Who loves crystals or want to "adopt" a gift, my recipe for "magic." You know that all the healthy mind healthy body (and nice) right? and you'll also understand how the crystals can be special for us ... to our mind, spirit but also the body (and 'all connected) and then test it now, or soon, my personal invention:
Ingredients: glass carafe, ice cubes, natural water sources (that also goes well in the bottle that you will find in supermarkets, preferably glass) rock crystal (crystal or another but I advise you to Rocca)
The crystal should be purified (with the process that we have described in previous post) the glass jug washed in water Fresh, running (not with soap!)
Pour the water (cold) spring into the jug, put us right after the ice cubes (at least a dozen, crystals love the cold) to place your order in your crystal goblet. Cover with a plate and cutlery in the fridge for a few hours ... Here's your crystal clear water ready! And what will you do '? I wonder ... seeing is believing ...
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