising and sales promotion (options trading), who turn the so-called purchasing managers (those who do not necessarily consume the product, but buying it in stores, are critical in choosing a brand rather than another)-the vast majority of cases are women-or the sponsorship and organization of events for the benefit of the elementary school, that appeal to children in their role as counselors-makers (those not directly involved in the purchase, but are, however, the final consumers, with their suggestions to the purchasing manager which brand to buy).
order to expand the advertising target, in order to reach all potential consumers and enter into a phase of market expansion, we suggest, as a driver of development, exploitation of excellent public relations skills demonstrated by the company over the years through alternative forms of communication that can stimulate the interest of opinion leaders and the media.
Hypothesis plan info-communication
A well-known paradox reads something like this: "If a tree falls in a forest, desert, make noise?".
mutatis mutandis, those responsible for the communications department of the Central Dairy of Salerno, in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness of communication mechanisms implemented by the organization, should ask themselves: "If our company, its brand, its products and its activities are not sufficiently publicized, it still manages to attract the attention of audiences? ". The answer to that question that anyone would be "No".
The reason is simple: the success of a business and maintaining competitive advantage over time are related primarily to the distinctive skills and values \u200b\u200bguide the company, its mode of operation, the characteristics of its offer (the elements, these which are all high-profile case in the central dairy), but also to the ability of the firm to communicate these outside elements, making it nearly transparent in the eyes of those who do not live and work within it (whether actual or potential consumers, retailers, public opinion or opinion leaders in general) and allowing them to get an idea, as faithful as possible to reality, the value enterprise.
The communication activities of the Central Dairy of Salerno, but may rely on a good marketing department, has not yet reached full maturity. In fact you prefer traditional forms of communication, easier to implement (since it is more common in practice), but less secure in the quality and effectiveness of the impact on public (since they often follow communication of the plates, instead of grasping the characteristic identity that communicates the company).
Station of milk, in fact, to date, the highest concentration of joint efforts on the front of the classic advertising (TV and radio spots, advertisements in newspapers, billboards and posters - whose language, in our view, should come to updated and enhanced to appeal to new generations, following, for example, the collective model of the campaign "Got Milk?" of U.S. producers of milk) and the organization or sponsorship of events (recurring yearly, just to name a few most significant the event "I love milk "or conferences on healthy eating) ignoring completely the support that could come from a parallel of" public relations ", and in particular relations with the press in a news-marketing perspective. Such a type of activity, also known by the name of publicity or propaganda, has significant positive implications of non-negligible:
- is at no cost, as it is a form of communication media consists of any form of news or editorial comment paid but not commercially significant, the content, defined by opinion leaders (journalists) covers ideas, products, events or institutions;
- has a high degree of credibility, since the message conveyed is not developed and managed by the company at a space purchased, as with advertising, but is filtered in an impartial manner by means of mass communication.
If well managed, therefore, this type of communication is able to reach influential audiences with the aim to introduce the company to create goodwill towards him and, simultaneously, known for its products.
lines of action that, as a result of this analysis, we recommend to the Central Milk Salerno go in a direction that favors the appearance of a news-marketing to support a communication that is already active, developed and characterized by specific themes and recognizable. It is desirable, therefore, the creation of a press office, which, with its activities, maintain a high level of visibility of the stimuli and the attention and interest of journalists on the company's products and initiatives, particularly through the issuing of press releases targeted, built around specific business issues that can support the informational value of the news and generate interest in the public, regardless of mere promotional activity. This organization does not
upgrade will provide the Central Dairy of Salerno, who knows what titanic enterprise, from momento che la logica della qualità è parte integrante dell’azienda, a tutti i livelli della filiera. I contenuti della comunicazione, dunque, non mancano. Occorre solo dar loro una voce.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Garden State Mall Vicodin
La Voce
difficult to define what is " voice."
We can define a sort of online newspaper made an editorial spread (the members that compose it are 24 more other employees).
On this site we can find numerous articles, reviews , comments and letters relating to various topics (all listed in the left column). The particularity of
The voice is that there copiright on articles.
They may be reproduced, modified, distributed, transmitted, republished or otherwise used in whole or in part, without the prior consent of, provided that such use for the purpose of personal use, study, research or other non-commercial and is credited as the source.
difficult to define what is " voice."
We can define a sort of online newspaper made an editorial spread (the members that compose it are 24 more other employees).
On this site we can find numerous articles, reviews , comments and letters relating to various topics (all listed in the left column). The particularity of
The voice is that there copiright on articles.
They may be reproduced, modified, distributed, transmitted, republished or otherwise used in whole or in part, without the prior consent of, provided that such use for the purpose of personal use, study, research or other non-commercial and is credited as the source.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Sport Psychology Salary

nasce nell'estate 2006 con l'obiettivo di rendere Salerno una città a misura di giovani, vitale e dinamica.
