The sex of the crystals is recognized under the shade 'of color, the difference between gender and 'very important for healing (crystal) because it has a major influence on two key aspects of the human being yin (feminine) and yang (male) in trade and 'crystals can be cut in different ways, but what about the crystal were changed less and better' ... So the rough crystal, as if it had just been extracted from the rock, and 'the best ... but' and 'hard to find on the market ... (usually the crystal is not' so beautiful and clear as can be seen in shops , is first cleaned of any ecrescenze or integration with other minerals ... there are different procedures in its processing and this can '"stress" the crystal) ... In the rough version may' be one or two are punte.Generalmente more 'powerful and more' expensive unfortunately ... but I 'indispensabbili in this release for some treatments cristalloterapia.I more' rock crystals are used (hyaline quartz) must be quite large (about 15 cm in length) The crystal is held in the hand directed toward the person for several minutes and then held on the various points of the "chakra" (so-called vital points) Another type of cut crystal and the 'so called' tumbled 'can be more' visually pleasing because 'more' like what has been 'used to wear or keep as an ornament: it has rounded edges with no ... It' s definitely more 'economic and slightly less powerful than grezzo.Ma therapeutic value and' effective (you have to keep the chakras much 'time) the properties' treatment of the crystals are many, each crystal has unique powers and different ... Today I want to describe to those of (guess what'?) Crystal Rock! and its my favorite ... ... Let's start with his description:
Rock Crystal and 'an oxide of silicon, system-prism esagonali.E' almost colorless, almost like glass ... the name comes from the ancient Greeks who called it "krystallos" ie 'ghiaccio.Grandi amount of rock crystal come from Brazil and Madagascar, but can be' found in Italy and other places ... This crystal allows you to increase the properties' crystal sangue.Combatte also the distress, fear, emotionalism '... stimulates the functions of cervello,attiva tutti i livelli di coscienza e disperde le negativita' anche nel campo circostante...E' un ottima guida alla scoperta del proprio essere piu' profondo...puo' essere veramente illuminante per la nostra vita...Una volta portati a casa e' importante trovare un contenitore dove far riposare il cristallo(ogni tanto anche lui dorme...)ideale sarebbe qualcosa di naturale come:il vetro,la porcellana,la ceramica,legno...Mai materiali metallici o di plastica...Prima di utilizzarlo il cristallo va lavato...Durante il viaggio e vari passaggi puo' aver accumulato delle energie negative(i cristalli assorbono tutto quello che li circonda)Esistono diversi metodi di pulizia ma io vi consiglio quello piu' facile:passarli sotto l'acqua corrente fredda per alcuni minutes imagining that all evil is washed away, then dry with a clean cloth and put in the sun for a few hours (so you reload) This should be done at least once a week ... the crystal needs to rest at least one day in weeks leave in the box all day ... She loves the snow, if you can lasciatecelo for some time and makes it very very happy ... Love your glass and you will see that all evil will wander 'away ...
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