water more 'beautiful location in Switzerland, specifically in Bern, the crystals are perfect ... beautiful ... but the water in Paris, Londara, Tokyo, Rome, Venice , Asia, Australia, and 'really bad ... small crystals are sketched rather badly ... Big surprises come from America, the water in Vancouver, Washington and New York presents bei cristalli...Del resto a Manhattan gli acquedotti sono stati modificati utilizzando contenitori di legno di cedro.Cristalli stupendi si trovano anche nelle acque dell'America latina,Buenos Aires,Manaus e in Amazzonia.Seguendo l'acqua lungo i fiumi poi sbarrati da dighe,Emoto scopri che i cristalli prima bellissimi si spezzano e si perdono quando vengono bloccati in un lago artificiale da dove non hanno scampo.La svolta nei suoi studi giunse quando un suo collaboratore ebbe un'idea...perche' non suonare musica all'acqua e poi vedere cosa succede ai cristalli?In fin dei conti l'efficacia della musicoterapia e' risaputa...le piante per esempio sono sensibili alla musica e reagiscono ai pensieri umani...Ma l'acqua?Emoto riempi delle bottiglie d'acqua e le mise tra two altoparlanti.La Beethowen music, Mozart, Chopin, etc ... created a crystal charm ... On the contrary, that of modern music as Heavy Metal, have produced crystals cleaved in pieces endless ... But ugly and deformed ... Emoto did not stop there, he decided to read the words to the crystals ... How? At several bottles filled with water from the same source, paste 'of the package label side facing the water in the bottles ... with the package that says the word "thank you, love, strength, love you, you're good" is created beautiful crystals of six corners, instead the bottles with the word "silly, stupid, bad, bad, kill you, I hate you "came the crystals deformed split into a thousand pieces ... The research Masaru Emoto lead to a debate ... if the human being and 'format for the 70% water, it means that what he thinks, says and does not fall in vain, but change the water from her body, resulting in crystals it good or bad ... healthy mind = healthy body ... what do you think?
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