Siamo un'associazione che si occupa dell'organizzazione di Eventi Culturali
(ed io, in particolare, sono responsabile del SETTORE MUSICA).
weekends of July 2006 the 'Young Salerno Association has organized a musical event in the city by the name
' The Other Movida "
attended groups of musicians from Campania.
On 23 - 24 - 25 September 2006, the 'Young Salerno Association has managed the organization of the
"Exhibition of Creativity"
which gave the opportunity to know various creative arts
(music, theater, writers, poetry, dance, street performers, etc.)
What Age For South Park
Salerno Youth Work Project "CELIAqui"
By Arminante Antonella De Luca Melanie Teresa Gualtieri.
This is the logo created specifically to meet our project of e-marketing.
By Arminante Antonella De Luca Melanie Teresa Gualtieri.

This is the logo created specifically to meet our project of e-marketing.
'S NAME: CELIAqui - Shop gluten-free products
CELIAqui is a distributor of food products without gluten established with the objective to develop solutions to practical problems and psychological that people with celiac disease face daily in respect a strict gluten-free diet. Through the Network we offer a delivery service and delivery, throughout the national territory, a wide range of high quality but difficult to find, all in the AIC (Italian Celiac Association), and then approved by the Ministry of Health.
Achieving the highest standards of customer satisfaction by offering excellent products for taste, variety and safety
In response to the increasing incidence of celiac disease in Italy and the difficulty of finding shops that sell a wide range of products included in the AIC, we intend to develop our pervasive presence on the Italian market and strengthen our core competencies to provide our customers the choice and not settle.
improve the lifestyle of celiac starting from the power.
- Target : The public we serve is essentially made up of people with celiac disease and their families (Or by parents acting as purchasing managers, ie those who do not necessarily consume the product but buy it on behalf of their children suffering from asthma). Celiac disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten, a protein found in many cereals. In Italy the incidence of such intolerance is estimated at 100/150 people every subject. The celiac, therefore, would potentially about 400,000, but only 35,000 have been diagnosed. Each year 5,000 new diagnoses are made each year and 2,800 new born with celiac disease, with an annual increase of 9%. The gluten-free diet is the only therapy that provides the celiac a perfect state of health. (Source: ).
- Positioning: The site of e-commerce is part of a market that basically does not give customers no alternative to the online traditional retailers. In the case of foodstuffs for celiac on land are the main distributors to pharmacies from which you can spend the voucher paid monthly by the ASL. However, pharmacies can not afford to accommodate within their stores varied assortment of such products, for which the customer (who is obliged to pay the full monthly voucher at one pharmacy) must be satisfied with the marks - a few - and products – altrettanto poco numerosi – trattati dalla farmacia scelta, senza avere la possibilità di costruirsi una lista della spesa composita. Per quanto riguarda la situazione on line, la maggior parte dei siti che trattano prodotti alimentari per celiaci rimanda, per la vendita, ai propri negozi sparsi sul territorio, oppure, nel caso di siti in cui è prevista l’opzione di e-commerce, si tratta di negozi mono brand. si presenta on line come sito di e-commerce che offre un catalogo di prodotti multibrand per consentire al cliente di spendere il buono mensile nella massima libertà di scelta.Questa scelta di posizionamento è supportata da una strategia di lock-in, strategia essenzialmente comparable to any marketing campaign designed to keep the customer in a relationship with the company aimed at commercial transactions. The lock-in cost impacts as a result of consumer behavior. If they leave the site he would be obliged to give up elements and features that make it faster on the one hand the buying experience, and explain a range of other choices unimaginable for an expenditure made in the pharmacy. The procedure to tie the customer to our site refer to: special discounts, loyalty programs, customization of the navigation path (interface "MyShop"), offering exclusive services. The lock-in and attached actions customization consentono di facilitare la ritenzione dei clienti e di limitare i tassi di churn della clientela, evitando che il cliente passi a un altro retailer o e-tailer nell’operare le transazioni.
CELIAqui è un’azienda pure player e come tale opera esclusivamente in Rete, rivolgendosi direttamente al consumatore finale (B2C).
- Livello di sviluppo del sito : Sito interattivo con opzione dell’e-commerce e del servizio post-vendita
- Type of infomediary used : The Infomedia and the epicenter of value creation in the virtual network connections that is embodied in the market. The infomediary operators are specialized in collecting, sorting, organization and delivery of information, through their work are able to jointly ensure capacity (reach), diversity (richness) and relational skills. For this reason it is crucial to achieving a competitive advantage that the contents of our website are taken into account by these operators. We will use, therefore, infomediary, such as: search engines (Google) and directories (Virgil) - tools that appear to be of great assistance in navigation path to find information of interest to the offer; publishers or sites that offer information on specific topics ( ).
