Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
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Un regalo per voi "una ricetta magica"
Who loves crystals or want to "adopt" a gift, my recipe for "magic." You know that all the healthy mind healthy body (and nice) right? and you'll also understand how the crystals can be special for us ... to our mind, spirit but also the body (and 'all connected) and then test it now, or soon, my personal invention:
Ingredients: glass carafe, ice cubes, natural water sources (that also goes well in the bottle that you will find in supermarkets, preferably glass) rock crystal (crystal or another but I advise you to Rocca)
The crystal should be purified (with the process that we have described in previous post) the glass jug washed in water Fresh, running (not with soap!)
Pour the water (cold) spring into the jug, put us right after the ice cubes (at least a dozen, crystals love the cold) to place your order in your crystal goblet. Cover with a plate and cutlery in the fridge for a few hours ... Here's your crystal clear water ready! And what will you do '? I wonder ... seeing is believing ...

Who loves crystals or want to "adopt" a gift, my recipe for "magic." You know that all the healthy mind healthy body (and nice) right? and you'll also understand how the crystals can be special for us ... to our mind, spirit but also the body (and 'all connected) and then test it now, or soon, my personal invention:
Ingredients: glass carafe, ice cubes, natural water sources (that also goes well in the bottle that you will find in supermarkets, preferably glass) rock crystal (crystal or another but I advise you to Rocca)
The crystal should be purified (with the process that we have described in previous post) the glass jug washed in water Fresh, running (not with soap!)
Pour the water (cold) spring into the jug, put us right after the ice cubes (at least a dozen, crystals love the cold) to place your order in your crystal goblet. Cover with a plate and cutlery in the fridge for a few hours ... Here's your crystal clear water ready! And what will you do '? I wonder ... seeing is believing ...
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formazione cristalli
How and where do crystals form?
A crystal and 'a solid mineral formation which has a regular and orderly arrangement of atoms at the vertices of a mesh that is called "crystal lattice" the presence of this organization gives the atomic crystal definita.I a geometric form crystals are formed for the gradual solidification of a liquid or a Frost gas.Possono formed in nature or be produced for cristallizzazione.La formation and characteristics of a crystal depend on the speed 'and conditions of such solidificazione.As liquids that form the granite telvolta are erupted to the surface as volcanic lava and cool quickly ... if the cooling and 'more' slow afanitica formed a rock, with crystals invisible to the eye nudo.I crystals born in rocks, caves, volcanic rocks, etc ... (this' purely and an explanation perfectly scientific ... how boring ....) It 's very best believe that they grow as if by magic ... a kiss to all.

How and where do crystals form?
A crystal and 'a solid mineral formation which has a regular and orderly arrangement of atoms at the vertices of a mesh that is called "crystal lattice" the presence of this organization gives the atomic crystal definita.I a geometric form crystals are formed for the gradual solidification of a liquid or a Frost gas.Possono formed in nature or be produced for cristallizzazione.La formation and characteristics of a crystal depend on the speed 'and conditions of such solidificazione.As liquids that form the granite telvolta are erupted to the surface as volcanic lava and cool quickly ... if the cooling and 'more' slow afanitica formed a rock, with crystals invisible to the eye nudo.I crystals born in rocks, caves, volcanic rocks, etc ... (this' purely and an explanation perfectly scientific ... how boring ....) It 's very best believe that they grow as if by magic ... a kiss to all.
