Thursday, December 17, 2009

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flashes of light: Carla Nico

Carla Nico's exhibition "Going up the current" will be open until January 4, 2010.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

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"Going up the current": the painting of Carla Nicole

rising current, and exhibition of paintings by Carla Nico which opens Friday, November 20 and will remain open to the public until December 23, 2009.

Carla Nico was born in Rome on April 2, 1966, residing in Lanuvio (RM) Via Colle Knights 30.
He studied drawing and painting for ten years, 1981-91, in Rome attending the studio of painters Granata Chrysostom and academic achievement. After completing high school he graduated illustrator instance. European Design and its production fanno parte anche opere di grafica per editoria, marchi, loghi e pubblicità. Inizia ad esporre nel 1984 e nel 1988 viene premiata dalla rivista “Arte” (Mondadori)”.
Nel 1989 la prima personale, a cui, fanno seguito da allora in avanti molte altre Roma (Gall. Agostiniana, Gall. Forum Interart, Ass. Virgilio, Gall. Il Ponte, MGP Arte Contemp., Gall. Spazio Visivo, Gall. Mirabilia, Palazzo Barberini, Gall. Taloni Arte, Ass. Amici del Parnaso) e Provincia (Gall. Montanarini, Museo dell’Infiorata, Gall. Panna Genzano; Villa Sforza e Palazzo Comunale Lanuvio; Villa Costanza Castelgandolfo; Casale Colle Ionci Cantina Sperimentale Universitaria, Chiesa Madonna del Rosario, Galleria Diocesana, Teatro Tognazzi Velletri, Ruspoli Palace and Museum of the Nemi ships; Aldobrandini Stables, Gall. Helios Frascati, Fort St. Gallo Neptune). Since 1999
Taloni Art Gallery exhibits his paintings at all times.
His production also includes original objects in papier mache sculpture (mixed media) and uses multiple testing of means and media. Interest for the three-dimensional sculpture in 2008-09 comes with jewel-the ancient technique of lost wax. A
Lanuvio where he lives has collaborated with the Ass. Gialloblurosso and currently with the Ass. Colle Ionci (Vellore) with the teaching and the overall production of cultural events, characterized by cooperation of artists working in various areas (literature, poetry, music, drama). From such collaborations have been born a show of body-art during the "Baccarnevale" Lanuvio, "Limits of Infinity" woven on the poems of G. Baldazzi, "Wheat Fields" with a text by Maria Lanciotti, "Amara Ecstasy" with poems by various authors, directed by W. Becherelli. On such occasions Carla Nico presented images of his works at the scene and his voice to the reading of some passages.
Exhibitions of his paintings are sometimes made use of media interventions, screening of W. Becherelli on walls and media, ("Women in the East" represented in Genzano, Church of Spina Pisa, Nemi Palace Ruspoli, Velletri Camellias Festival 2002, "Women Unveiled", Naples Castelnuovo 2002). This Vitarte in 2004, Viterbo, Artefiera Padua and Verona. Artetra Cevia 2006. The Swan Ass Albano February 2009. Giulianello (LT) Palazzo Salviati in April 2009. Personal
Recent Ravello 2004, Theatres Tognazzi Velletri 2005. "Insomnia of Truth" Sala Lanuvio council of the municipality (RM) 2006. Staff and presentation of the book "Barefoot" with images, text and graphics of the author, Villa Sforza Cesarini Lanuvio, 2007. Biblioteca Comunale di Velletri and presentation of the book "Barefoot" Museum Lavinium Pratica di Mare. My 'Paint-theism "in February Embassy of Serbia 2008 Roma, Art Caffè Grottaferrata (RM) Luglio 2008. Mail:

Saturday, October 10, 2009

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VIRGINIO Favale: KALEIDOS . October 14 to November 14 2009

