Have you ever wondered why the sea water and 'salt? Seems like a silly question but I assure you that many of my friends do not know the answer ... it' s shocking is not it? But how many things of our lives are taken for granted? now there will also ask where they came from ... there are just ... But luckily there I am your fairy ... ... So ... num a lesson:
The seawater and 'medium composed of water, 96.5% and 3.5% salts.
The more 'salty seas and between' the Red Sea (4% salt), but also the Mediterranean is no joke (3.8% salt) ... Among the oceans but the more 'salty' the Atlantic Ocean 3.8% salt) and 'So how come the water and' salt? The answer is in the process of accumulation of salts in the sea ... The evaporation and dissolved salts in the oceans comes from erosion of the earth's crust by weathering, the rocks and ocean sediments that make up the funds but also through gases released by volcanoes sottomarini.L 'ragging the sea water from the rivers and the precipitation evaporates back into the atmosphere but the salts remain dissolved in oceani.Semplice right? but many did not know ...
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