By Arminante Antonella De Luca Melanie Teresa Gualtieri.

This is the logo created specifically to meet our project of e-marketing.
'S NAME: CELIAqui - Shop gluten-free products
CELIAqui is a distributor of food products without gluten established with the objective to develop solutions to practical problems and psychological that people with celiac disease face daily in respect a strict gluten-free diet. Through the Network we offer a delivery service and delivery, throughout the national territory, a wide range of high quality but difficult to find, all in the AIC (Italian Celiac Association), and then approved by the Ministry of Health.
Achieving the highest standards of customer satisfaction by offering excellent products for taste, variety and safety
In response to the increasing incidence of celiac disease in Italy and the difficulty of finding shops that sell a wide range of products included in the AIC, we intend to develop our pervasive presence on the Italian market and strengthen our core competencies to provide our customers the choice and not settle.
improve the lifestyle of celiac starting from the power.
- Target : The public we serve is essentially made up of people with celiac disease and their families (Or by parents acting as purchasing managers, ie those who do not necessarily consume the product but buy it on behalf of their children suffering from asthma). Celiac disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten, a protein found in many cereals. In Italy the incidence of such intolerance is estimated at 100/150 people every subject. The celiac, therefore, would potentially about 400,000, but only 35,000 have been diagnosed. Each year 5,000 new diagnoses are made each year and 2,800 new born with celiac disease, with an annual increase of 9%. The gluten-free diet is the only therapy that provides the celiac a perfect state of health. (Source: ).
- Positioning: The site of e-commerce is part of a market that basically does not give customers no alternative to the online traditional retailers. In the case of foodstuffs for celiac on land are the main distributors to pharmacies from which you can spend the voucher paid monthly by the ASL. However, pharmacies can not afford to accommodate within their stores varied assortment of such products, for which the customer (who is obliged to pay the full monthly voucher at one pharmacy) must be satisfied with the marks - a few - and products – altrettanto poco numerosi – trattati dalla farmacia scelta, senza avere la possibilità di costruirsi una lista della spesa composita. Per quanto riguarda la situazione on line, la maggior parte dei siti che trattano prodotti alimentari per celiaci rimanda, per la vendita, ai propri negozi sparsi sul territorio, oppure, nel caso di siti in cui è prevista l’opzione di e-commerce, si tratta di negozi mono brand. si presenta on line come sito di e-commerce che offre un catalogo di prodotti multibrand per consentire al cliente di spendere il buono mensile nella massima libertà di scelta.Questa scelta di posizionamento è supportata da una strategia di lock-in, strategia essenzialmente comparable to any marketing campaign designed to keep the customer in a relationship with the company aimed at commercial transactions. The lock-in cost impacts as a result of consumer behavior. If they leave the site he would be obliged to give up elements and features that make it faster on the one hand the buying experience, and explain a range of other choices unimaginable for an expenditure made in the pharmacy. The procedure to tie the customer to our site refer to: special discounts, loyalty programs, customization of the navigation path (interface "MyShop"), offering exclusive services. The lock-in and attached actions customization consentono di facilitare la ritenzione dei clienti e di limitare i tassi di churn della clientela, evitando che il cliente passi a un altro retailer o e-tailer nell’operare le transazioni.
CELIAqui è un’azienda pure player e come tale opera esclusivamente in Rete, rivolgendosi direttamente al consumatore finale (B2C).
- Livello di sviluppo del sito : Sito interattivo con opzione dell’e-commerce e del servizio post-vendita
- Type of infomediary used : The Infomedia and the epicenter of value creation in the virtual network connections that is embodied in the market. The infomediary operators are specialized in collecting, sorting, organization and delivery of information, through their work are able to jointly ensure capacity (reach), diversity (richness) and relational skills. For this reason it is crucial to achieving a competitive advantage that the contents of our website are taken into account by these operators. We will use, therefore, infomediary, such as: search engines (Google) and directories (Virgil) - tools that appear to be of great assistance in navigation path to find information of interest to the offer; publishers or sites that offer information on specific topics ( ).
- Assortment : CELIAqui offers an assortment of special type, which is a very wide range of products in many categories, but deep in the number of references for each category. To know in detail the products included in our catalog is provided in Annex 1.