La Galleria Il Sipario è lieta di presentare Kaleidos la personale di fotografia di Virginio Favale che verrà inaugurata il 14 Ottobre 2009 alle ore 18 e resterà aperta al pubblico until November 14.
Each image is the result of a distorted view of reality a kaleidoscope. Landscapes newspapers lose their natural connotations to become abstract shapes that weave embroidery of blacks and whites and infinite shades of gray. Virginio
Favale was born in Vellore in 1969. In 1990 he graduated from the State Institute for Cinema and TV "R. Rossellini's "Rome.
A year later began his photojournalistic collaborating with major national newspapers including La Repubblica and Il Messaggero.
In '92 runs at Box 4, studio advertising photography, the lab for printing. In 1997 the first advertising campaign that will take him to work with some of the most influential advertising agencies: Young & Rubicam, Saatchi & Saatchi, Dentsu, Leo Burnett, McCann Erickson, Ogilvy and TBWA.
In 2003 he published the book "Venice Carnival" with the publisher Artmedia Press, London distributed worldwide. Still he worked on various publishing projects, entertainment, advertising and fashion.
From 1995 he began to show his work. At Velletri exhibits at the Hall of Tombstones work "Bullfighting," Anzio at The Casino presents "Portraits London. In Rome he exhibited "Living Portraits" Gallery in the other work being done, "Grey Zone" at The Theatre site; "My Japan" at the gallery Art Attack, "Japad" at the Cloister of Bramante, "Milan to Rome" at Area Gaaalaxy and "Carnival in Venice" Bacchus and the tunnel Daguerre.
Virginio Favale has also worked for ADR Rome Airports, Agip, Auditorium di Roma, Banca delle Marche, for the towns of Caserta, Messina and Rome, Ermegildo Zegna, Ford, Lumsa University, McDonald's, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Health, Nazareno Gabrielli, Philip Morris, Renault, Trenitalia, Wind and WWF.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

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... portmanteau of life!

Crasi , dal greco kràsis - mistura, indica la contrazione di una vocale o di un dittongo alla fine di una parola con una vocale o un dittongo all'inizio della parola seguente.

... e cos'altro è una crasi se non un incontro tra due entità linguistiche distinte che, per puro accidente, si trovano ad essere una di seguito all'altra, ad avere elementi in comune, sovrapponibili al punto da confondersi... e fondersi!?!

Un incontro accidentale che genera un legame .
Niente di più semplice.
Niente di più facile... ad esser fortunati.

Sì, perchè di incontri accidentali ne avvengono a decine, quotidianamente... ma solo pochi riescono a generare una crasi.
Due entità distinte che si incontrano, si somigliano e si fondono, mantenendo la loro natura ma acquistando, in parte, la natura dell'entità con la quale sono entrate in contatto.

Niente di più pericoloso... perchè poi, si sa, accidenti di questo tipo generano incredibili Ambaradan (crasi delle parole Amba Aradam)!

... e guai a considerarli solo "cRasi della Vita" !

Friday, July 10, 2009

Aterial Fibrillation With Staph Infection

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

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Un regalo per voi "una ricetta magica"

Who loves crystals or want to "adopt" a gift, my recipe for "magic." You know that all the healthy mind healthy body (and nice) right? and you'll also understand how the crystals can be special for us ... to our mind, spirit but also the body (and 'all connected) and then test it now, or soon, my personal invention:

Ingredients: glass carafe, ice cubes, natural water sources (that also goes well in the bottle that you will find in supermarkets, preferably glass) rock crystal (crystal or another but I advise you to Rocca)

The crystal should be purified (with the process that we have described in previous post) the glass jug washed in water Fresh, running (not with soap!)

Pour the water (cold) spring into the jug, put us right after the ice cubes (at least a dozen, crystals love the cold) to place your order in your crystal goblet. Cover with a plate and cutlery in the fridge for a few hours ... Here's your crystal clear water ready! And what will you do '? I wonder ... seeing is believing ...

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formazione cristalli

How and where do crystals form?

A crystal and 'a solid mineral formation which has a regular and orderly arrangement of atoms at the vertices of a mesh that is called "crystal lattice" the presence of this organization gives the atomic crystal definita.I a geometric form crystals are formed for the gradual solidification of a liquid or a Frost gas.Possono formed in nature or be produced for cristallizzazione.La formation and characteristics of a crystal depend on the speed 'and conditions of such solidificazione.As liquids that form the granite telvolta are erupted to the surface as volcanic lava and cool quickly ... if the cooling and 'more' slow afanitica formed a rock, with crystals invisible to the eye nudo.I crystals born in rocks, caves, volcanic rocks, etc ... (this' purely and an explanation perfectly scientific ... how boring ....) It 's very best believe that they grow as if by magic ... a kiss to all.