- Assortment : CELIAqui offers an assortment of special type, which is a very wide range of products in many categories, but deep in the number of references for each category. To know in detail the products included in our catalog is provided in Annex 1.
- Variables merchandise: Our offer is composed exclusively of food everyday. They are usually defined as products, trivial, or "products that consumers purchase frequently and minimizing the effort of buying and comparison" (Kotler 1996). Therefore the products seem to be less suitable to be marketed online. However, gluten-free foods have the characteristic of being difficult to find in the local market (they are mainly distributed by pharmacies - and pharmacies are not present in all the towns of Italy), which makes them suitable for online sales. Therefore, we define them as trivial products that lend themselves to sale on line.
- Variables merchandise: Our offer is composed exclusively of food everyday. They are usually defined as products, trivial, or "products that consumers purchase frequently and minimizing the effort of buying and comparison" (Kotler 1996). Therefore the products seem to be less suitable to be marketed online. However, gluten-free foods have the characteristic of being difficult to find in the local market (they are mainly distributed by pharmacies - and pharmacies are not present in all the towns of Italy), which makes them suitable for online sales. Therefore, we define them as trivial products that lend themselves to sale on line.
- Modelli alternativi di consegna : La nostra impresa fa riferimento ad una rete di fornitori ; il cliente invia l’ordine a CELIAqui che lo trasferisce al fornitore. Quest’ultimo invia i prodotti ordinati al nostro deposito e da qui vengono consegnato al cliente. Il modello di consegna da noi implementato è il network–based delivery, un modello innovativo che permette di ridurre al minimo i costi di logistica in uscita e che ben si adatta ad un’impresa di sola distribuzione, qual è appunto CELIAqui.
- management and order entry: The management of order entry will be through two instruments: the shopping cart and customized graphical user interface called "MyShop.
The shopping cart keeps track of the items that are selected for purchase and allows you to control what it contains, add new products or remove those that are already there. To order an item, simply click on the image or product name: all the details, including price, code and other information, are stored automatically by the system. To proceed to the payment of the goods or services indicated just select a button to complete the transaction. Once the payment method indicated, various data will be processed and your order is complete. The order placed by the customer will be accepted only if the entire order process is completed regularly and properly without any error messages you receive from the site. CELIAqui not include in cost products not specifically requested by the Customer (except for any promotional product). In his e-mail you will receive confirmation of the order made, with the summary dei prodotti, dei relativi prezzi e delle condizioni generali e particolari applicabili all’ordine stesso.
Con l’interfaccia grafica personalizzata “MyShop” il cliente può salvare le precedenti liste della spesa, memorizzare più di un recapito per la consegna e personalizzare tutte le opzioni relative alla spedizione in modo da ottenere un servizio più rispondente alle sue esigenze e rendere, inoltre, l’esperienza d’acquisto più rapida.
The shopping cart keeps track of the items that are selected for purchase and allows you to control what it contains, add new products or remove those that are already there. To order an item, simply click on the image or product name: all the details, including price, code and other information, are stored automatically by the system. To proceed to the payment of the goods or services indicated just select a button to complete the transaction. Once the payment method indicated, various data will be processed and your order is complete. The order placed by the customer will be accepted only if the entire order process is completed regularly and properly without any error messages you receive from the site. CELIAqui not include in cost products not specifically requested by the Customer (except for any promotional product). In his e-mail you will receive confirmation of the order made, with the summary dei prodotti, dei relativi prezzi e delle condizioni generali e particolari applicabili all’ordine stesso.
Con l’interfaccia grafica personalizzata “MyShop” il cliente può salvare le precedenti liste della spesa, memorizzare più di un recapito per la consegna e personalizzare tutte le opzioni relative alla spedizione in modo da ottenere un servizio più rispondente alle sue esigenze e rendere, inoltre, l’esperienza d’acquisto più rapida.
- Strumenti di e-CRM utilizzati : CELIAqui dispone di FAQ, di una mappa del sito, di un motore di ricerca interno (per individuare con rapidità i prodotti del catalogo o i contenuti del sito that most interest), a newsletter (with the so-called alert function, to give the client the possibility to be informed promptly about all the news relating to the product catalog and promotions, and updates section of conventions, exhibitions, specialty restaurants, recipes, personal and regional), to customer support via e-mail (to answer all those questions from our customers that have not already been answered in the FAQ), an assistant and a virtual shopping guide (accompanying the first-time user experience of shopping and purchase) and a customer database (to find, interpret and anticipate the needs consumers, and collect all information about a particular customer);
- Delivery methods provided : CELIAqui delivery throughout the country, the cost of shipping to an address not included in the price of the products. Shipping charges are fixed. The decision to establish a tariff undifferentiated lump may lead to improved results in sales, with consumers, in fact, having to pay a certain sum regardless of the quantity purchased will be encouraged to increase the volume of purchase, "cushioning" and that the cost of transport.