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cristalli(parte seconda)
The sex of the crystals is recognized under the shade 'of color, the difference between gender and 'very important for healing (crystal) because it has a major influence on two key aspects of the human being yin (feminine) and yang (male) in trade and 'crystals can be cut in different ways, but what about the crystal were changed less and better' ... So the rough crystal, as if it had just been extracted from the rock, and 'the best ... but' and 'hard to find on the market ... (usually the crystal is not' so beautiful and clear as can be seen in shops , is first cleaned of any ecrescenze or integration with other minerals ... there are different procedures in its processing and this can '"stress" the crystal) ... In the rough version may' be one or two are punte.Generalmente more 'powerful and more' expensive unfortunately ... but I 'indispensabbili in this release for some treatments cristalloterapia.I more' rock crystals are used (hyaline quartz) must be quite large (about 15 cm in length) The crystal is held in the hand directed toward the person for several minutes and then held on the various points of the "chakra" (so-called vital points) Another type of cut crystal and the 'so called' tumbled 'can be more' visually pleasing because 'more' like what has been 'used to wear or keep as an ornament: it has rounded edges with no ... It' s definitely more 'economic and slightly less powerful than grezzo.Ma therapeutic value and' effective (you have to keep the chakras much 'time) the properties' treatment of the crystals are many, each crystal has unique powers and different ... Today I want to describe to those of (guess what'?) Crystal Rock! and its my favorite ... ... Let's start with his description:
Rock Crystal and 'an oxide of silicon, system-prism esagonali.E' almost colorless, almost like glass ... the name comes from the ancient Greeks who called it "krystallos" ie 'ghiaccio.Grandi amount of rock crystal come from Brazil and Madagascar, but can be' found in Italy and other places ... This crystal allows you to increase the properties' crystal sangue.Combatte also the distress, fear, emotionalism '... stimulates the functions of cervello,attiva tutti i livelli di coscienza e disperde le negativita' anche nel campo circostante...E' un ottima guida alla scoperta del proprio essere piu' profondo...puo' essere veramente illuminante per la nostra vita...Una volta portati a casa e' importante trovare un contenitore dove far riposare il cristallo(ogni tanto anche lui dorme...)ideale sarebbe qualcosa di naturale come:il vetro,la porcellana,la ceramica,legno...Mai materiali metallici o di plastica...Prima di utilizzarlo il cristallo va lavato...Durante il viaggio e vari passaggi puo' aver accumulato delle energie negative(i cristalli assorbono tutto quello che li circonda)Esistono diversi metodi di pulizia ma io vi consiglio quello piu' facile:passarli sotto l'acqua corrente fredda per alcuni minutes imagining that all evil is washed away, then dry with a clean cloth and put in the sun for a few hours (so you reload) This should be done at least once a week ... the crystal needs to rest at least one day in weeks leave in the box all day ... She loves the snow, if you can lasciatecelo for some time and makes it very very happy ... Love your glass and you will see that all evil will wander 'away ...

The sex of the crystals is recognized under the shade 'of color, the difference between gender and 'very important for healing (crystal) because it has a major influence on two key aspects of the human being yin (feminine) and yang (male) in trade and 'crystals can be cut in different ways, but what about the crystal were changed less and better' ... So the rough crystal, as if it had just been extracted from the rock, and 'the best ... but' and 'hard to find on the market ... (usually the crystal is not' so beautiful and clear as can be seen in shops , is first cleaned of any ecrescenze or integration with other minerals ... there are different procedures in its processing and this can '"stress" the crystal) ... In the rough version may' be one or two are punte.Generalmente more 'powerful and more' expensive unfortunately ... but I 'indispensabbili in this release for some treatments cristalloterapia.I more' rock crystals are used (hyaline quartz) must be quite large (about 15 cm in length) The crystal is held in the hand directed toward the person for several minutes and then held on the various points of the "chakra" (so-called vital points) Another type of cut crystal and the 'so called' tumbled 'can be more' visually pleasing because 'more' like what has been 'used to wear or keep as an ornament: it has rounded edges with no ... It' s definitely more 'economic and slightly less powerful than grezzo.Ma therapeutic value and' effective (you have to keep the chakras much 'time) the properties' treatment of the crystals are many, each crystal has unique powers and different ... Today I want to describe to those of (guess what'?) Crystal Rock! and its my favorite ... ... Let's start with his description:
