rising current, and exhibition of paintings by Carla Nico which opens Friday, November 20 and will remain open to the public until December 23, 2009.
Carla Nico was born in Rome on April 2, 1966, residing in Lanuvio (RM) Via Colle Knights 30.
He studied drawing and painting for ten years, 1981-91, in Rome attending the studio of painters Granata Chrysostom and academic achievement. After completing high school he graduated illustrator instance. European Design and its production fanno parte anche opere di grafica per editoria, marchi, loghi e pubblicitĂ . Inizia ad esporre nel 1984 e nel 1988 viene premiata dalla rivista “Arte” (Mondadori)”.
Nel 1989 la prima personale, a cui, fanno seguito da allora in avanti molte altre Roma (Gall. Agostiniana, Gall. Forum Interart, Ass. Virgilio, Gall. Il Ponte, MGP Arte Contemp., Gall. Spazio Visivo, Gall. Mirabilia, Palazzo Barberini, Gall. Taloni Arte, Ass. Amici del Parnaso) e Provincia (Gall. Montanarini, Museo dell’Infiorata, Gall. Panna Genzano; Villa Sforza e Palazzo Comunale Lanuvio; Villa Costanza Castelgandolfo; Casale Colle Ionci Cantina Sperimentale Universitaria, Chiesa Madonna del Rosario, Galleria Diocesana, Teatro Tognazzi Velletri, Ruspoli Palace and Museum of the Nemi ships; Aldobrandini Stables, Gall. Helios Frascati, Fort St. Gallo Neptune). Since 1999
Taloni Art Gallery exhibits his paintings at all times.
His production also includes original objects in papier mache sculpture (mixed media) and uses multiple testing of means and media. Interest for the three-dimensional sculpture in 2008-09 comes with jewel-the ancient technique of lost wax. A
Lanuvio where he lives has collaborated with the Ass. Gialloblurosso and currently with the Ass. Colle Ionci (Vellore) with the teaching and the overall production of cultural events, characterized by cooperation of artists working in various areas (literature, poetry, music, drama). From such collaborations have been born a show of body-art during the "Baccarnevale" Lanuvio, "Limits of Infinity" woven on the poems of G. Baldazzi, "Wheat Fields" with a text by Maria Lanciotti, "Amara Ecstasy" with poems by various authors, directed by W. Becherelli. On such occasions Carla Nico presented images of his works at the scene and his voice to the reading of some passages.
Exhibitions of his paintings are sometimes made use of media interventions, screening of W. Becherelli on walls and media, ("Women in the East" represented in Genzano, Church of Spina Pisa, Nemi Palace Ruspoli, Velletri Camellias Festival 2002, "Women Unveiled", Naples Castelnuovo 2002). This Vitarte in 2004, Viterbo, Artefiera Padua and Verona. Artetra Cevia 2006. The Swan Ass Albano February 2009. Giulianello (LT) Palazzo Salviati in April 2009. Personal
Recent Ravello 2004, Theatres Tognazzi Velletri 2005. "Insomnia of Truth" Sala Lanuvio council of the municipality (RM) 2006. Staff and presentation of the book "Barefoot" with images, text and graphics of the author, Villa Sforza Cesarini Lanuvio, 2007. Biblioteca Comunale di Velletri and presentation of the book "Barefoot" Museum Lavinium Pratica di Mare. My 'Paint-theism "in February Embassy of Serbia 2008 Roma, Art Caffè Grottaferrata (RM) Luglio 2008.
www.carlanico.it Mail: carla.nico@libero.it
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