The products ordered are delivered in sealed packets in place on the day and at the time the order was confirmed at the time. It is possible for the client to agree with the time of delivery courier and other deliveries. Where there are failures, CELIAqui is committed to inform customers.
payment systems provided: CELIAqui offers the ability to make payments both online and off line. In the first case, the payment shall be made by credit card or prepaid card, the second by bank transfer or cash and will provide a fixed fee of 3.50 euro for each delivery shipment.
The products ordered are delivered in sealed packets in place on the day and at the time the order was confirmed at the time. It is possible for the client to agree with the time of delivery courier and other deliveries. Where there are failures, CELIAqui is committed to inform customers.
payment systems provided: CELIAqui offers the ability to make payments both online and off line. In the first case, the payment shall be made by credit card or prepaid card, the second by bank transfer or cash and will provide a fixed fee of 3.50 euro for each delivery shipment.
The simplest mode in network pricing is that prices set by the company, without any form of active involvement by the final consumer, which merely to express or deny its consent or refusal by the decision of purchase the conditions imposed by the seller. As far from the traditional logic of interactivity of the Web, a similar mechanism, prevailing in the markets, like ours, where the number of buyers is significantly higher than that of retailers-has some advantages, in that low-cost consitono transaction (not necessary any form of contract) and in the perception of fairness resulting for the buyer, since all consumers pay exactly the same price for the same product.
In particular, the choice of CELIAqui falls on a method of pricing established directly from this bundling. It is characterized by the creation of packages to offer structured, aimed at the satisfaction of clusters of complex needs that require the consumer to pay a total price for the use of bundles of products and services developed from a single source in the virtual value chain. The price of a package is generally lower than the sum of its parts and the integration of multiple products within a single bundle also allows the sale to the fraction of buyers who would not be willing to buy some of the products included at full price. It is essential, in this case, do not offer discounts on products that consumers would buy anyway.
In particular, the choice of CELIAqui falls on a method of pricing established directly from this bundling. It is characterized by the creation of packages to offer structured, aimed at the satisfaction of clusters of complex needs that require the consumer to pay a total price for the use of bundles of products and services developed from a single source in the virtual value chain. The price of a package is generally lower than the sum of its parts and the integration of multiple products within a single bundle also allows the sale to the fraction of buyers who would not be willing to buy some of the products included at full price. It is essential, in this case, do not offer discounts on products that consumers would buy anyway.
jointly chosen
To illustrate the choice of communication of our company will appeal to the conceptual schematic of the wheel expressed in the communication mix, elaborate scheme to show the combinations of areas, forms, equipment and vehicles engaged by a company in its communications activities.
Regarding the areas, here we will only marketing communication, that which relates to the product and the recipient client.
Regarding the forms, CELIAqui chose to practice:
- e-advertising à Above the Web: Keyword advertising;
Below the Web: e-mail
- promotions online product (3x2, discounts, free delivery for those who acquired by a single frequency)
- e-merchandising
It is hoped to be also subject to spontaneous electronic buzz, since CELIAqui is one of the few e-commerce sites that sell products for celiacs.
the active medium is, of course, the Internet.
vehicles through which you want to achieve the above are forms of communication the following:
- search engines (Google)
- website ( )
Regarding the areas, here we will only marketing communication, that which relates to the product and the recipient client.
Regarding the forms, CELIAqui chose to practice:
- e-advertising à Above the Web: Keyword advertising;
Below the Web: e-mail
- promotions online product (3x2, discounts, free delivery for those who acquired by a single frequency)
- e-merchandising
It is hoped to be also subject to spontaneous electronic buzz, since CELIAqui is one of the few e-commerce sites that sell products for celiacs.
the active medium is, of course, the Internet.
vehicles through which you want to achieve the above are forms of communication the following:
- search engines (Google)
- website ( )
To ensure high safety standards and reduce the perceived risk, CELIAqui used for transactions made by credit card, the SET protocol (Secure Transaction Eletronic).
CELIAqui process the customer's personal information in compliance with applicable laws on privacy.
CELIAqui process the customer's personal information in compliance with applicable laws on privacy.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Meaning Of Jelly Bands
We already talked about Banks Armed here.
Banks armed marketing years is a member of the largest network of projects Disarmament.
Disarmament and controls: the Italian network against disarmament.
the site host various campaigns such as those mentioned above or just one mine.
the high number of participating network associations such as ACLI , Arci , Association Pope John XXIII , Amnesty International and many others.
Disarmament is working on several projects to which you can adererire and actively participate as an individual citizen or as a company / association.
Il sito ci fornisce nella sua homepage le principali news sul tema del disarmo provenienti dalla rete con relativo feed RSS , newsletter e documenti da scaricare.
We already talked about Banks Armed here.
Banks armed marketing years is a member of the largest network of projects Disarmament.