Rock Crystal and 'an oxide of silicon, system-prism esagonali.E' almost colorless, almost like glass ... the name comes from the ancient Greeks who called it "krystallos" ie 'ghiaccio.Grandi amount of rock crystal come from Brazil and Madagascar, but can be' found in Italy and other places ... This crystal allows you to increase the properties' crystal sangue.Combatte also the distress, fear, emotionalism '... stimulates the functions of cervello,attiva tutti i livelli di coscienza e disperde le negativita' anche nel campo circostante...E' un ottima guida alla scoperta del proprio essere piu' profondo...puo' essere veramente illuminante per la nostra vita...Una volta portati a casa e' importante trovare un contenitore dove far riposare il cristallo(ogni tanto anche lui dorme...)ideale sarebbe qualcosa di naturale come:il vetro,la porcellana,la ceramica,legno...Mai materiali metallici o di plastica...Prima di utilizzarlo il cristallo va lavato...Durante il viaggio e vari passaggi puo' aver accumulato delle energie negative(i cristalli assorbono tutto quello che li circonda)Esistono diversi metodi di pulizia ma io vi consiglio quello piu' facile:passarli sotto l'acqua corrente fredda per alcuni minutes imagining that all evil is washed away, then dry with a clean cloth and put in the sun for a few hours (so you reload) This should be done at least once a week ... the crystal needs to rest at least one day in weeks leave in the box all day ... She loves the snow, if you can lasciatecelo for some time and makes it very very happy ... Love your glass and you will see that all evil will wander 'away ...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
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Ancora cristalli cristalli cristalli....
You already 'realized that I'm crazy about crystals and how I could not ... be?! you saw how beautiful ... and these are just some of the many magical and beautiful crystals ... What you see are: Rose quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli blue of a beautiful and my favorite, The King of crystals "rock crystal" also called ialino.Ma Quartz crystals are not only beautiful, they also have powers if we say "magic" ... History shows that the first traces its ability to 'treatment of the crystals were found in an Egyptian papyrus dating back to 1600 BC .. But no doubt they were used much more 'at the latitudes of the populations' diverse: from civilization' to those of the Andean Central America, North America, Australia, the Middle to the Far East (China, Japan, India and surrounding areas) The most 'ancient scholar who took an interest in crystals was the greek philosopher Theophrastus, who lived about 400 years before his book cristo.Nel over emphasize the therapeutic aspect of the crystals he stresses that it is possible to distinguish with certainty " sex "crystal ... (more)

You already 'realized that I'm crazy about crystals and how I could not ... be?! you saw how beautiful ... and these are just some of the many magical and beautiful crystals ... What you see are: Rose quartz, amethyst, lapis lazuli blue of a beautiful and my favorite, The King of crystals "rock crystal" also called ialino.Ma Quartz crystals are not only beautiful, they also have powers if we say "magic" ... History shows that the first traces its ability to 'treatment of the crystals were found in an Egyptian papyrus dating back to 1600 BC .. But no doubt they were used much more 'at the latitudes of the populations' diverse: from civilization' to those of the Andean Central America, North America, Australia, the Middle to the Far East (China, Japan, India and surrounding areas) The most 'ancient scholar who took an interest in crystals was the greek philosopher Theophrastus, who lived about 400 years before his book cristo.Nel over emphasize the therapeutic aspect of the crystals he stresses that it is possible to distinguish with certainty " sex "crystal ... (more)
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Angeli (parte seconda)
The Angels have no sex, are creatures capable of communicating with each other with ideas, always know where Angels are others ... I am connected and can not act without them knowing the other their fellow human beings ... We can not become like them after our death, we are two races diverse.L 'Angelo was born and as such but we are another type of force ... some people can be superior to them, but there are few superiors ... does not mean "best" but only the most' strong. well .. I can feel my guardian angel ... I can not see it but I had several tests of his presence ... and you? I hope to hear your stories ... Kisses ...

The Angels have no sex, are creatures capable of communicating with each other with ideas, always know where Angels are others ... I am connected and can not act without them knowing the other their fellow human beings ... We can not become like them after our death, we are two races diverse.L 'Angelo was born and as such but we are another type of force ... some people can be superior to them, but there are few superiors ... does not mean "best" but only the most' strong. well .. I can feel my guardian angel ... I can not see it but I had several tests of his presence ... and you? I hope to hear your stories ... Kisses ...