- Variables merchandise: Our offer is composed exclusively of food everyday. They are usually defined as products, trivial, or "products that consumers purchase frequently and minimizing the effort of buying and comparison" (Kotler 1996). Therefore the products seem to be less suitable to be marketed online. However, gluten-free foods have the characteristic of being difficult to find in the local market (they are mainly distributed by pharmacies - and pharmacies are not present in all the towns of Italy), which makes them suitable for online sales. Therefore, we define them as trivial products that lend themselves to sale on line.
- Variables merchandise: Our offer is composed exclusively of food everyday. They are usually defined as products, trivial, or "products that consumers purchase frequently and minimizing the effort of buying and comparison" (Kotler 1996). Therefore the products seem to be less suitable to be marketed online. However, gluten-free foods have the characteristic of being difficult to find in the local market (they are mainly distributed by pharmacies - and pharmacies are not present in all the towns of Italy), which makes them suitable for online sales. Therefore, we define them as trivial products that lend themselves to sale on line.
- Modelli alternativi di consegna : La nostra impresa fa riferimento ad una rete di fornitori ; il cliente invia l’ordine a CELIAqui che lo trasferisce al fornitore. Quest’ultimo invia i prodotti ordinati al nostro deposito e da qui vengono consegnato al cliente. Il modello di consegna da noi implementato è il network–based delivery, un modello innovativo che permette di ridurre al minimo i costi di logistica in uscita e che ben si adatta ad un’impresa di sola distribuzione, qual è appunto CELIAqui.
- management and order entry: The management of order entry will be through two instruments: the shopping cart and customized graphical user interface called "MyShop.
The shopping cart keeps track of the items that are selected for purchase and allows you to control what it contains, add new products or remove those that are already there. To order an item, simply click on the image or product name: all the details, including price, code and other information, are stored automatically by the system. To proceed to the payment of the goods or services indicated just select a button to complete the transaction. Once the payment method indicated, various data will be processed and your order is complete. The order placed by the customer will be accepted only if the entire order process is completed regularly and properly without any error messages you receive from the site. CELIAqui not include in cost products not specifically requested by the Customer (except for any promotional product). In his e-mail you will receive confirmation of the order made, with the summary dei prodotti, dei relativi prezzi e delle condizioni generali e particolari applicabili all’ordine stesso.
Con l’interfaccia grafica personalizzata “MyShop” il cliente può salvare le precedenti liste della spesa, memorizzare più di un recapito per la consegna e personalizzare tutte le opzioni relative alla spedizione in modo da ottenere un servizio più rispondente alle sue esigenze e rendere, inoltre, l’esperienza d’acquisto più rapida.
The shopping cart keeps track of the items that are selected for purchase and allows you to control what it contains, add new products or remove those that are already there. To order an item, simply click on the image or product name: all the details, including price, code and other information, are stored automatically by the system. To proceed to the payment of the goods or services indicated just select a button to complete the transaction. Once the payment method indicated, various data will be processed and your order is complete. The order placed by the customer will be accepted only if the entire order process is completed regularly and properly without any error messages you receive from the site. CELIAqui not include in cost products not specifically requested by the Customer (except for any promotional product). In his e-mail you will receive confirmation of the order made, with the summary dei prodotti, dei relativi prezzi e delle condizioni generali e particolari applicabili all’ordine stesso.
Con l’interfaccia grafica personalizzata “MyShop” il cliente può salvare le precedenti liste della spesa, memorizzare più di un recapito per la consegna e personalizzare tutte le opzioni relative alla spedizione in modo da ottenere un servizio più rispondente alle sue esigenze e rendere, inoltre, l’esperienza d’acquisto più rapida.
- Strumenti di e-CRM utilizzati : CELIAqui dispone di FAQ, di una mappa del sito, di un motore di ricerca interno (per individuare con rapidità i prodotti del catalogo o i contenuti del sito that most interest), a newsletter (with the so-called alert function, to give the client the possibility to be informed promptly about all the news relating to the product catalog and promotions, and updates section of conventions, exhibitions, specialty restaurants, recipes, personal and regional), to customer support via e-mail (to answer all those questions from our customers that have not already been answered in the FAQ), an assistant and a virtual shopping guide (accompanying the first-time user experience of shopping and purchase) and a customer database (to find, interpret and anticipate the needs consumers, and collect all information about a particular customer);
- Delivery methods provided : CELIAqui delivery throughout the country, the cost of shipping to an address not included in the price of the products. Shipping charges are fixed. The decision to establish a tariff undifferentiated lump may lead to improved results in sales, with consumers, in fact, having to pay a certain sum regardless of the quantity purchased will be encouraged to increase the volume of purchase, "cushioning" and that the cost of transport.