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cristalli(parte seconda)

The sex of the crystals is recognized under the shade 'of color, the difference between gender and 'very important for healing (crystal) because it has a major influence on two key aspects of the human being yin (feminine) and yang (male) in trade and 'crystals can be cut in different ways, but what about the crystal were changed less and better' ... So the rough crystal, as if it had just been extracted from the rock, and 'the best ... but' and 'hard to find on the market ... (usually the crystal is not' so beautiful and clear as can be seen in shops , is first cleaned of any ecrescenze or integration with other minerals ... there are different procedures in its processing and this can '"stress" the crystal) ... In the rough version may' be one or two are punte.Generalmente more 'powerful and more' expensive unfortunately ... but I 'indispensabbili in this release for some treatments cristalloterapia.I more' rock crystals are used (hyaline quartz) must be quite large (about 15 cm in length) The crystal is held in the hand directed toward the person for several minutes and then held on the various points of the "chakra" (so-called vital points) Another type of cut crystal and the 'so called' tumbled 'can be more' visually pleasing because 'more' like what has been 'used to wear or keep as an ornament: it has rounded edges with no ... It' s definitely more 'economic and slightly less powerful than grezzo.Ma therapeutic value and' effective (you have to keep the chakras much 'time) the properties' treatment of the crystals are many, each crystal has unique powers and different ... Today I want to describe to those of (guess what'?) Crystal Rock! and its my favorite ... ... Let's start with his description:
Rock Crystal and 'an oxide of silicon, system-prism esagonali.E' almost colorless, almost like glass ... the name comes from the ancient Greeks who called it "krystallos" ie 'ghiaccio.Grandi amount of rock crystal come from Brazil and Madagascar, but can be' found in Italy and other places ... This crystal allows you to increase the properties' crystal sangue.Combatte also the distress, fear, emotionalism '... stimulates the functions of cervello,attiva tutti i livelli di coscienza e disperde le negativita' anche nel campo circostante...E' un ottima guida alla scoperta del proprio essere piu' profondo...puo' essere veramente illuminante per la nostra vita...Una volta portati a casa e' importante trovare un contenitore dove far riposare il cristallo(ogni tanto anche lui dorme...)ideale sarebbe qualcosa di naturale come:il vetro,la porcellana,la ceramica,legno...Mai materiali metallici o di plastica...Prima di utilizzarlo il cristallo va lavato...Durante il viaggio e vari passaggi puo' aver accumulato delle energie negative(i cristalli assorbono tutto quello che li circonda)Esistono diversi metodi di pulizia ma io vi consiglio quello piu' facile:passarli sotto l'acqua corrente fredda per alcuni minutes imagining that all evil is washed away, then dry with a clean cloth and put in the sun for a few hours (so you reload) This should be done at least once a week ... the crystal needs to rest at least one day in weeks leave in the box all day ... She loves the snow, if you can lasciatecelo for some time and makes it very very happy ... Love your glass and you will see that all evil will wander 'away ...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

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Ancora cristalli cristalli cristalli....

You already 'realized that I'm crazy about crystals and how I could not ... be?! you saw how beautiful ... and these are just some of the many magical and beautiful crystals ... What you see are: Rose quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli blue of a beautiful and my favorite, The King of crystals "rock crystal" also called ialino.Ma Quartz crystals are not only beautiful, they also have powers if we say "magic" ... History shows that the first traces its ability to 'treatment of the crystals were found in an Egyptian papyrus dating back to 1600 BC .. But no doubt they were used much more 'at the latitudes of the populations' diverse: from civilization' to those of the Andean Central America, North America, Australia, the Middle to the Far East (China, Japan, India and surrounding areas) The most 'ancient scholar who took an interest in crystals was the greek philosopher Theophrastus, who lived about 400 years before his book cristo.Nel over emphasize the therapeutic aspect of the crystals he stresses that it is possible to distinguish with certainty " sex "crystal ... (more)