Monday, July 6, 2009
Overdue Hygiene Recall Letter
Angeli...(parte prima)
To begin the Angels are not the wonderful presence with the white wings ... and not everyone has their "own" Guardian Angel ... The Angels are creatures with rare and choose ... From its carefully protected when people remember there were different stories and truth 'about these wonderful entity '... But you can not' touch or see a magic ... But 'you can' feel their heat very well ... Sometimes I can take sebbianze human remains so even for years ... not discovering ever their true nature ... usually work directly in our minds, leading us to the right ... you could say that sometimes what we believe to be our 'conscience' and 'our own that we're talking about Angelo .. . is for us to listen ... The term Angelo, in Greek "Angelos" meaning people chosen by MESSAGGERO.Le esenzialmente angels are also very good but tend to lose the right truth 'confused by everyday life ... (To be continued. .)

To begin the Angels are not the wonderful presence with the white wings ... and not everyone has their "own" Guardian Angel ... The Angels are creatures with rare and choose ... From its carefully protected when people remember there were different stories and truth 'about these wonderful entity '... But you can not' touch or see a magic ... But 'you can' feel their heat very well ... Sometimes I can take sebbianze human remains so even for years ... not discovering ever their true nature ... usually work directly in our minds, leading us to the right ... you could say that sometimes what we believe to be our 'conscience' and 'our own that we're talking about Angelo .. . is for us to listen ... The term Angelo, in Greek "Angelos" meaning people chosen by MESSAGGERO.Le esenzialmente angels are also very good but tend to lose the right truth 'confused by everyday life ... (To be continued. .)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Dental Hygiene Recall Letter
Friday, July 3, 2009
Green Egg Table Blueprints
Incantatore d'anime (Parte seconda)
was in front of me, up close was even more beautiful ... I could not speak, my mouth was tight as he stared at me curiously, his eyes seemed to want me to read in, I began to tremble ... "Hello Eva I wondered why I had called, because you so afraid? "touched my trembling shoulder making me blow up. "We can go and talk in a quieter place, please? I need to understand some things." Whisper softly staring without any discomfort. My senses are screaming! But my reason warned me, alarm! Complications in sight! I could definitely take him in my house ... "Okay, let's go in that bar ..." were the only words that I was able to say, he took my arm, his hand warm startled me, I freed myself from that taken in a while accelerating the pace. Sitting at my usual place without talking to await the arrival of the barman, the cute Sandra greeted me with her smile too much asking if we wanted to order. "For me a coffee please," he asked, smiling sweetly at the girl, "the same to me, thanks Sandra." I looked at her as she walked away without looking to dwell on him, I was sitting in front of a few inches from my face and I made things more difficult. Suddenly, with two fingers took my chin moving slightly thus forcing him to stare into my eyes. "Listen, I just want to remove this doubt ... do not know why but I feel incredibly attracted to you, from the first moment I laid eyes on you I did not do is think ... I can not stay away, as if I I had haunted, I never felt so involved species from a woman who asked me why the word ... I also noticed that you've done everything to avoid me, why? you do not understand this strange behavior towards me that night when I saw for the first time your face was scared, you run to the bathroom like you inseguisse a monster. Can you explain? I would if you visited me permetti…sento che tra di noi c’è qualcosa di molto forte,non posso resisterti…” i suoi occhi si annebbiarono, conoscevo bene quello sguardo,diventava cosi prima di baciarmi,lo avevo visto tante volte nei miei sogni…la sua mano cercò la mia ma la spostai velocemente sotto al tavolo. Come potevo spiegargli quello che provavo?mi avrebbe presa per una pazza…e forse lo ero…. “ Senti,non so come mai pensi che ti stia evitando,credimi non è cosi,non ti conosco quindi come potrei temerti? Mi sento lusingata, ti trovo molto carino ma questo non è il periodo ideale per me,preferisco non frequentare nessuno,ora devo andare scusami…E’ stato un piacere. Ciao.” Ero costretta to lie, I could not and did not want to see him again, I felt that could be fatal for me, for my heart ... I got up but he stops suddenly, I was standing with him who held tight to my wrists, my head began to turn around when he noticed his breath on my face, it seemed that he had no intention of letting go ... The familiar scent of flowers and white musk clouded my senses. I wanted to kiss him, but my body was burning with all the strength he could muster I pushed him away and I took to the exit, he stood there without saying anything, let me go, his face was stone ... I ran to my car, I tried to regain control of myself but it was not easy, my hands were shaking, I waited few minutes before starting the engine, I saw him leave the bar, with a pitch that he had missed a feline prey reached his car and scoured allocation in a hurry. It was better that way, my life would be back to normal ... but strangely I was not very convinced ...