Disarmament and controls: the Italian network against disarmament.
the site host various campaigns such as those mentioned above or just one mine.
the high number of participating network associations such as ACLI , Arci , Association Pope John XXIII , Amnesty International and many others.
Disarmament is working on several projects to which you can adererire and actively participate as an individual citizen or as a company / association.
Il sito ci fornisce nella sua homepage le principali news sul tema del disarmo provenienti dalla rete con relativo feed RSS , newsletter e documenti da scaricare.
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My argument ...
"Musical ... mente"
The objective of my thesis was to describe, in a creative and original, the role of music in everyday life, technology and new media, especially in communication advertising.
I focused more on aspects SEMIOTICS (sense of) the use of music in commercials, and not only on the evocative music that determines the consumer of the product being advertised.
My analysis wants to highlight the function polysemic (ie who has more than one meaning) of the music and its ability to focus on the primary, innate and natural to generate excitement and create meanings !
"Levi's Engineered Jeans - freedom of movement" is a charming spot, advertising tends to bring out more exciting than the thickness content of the metaphor on which it is built, rather than the promotional purpose for which it was designed.
No images or narrator says about the product: the narrative power is conferred primarily to visual images.
The ad has received, in addition to the broad public consensus, an important recognition in the gala ceremony of the "Half a minute of gold" (runner-up in 2002).
The most significant aspect of this movie advertising is not so much the technical issues, as choices rather than narrative.
The long version of the spot can be divided into three main sequences .
The first macro-sequence begins with an guy who opens a door, steps back, pauses for a moment and then began to run and smash all the walls in its path.
The first macro-sequence begins with an guy who opens a door, steps back, pauses for a moment and then began to run and smash all the walls in its path.
During the run of a young girl who appears on the scene, too, is launched against the walls and through them.
The protagonists run on two different paths, and perhaps still do not know to be in two.
The second macro-sequenza ci mostra i due protagonisti nella stessa stanza. I ragazzi si sono accorti di non essere soli a correre, adesso camminano, lentamente, e si guardano.
The second macro-sequenza ci mostra i due protagonisti nella stessa stanza. I ragazzi si sono accorti di non essere soli a correre, adesso camminano, lentamente, e si guardano.
I volti dei due sono tesi, i ragazzi non si sorridono, si guardano intensamente per qualche momento e poi, ricominciano a correre.
La terza macro-sequenza si apre con un ennesimo muro che si rompe, questa volta il muro è quello di un edificio: i ragazzi adesso si trovano all’esterno.
La terza macro-sequenza si apre con un ennesimo muro che si rompe, questa volta il muro è quello di un edificio: i ragazzi adesso si trovano all’esterno.
Corrono sugli alberi, accelerano la loro corsa come in volata finale verso un traguardo.
Un last jump, and after the walls and trees, now in the atmosphere, are continuing to run in infinite space, in the absence of gravity.
The spot stops, but not the two boys are still in motion, and their race is not over yet. .!
What better example of this, a spot that does not "say anything" but that is based solely on the effect of evocative images, to understand and analyze the role of the soundtrack for an advertisement?
What better example of this, a spot that does not "say anything" but that is based solely on the effect of evocative images, to understand and analyze the role of the soundtrack for an advertisement?
The spot is completely focused on travel and movement without constraint.
The spot is completely focused on travel and movement without constraint.
But why the two boys run?
It runs to reach someone or something,
It runs to reach someone or something,
but also to get away from someone or something;
often runs for fun,
but more often for competition;
we run to release tension,
or even to express anger and disagreement.
. The
TOPIC (strands of interpretation) of the race are many and all plausible.
TOPIC (strands of interpretation) of the race are many and all plausible.
Allo spot senza musica sono state date molteplici interpretazioni, ma come si può indirizzare lo spettatore verso una piuttosto che un’altra? L’esperimento di montaggio che ho realizzato ha lo scopo di dimostrare come melodie diverse, montate su uno stesso visivo, riescano ad indirizzare la nostra interpretazione verso un topic piuttosto che un altro.
Interpretazione della Versione Originale
Spot Originale - “Sarabande” di Haendel
Il topic utilizzato dalla Levi’s nella versione originale dello spot è quello della Complicità amorosa: i due ragazzi sono due fidanzati, la metafora soggiacente è quella del rapporto amoroso che si evolve drammaticamente in un’irrazionale corsa verso il nulla, e quindi verso il sacro. È l’amore che si svela in tutta la sua dirompente forza anarchica, che spinge dall’interno e che fa mettere in discussione addirittura le leggi della fisica (spaccare i muri, correre sui tronchi degli alberi, fluttuare nello spazio). I volti dei protagonisti esaltano il senso della passione e il desiderio di spingersi insieme al proprio compagno/a oltre le soglie del possibile.
Interpretazione della Fuga.