The products ordered are delivered in sealed packets in place on the day and at the time the order was confirmed at the time. It is possible for the client to agree with the time of delivery courier and other deliveries. Where there are failures, CELIAqui is committed to inform customers.
payment systems provided: CELIAqui offers the ability to make payments both online and off line. In the first case, the payment shall be made by credit card or prepaid card, the second by bank transfer or cash and will provide a fixed fee of 3.50 euro for each delivery shipment.
The products ordered are delivered in sealed packets in place on the day and at the time the order was confirmed at the time. It is possible for the client to agree with the time of delivery courier and other deliveries. Where there are failures, CELIAqui is committed to inform customers.
payment systems provided: CELIAqui offers the ability to make payments both online and off line. In the first case, the payment shall be made by credit card or prepaid card, the second by bank transfer or cash and will provide a fixed fee of 3.50 euro for each delivery shipment.
The simplest mode in network pricing is that prices set by the company, without any form of active involvement by the final consumer, which merely to express or deny its consent or refusal by the decision of purchase the conditions imposed by the seller. As far from the traditional logic of interactivity of the Web, a similar mechanism, prevailing in the markets, like ours, where the number of buyers is significantly higher than that of retailers-has some advantages, in that low-cost consitono transaction (not necessary any form of contract) and in the perception of fairness resulting for the buyer, since all consumers pay exactly the same price for the same product.
In particular, the choice of CELIAqui falls on a method of pricing established directly from this bundling. It is characterized by the creation of packages to offer structured, aimed at the satisfaction of clusters of complex needs that require the consumer to pay a total price for the use of bundles of products and services developed from a single source in the virtual value chain. The price of a package is generally lower than the sum of its parts and the integration of multiple products within a single bundle also allows the sale to the fraction of buyers who would not be willing to buy some of the products included at full price. It is essential, in this case, do not offer discounts on products that consumers would buy anyway.
In particular, the choice of CELIAqui falls on a method of pricing established directly from this bundling. It is characterized by the creation of packages to offer structured, aimed at the satisfaction of clusters of complex needs that require the consumer to pay a total price for the use of bundles of products and services developed from a single source in the virtual value chain. The price of a package is generally lower than the sum of its parts and the integration of multiple products within a single bundle also allows the sale to the fraction of buyers who would not be willing to buy some of the products included at full price. It is essential, in this case, do not offer discounts on products that consumers would buy anyway.
jointly chosen
To illustrate the choice of communication of our company will appeal to the conceptual schematic of the wheel expressed in the communication mix, elaborate scheme to show the combinations of areas, forms, equipment and vehicles engaged by a company in its communications activities.
Regarding the areas, here we will only marketing communication, that which relates to the product and the recipient client.
Regarding the forms, CELIAqui chose to practice:
- e-advertising à Above the Web: Keyword advertising;
Below the Web: e-mail
- promotions online product (3x2, discounts, free delivery for those who acquired by a single frequency)
- e-merchandising
It is hoped to be also subject to spontaneous electronic buzz, since CELIAqui is one of the few e-commerce sites that sell products for celiacs.
the active medium is, of course, the Internet.
vehicles through which you want to achieve the above are forms of communication the following:
- search engines (Google)
- website ( )
Regarding the areas, here we will only marketing communication, that which relates to the product and the recipient client.
Regarding the forms, CELIAqui chose to practice:
- e-advertising à Above the Web: Keyword advertising;
Below the Web: e-mail
- promotions online product (3x2, discounts, free delivery for those who acquired by a single frequency)
- e-merchandising
It is hoped to be also subject to spontaneous electronic buzz, since CELIAqui is one of the few e-commerce sites that sell products for celiacs.
the active medium is, of course, the Internet.
vehicles through which you want to achieve the above are forms of communication the following:
- search engines (Google)
- website ( )
To ensure high safety standards and reduce the perceived risk, CELIAqui used for transactions made by credit card, the SET protocol (Secure Transaction Eletronic).
CELIAqui process the customer's personal information in compliance with applicable laws on privacy.
CELIAqui process the customer's personal information in compliance with applicable laws on privacy.
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