Lost in the void again saw the face of that girl ... that face so adored that had touched a thousand times in dreams ... she was, he knew ... he seems confused, frightened at the sight of him ... but how he would explain to her that you knew and well, but in his dreams?! poor would have thought of having to deal with a madman! Then he said only that he felt strangely attracted to her, and what else could I say?! the truth?! already seemed so terrified ... no ... must act with calm ... He had to find out why all this happened ... The girl who dreamed he was a child really existed! it was ... her in the flesh! and he loved her with all his heart ... and since we do not remember 'night has been spent with her, even the night before to see the restaurant had dreamed. Greedy kissed her sweet lips whispered his desire as their bodies swayed in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the waves lost in uncontrollable passion ... It was so beautiful ... and the smell of her soft skin made him start With the desire ... Eva was always like that, they were together every night and then she vanished like a ghost and he awoke in his bed suffering because they could not have even during the day ... now I do not even ask why, she existed in his dreams ... just had not told anybody, let alone his girlfriend "real" Sylvia ... They were together for six years, thought he loved her ... but when he saw Eve in the restaurant, so "real" and in front of them him ... his world turned upside! Silvia had noticed his strange behavior, he saw that he constantly stared at the girl ... who was asked several times but he tried to throw her off the street with the stupid answers ... end fell out and she went mad ... I was strangely happy, now she could talk to mysterious girl alone ... too bad that he found her unconscious in the bathroom ... (continues ... ... ..)

was in front of me, up close was even more beautiful ... I could not speak, my mouth was tight as he stared at me curiously, his eyes seemed to want me to read in, I began to tremble ... "Hello Eva I wondered why I had called, because you so afraid? "touched my trembling shoulder making me blow up. "We can go and talk in a quieter place, please? I need to understand some things." Whisper softly staring without any discomfort. My senses are screaming! But my reason warned me, alarm! Complications in sight! I could definitely take him in my house ... "Okay, let's go in that bar ..." were the only words that I was able to say, he took my arm, his hand warm startled me, I freed myself from that taken in a while accelerating the pace. Sitting at my usual place without talking to await the arrival of the barman, the cute Sandra greeted me with her smile too much asking if we wanted to order. "For me a coffee please," he asked, smiling sweetly at the girl, "the same to me, thanks Sandra." I looked at her as she walked away without looking to dwell on him, I was sitting in front of a few inches from my face and I made things more difficult. Suddenly, with two fingers took my chin moving slightly thus forcing him to stare into my eyes. "Listen, I just want to remove this doubt ... do not know why but I feel incredibly attracted to you, from the first moment I laid eyes on you I did not do is think ... I can not stay away, as if I I had haunted, I never felt so involved species from a woman who asked me why the word ... I also noticed that you've done everything to avoid me, why? you do not understand this strange behavior towards me that night when I saw for the first time your face was scared, you run to the bathroom like you inseguisse a monster. Can you explain? I would if you visited me permetti…sento che tra di noi c’è qualcosa di molto forte,non posso resisterti…” i suoi occhi si annebbiarono, conoscevo bene quello sguardo,diventava cosi prima di baciarmi,lo avevo visto tante volte nei miei sogni…la sua mano cercò la mia ma la spostai velocemente sotto al tavolo. Come potevo spiegargli quello che provavo?mi avrebbe presa per una pazza…e forse lo ero…. “ Senti,non so come mai pensi che ti stia evitando,credimi non è cosi,non ti conosco quindi come potrei temerti? Mi sento lusingata, ti trovo molto carino ma questo non è il periodo ideale per me,preferisco non frequentare nessuno,ora devo andare scusami…E’ stato un piacere. Ciao.” Ero costretta to lie, I could not and did not want to see him again, I felt that could be fatal for me, for my heart ... I got up but he stops suddenly, I was standing with him who held tight to my wrists, my head began to turn around when he noticed his breath on my face, it seemed that he had no intention of letting go ... The familiar scent of flowers and white musk clouded my senses. I wanted to kiss him, but my body was burning with all the strength he could muster I pushed him away and I took to the exit, he stood there without saying anything, let me go, his face was stone ... I ran to my car, I tried to regain control of myself but it was not easy, my hands were shaking, I waited few minutes before starting the engine, I saw him leave the bar, with a pitch that he had missed a feline prey reached his car and scoured allocation in a hurry. It was better that way, my life would be back to normal ... but strangely I was not very convinced ...