Spot Fuga - V Sinfonia di Beethoven
Approfittando della portata comunicativa e dalla fama di tale pezzo, si cerca, in questa versione, di rendere il senso d’inquietudine e di sospensione, creando l’attesa del “ ta ta ta taa, ta ta ta taa”. Attesa si risolve in due momenti dello spot (quando lei e lui si guardano e nel finale).
Approfittando della portata comunicativa e dalla fama di tale pezzo, si cerca, in questa versione, di rendere il senso d’inquietudine e di sospensione, creando l’attesa del “ ta ta ta taa, ta ta ta taa”. Attesa si risolve in due momenti dello spot (quando lei e lui si guardano e nel finale).
L’emozione suggerita è quella della paura, dell’incertezza e dell’ignoto.
Le note e le scale armoniche, nonché l’attesa del momento topico della sinfonia, riescono a creare l’effetto di tensione e paura cercato.
Seguendo il topic della Fuga, i due protagonisti ci apparirebbero inquieti, tormentati, spaventati. Lui corre rabbiosamente, lei urla. S’incontrano e si guardano, e poi ricominciano a fuggire.
Le note e le scale armoniche, nonché l’attesa del momento topico della sinfonia, riescono a creare l’effetto di tensione e paura cercato.
Seguendo il topic della Fuga, i due protagonisti ci apparirebbero inquieti, tormentati, spaventati. Lui corre rabbiosamente, lei urla. S’incontrano e si guardano, e poi ricominciano a fuggire.
Interpretazione della Vitalità
Spot Vitalità - “Objection” di Shakira
Il ritmo incalzante, dinamico e continuo accompagna i ragazzi dal primo scatto all’ultimo salto. La musica è fresca e allegra e il sincronismo con le immagini dà alla corsa un senso divertito; la competizione is not negative. The two are young and nimble, and run because they have the strength and vitality to do it. A final cry, happy and synchronic, pictures and closes the spot.
The sense of vitality is made dall'andatura melodic and rhythmic piece that conveys feelings of joy and movement.
Il ritmo incalzante, dinamico e continuo accompagna i ragazzi dal primo scatto all’ultimo salto. La musica è fresca e allegra e il sincronismo con le immagini dà alla corsa un senso divertito; la competizione is not negative. The two are young and nimble, and run because they have the strength and vitality to do it. A final cry, happy and synchronic, pictures and closes the spot.
The sense of vitality is made dall'andatura melodic and rhythmic piece that conveys feelings of joy and movement.
If we follow the topic of Vitality, young people seem to run for the test;
are dynamic and ambitious, dare, fail to take actions and implement projects that seem impossible (they have the courage to go against walls and the strength to knock them down, not around them) are constantly moving, not satisfied, seek new incentives, continue to run even when there's space (the infinite flight is not a point of arrival is not the goal, is not the end, is not the goal, but a new beginning).
Interpretation Contest
Contest Spot - "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence
Evanescence The piece is very rhythmic and has sung in two voices: one male and one female alternate in music as in the spot. The woman's voice is higher, screamed, the man's voice is strong and more serious. The clash of voices is the same image and topic. The final spot is given to the lowest note of intensity that are repeated, and let you imagine that the race is not over yet.
In this case, is the iconic reference to be decisive. The female voice yelling at the man's voice alternates with that answer. In this case the influence of the code underlying the genre "rock" and directs that the mean interpretation.
Following this line of interpretation the two characters express the tragic confrontation of two personalities. A man and a woman in a challenge to the last jump, struggling to emerge, in the mad rush to reach the first opponent, the goal, the goal.
Evanescence The piece is very rhythmic and has sung in two voices: one male and one female alternate in music as in the spot. The woman's voice is higher, screamed, the man's voice is strong and more serious. The clash of voices is the same image and topic. The final spot is given to the lowest note of intensity that are repeated, and let you imagine that the race is not over yet.
In this case, is the iconic reference to be decisive. The female voice yelling at the man's voice alternates with that answer. In this case the influence of the code underlying the genre "rock" and directs that the mean interpretation.
Following this line of interpretation the two characters express the tragic confrontation of two personalities. A man and a woman in a challenge to the last jump, struggling to emerge, in the mad rush to reach the first opponent, the goal, the goal.
The fact that a boy and a girl might suggest to the challenge of two worlds (the male and female): women do not want to feel inferior to men, and men are there to "give way" women. She is driven by anger and shouting, and he presses certain pride: I want revenge on the one hand and pride Men on the other, pushing the two to run and try to beat your opponent. There is a real winner, the commercial ends when the two guys are neck and neck and still in the race.
Interpretation rug Sound
Spot Entertainment - Chillout - Amnesty International Cd1 track No. 2
. The music is
rhythmic and synchronous with the demolition of the walls, but in any case, the melody expresses confidence. It is music that does not distract attention from the pictures, but that goes with creating a climate of détente from the beginning to the end. The maintenance of melody and rhythm create a feeling of serenity.
The topic of the carpet of sound that often makes us think, who runs, he does it to distract, to escape from reality every day, to "switch off" with the newspaper and feel a bit 'with himself (perhaps to reflect and think), who runs it is often to be free.
rhythmic and synchronous with the demolition of the walls, but in any case, the melody expresses confidence. It is music that does not distract attention from the pictures, but that goes with creating a climate of détente from the beginning to the end. The maintenance of melody and rhythm create a feeling of serenity.
The topic of the carpet of sound that often makes us think, who runs, he does it to distract, to escape from reality every day, to "switch off" with the newspaper and feel a bit 'with himself (perhaps to reflect and think), who runs it is often to be free.
The two boys become, then any two people, two "normal" people that run and feel good, get tired and screaming, but continue to run and feel free (the jump in the universe could be, in this case, the attainment of serenity sought).
Interpretation Rebellion
Spot Rebellion - When I'm Gone 3 Doors Down
The music choice is a rock, which marks the course of the two, which slows down when you look at the two boys and continues with vigor and pace in breaking the wall of the building exterior. Until the end of the spot, even when the notes are relaxed slightly, the music and rhythm continue to accompany the movement of the two protagonists. The code
general media interpretation is the rock genre, which connects the rhythm and melody (characterized by loud electric guitars and drums and shouted and repeated notes), the topic of youth rebellion and protest.
The music choice is a rock, which marks the course of the two, which slows down when you look at the two boys and continues with vigor and pace in breaking the wall of the building exterior. Until the end of the spot, even when the notes are relaxed slightly, the music and rhythm continue to accompany the movement of the two protagonists. The code
general media interpretation is the rock genre, which connects the rhythm and melody (characterized by loud electric guitars and drums and shouted and repeated notes), the topic of youth rebellion and protest.
According to this line of argument the feeling that emerges is one of anger and the topic of the Rebellion. The race thus symbolizes the rejection of society, the attempt to break free from the constraints of time. The two protagonists are two young twenty-first century, who want revenge, wishing to overcome the impositions of the system (the walls and gravity) and want to feel free (the theme of the spot is a hymn to freedom and "free movement constraints "). Their faces are angry, and even if they do not express hatred or negative factors, convey resentment and dissatisfaction.
Interpretation Breaking the Amorosa
Breaking loving Spot - "A brutal music" by Gotan Project
The song is a tango, synchronous with the initial shot and the walls crack. The sensuality of the tango's reveals that underlying the spot: a singing voice notes, not words, accompanies the race of the children and gives their looks (hard and cold), a pinch of passion and complicity. The spot ends with repeated notes reminiscent of the beating of a loving heart.
The interpretation in this case, is directed towards this topic thanks to the use of the tango genre (recognizable as a melody of love and passion).
The song is a tango, synchronous with the initial shot and the walls crack. The sensuality of the tango's reveals that underlying the spot: a singing voice notes, not words, accompanies the race of the children and gives their looks (hard and cold), a pinch of passion and complicity. The spot ends with repeated notes reminiscent of the beating of a loving heart.
The interpretation in this case, is directed towards this topic thanks to the use of the tango genre (recognizable as a melody of love and passion).
How can you tell what is the right line of interpretation among the many described? How can we determine if the two guys are racing towards love or fleeing, if you are having fun or are in competition with each other, if you are taking a moment of relaxation or whether they are angry? The spot does not offer a specific context in which to frame the two young men, but the band sound can help us to resolve the ambiguity of the visual .
Because music has this power?
Because music has this power?
scholars of musical aesthetics, neuroscientists, psychologists and sociologists, and therapists and doctors agree that certain sounds, certain agreements, certain rhythms and melodies affect our perception and stimulate emotions.
. The scientific explanation
lies in the functioning of our brain and in the process of decoding the sounds: when our central system receives, for example, vibrations of violin strings and a low intensity, slow and melodious sounds, "order" to our muscles to relax resulting in us a feeling of tranquility and relaxation, and when our brain decodes very low vibrations, very rhythmic melodies (batteries and percussion) and very high volumes "Order" to the heart to beat faster and the hands, fingers and feet to move "on time".
lies in the functioning of our brain and in the process of decoding the sounds: when our central system receives, for example, vibrations of violin strings and a low intensity, slow and melodious sounds, "order" to our muscles to relax resulting in us a feeling of tranquility and relaxation, and when our brain decodes very low vibrations, very rhythmic melodies (batteries and percussion) and very high volumes "Order" to the heart to beat faster and the hands, fingers and feet to move "on time".
. The explanation
the power of music to stimulate emotions, stems from the mechanisms of order psychological, social and contextual (for which the music reminds people, brings to mind moments of life lived and reactivates feelings) that they feel joy or sadness, anxiety or serenity, vitality or peace.
the power of music to stimulate emotions, stems from the mechanisms of order psychological, social and contextual (for which the music reminds people, brings to mind moments of life lived and reactivates feelings) that they feel joy or sadness, anxiety or serenity, vitality or peace.
also for the concept of musical competence widespread (although not that you have musicians or industry experts), all are easily able to "hear" a symphony of classical music as something ancient and cultured to associate the sound of rock music to the youth rebellion, to link a saxophone and a melody jazz to the image of blacks in America, imagining, feeling cheerful and rhythmic music, the group dances of the summer at the beach.
also for the concept of musical competence widespread (although not that you have musicians or industry experts), all are easily able to "hear" a symphony of classical music as something ancient and cultured to associate the sound of rock music to the youth rebellion, to link a saxophone and a melody jazz to the image of blacks in America, imagining, feeling cheerful and rhythmic music, the group dances of the summer at the beach.
< ... >
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Strongest Wood Screws
Non si può non segnalare il blog di Beppe Grillo .
Sicuramente uno dei blogger più famosi in Italia ( provate a digitare su google la parola blog o vedere il numero di commenti ai suoi post).
Grillo, oltre a promuovere se stesso, aggiorna il suo blog periodicamente commentando le principali news quotidiane e, oltre a queste, a volte focalizza l'attenzione su notizie sulle quali i media do not seem particularly interested.
itegrati The posts are well with charts, drawings or cartoons.
On the right hand column of the blog include: video and initiatives of various kinds search engine and many useful links.
Non si può non segnalare il blog di Beppe Grillo .
Sicuramente uno dei blogger più famosi in Italia ( provate a digitare su google la parola blog o vedere il numero di commenti ai suoi post).
Grillo, oltre a promuovere se stesso, aggiorna il suo blog periodicamente commentando le principali news quotidiane e, oltre a queste, a volte focalizza l'attenzione su notizie sulle quali i media do not seem particularly interested.
itegrati The posts are well with charts, drawings or cartoons.
On the right hand column of the blog include: video and initiatives of various kinds search engine and many useful links.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Cervix On Your Period
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because ...
A blog to tell ...what I do,what I love,what they are,what I want to be!...A blog for the emotions of my 24 years ...a blog to describe the fears of a 24 year old!...A blog to reflect on life ...a blog to live wisely!...A blog to cultivate my passions ...a blog for fans to life!...A blog to share ideas ...enriched by sharing a blog!...Un blog dove urlare la mia gioia...un blog per sussurrare la mia tristezza!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Match Partners Kundli Online
Today Notify the site for the very group fuoritempo engaged in numerous activities such as theater intended to raise awareness and to raise awareness about sensitive issues.
Their website has many informative insights on various issues. E 'can be downloaded documents and information materials and participate in the forum .
The website is always very well maintained with regard to meeting the debates, and more generally events that occur in the province of Pesaro and Urbino.
Today Notify the site for the very group fuoritempo engaged in numerous activities such as theater intended to raise awareness and to raise awareness about sensitive issues.
Their website has many informative insights on various issues. E 'can be downloaded documents and information materials and participate in the forum .
The website is always very well maintained with regard to meeting the debates, and more generally events that occur in the province of Pesaro and Urbino.
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Military Sand Rail Buggy
misinformation The site is structured like a portal. In
are very important in the central part of a series of articles of diverse topics. The site deals with topics from current affairs to deal with but it various issues. On the right column
fact we have an index with links to various sub-categories site, divided by subject, within which we find several articles related to deepen the theme you chose.
There are no feed.
It 's easier to take a look to explain why that is simple and intuitive
misinformation The site is structured like a portal. In
are very important in the central part of a series of articles of diverse topics. The site deals with topics from current affairs to deal with but it various issues. On the right column
fact we have an index with links to various sub-categories site, divided by subject, within which we find several articles related to deepen the theme you chose.
There are no feed.
It 's easier to take a look to explain why that is simple and intuitive
Monday, November 6, 2006
Causes Of Enlarged Livers
Today reports the site by the Cultural "Head Up"
The site for the truth is not updated, but there are some interesting inside.
The homepage looks like a portal . E 'divided into subsections, and we have a menu with the latest news posted. Unfortunately, there is the absence of feed.
The site was created to deal with the media disinformation and emphasize all'informazine alternative that often has no place in mainstream media such as print, radio and television and to do that also reclaim the help from readers.
Today reports the site by the Cultural "Head Up"
The site for the truth is not updated, but there are some interesting inside.
The homepage looks like a portal . E 'divided into subsections, and we have a menu with the latest news posted. Unfortunately, there is the absence of feed.
The site was created to deal with the media disinformation and emphasize all'informazine alternative that often has no place in mainstream media such as print, radio and television and to do that also reclaim the help from readers.
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