Lost in the void again saw the face of that girl ... that face so adored that had touched a thousand times in dreams ... she was, he knew ... he seems confused, frightened at the sight of him ... but how he would explain to her that you knew and well, but in his dreams?! poor would have thought of having to deal with a madman! Then he said only that he felt strangely attracted to her, and what else could I say?! the truth?! already seemed so terrified ... no ... must act with calm ... He had to find out why all this happened ... The girl who dreamed he was a child really existed! it was ... her in the flesh! and he loved her with all his heart ... and since we do not remember 'night has been spent with her, even the night before to see the restaurant had dreamed. Greedy kissed her sweet lips whispered his desire as their bodies swayed in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the waves lost in uncontrollable passion ... It was so beautiful ... and the smell of her soft skin made him start With the desire ... Eva was always like that, they were together every night and then she vanished like a ghost and he awoke in his bed suffering because they could not have even during the day ... now I do not even ask why, she existed in his dreams ... just had not told anybody, let alone his girlfriend "real" Sylvia ... They were together for six years, thought he loved her ... but when he saw Eve in the restaurant, so "real" and in front of them him ... his world turned upside! Silvia had noticed his strange behavior, he saw that he constantly stared at the girl ... who was asked several times but he tried to throw her off the street with the stupid answers ... end fell out and she went mad ... I was strangely happy, now she could talk to mysterious girl alone ... too bad that he found her unconscious in the bathroom ... (continues ... ... ..)
How Do You Use H2ocean
Have you ever wondered why the sea water and 'salt? Seems like a silly question but I assure you that many of my friends do not know the answer ... it' s shocking is not it? But how many things of our lives are taken for granted? now there will also ask where they came from ... there are just ... But luckily there I am your fairy ... ... So ... num a lesson:
The seawater and 'medium composed of water, 96.5% and 3.5% salts.
The more 'salty seas and between' the Red Sea (4% salt), but also the Mediterranean is no joke (3.8% salt) ... Among the oceans but the more 'salty' the Atlantic Ocean 3.8% salt) and 'So how come the water and' salt? The answer is in the process of accumulation of salts in the sea ... The evaporation and dissolved salts in the oceans comes from erosion of the earth's crust by weathering, the rocks and ocean sediments that make up the funds but also through gases released by volcanoes sottomarini.L 'ragging the sea water from the rivers and the precipitation evaporates back into the atmosphere but the salts remain dissolved in oceani.Semplice right? but many did not know ...

Have you ever wondered why the sea water and 'salt? Seems like a silly question but I assure you that many of my friends do not know the answer ... it' s shocking is not it? But how many things of our lives are taken for granted? now there will also ask where they came from ... there are just ... But luckily there I am your fairy ... ... So ... num a lesson:
The seawater and 'medium composed of water, 96.5% and 3.5% salts.
The more 'salty seas and between' the Red Sea (4% salt), but also the Mediterranean is no joke (3.8% salt) ... Among the oceans but the more 'salty' the Atlantic Ocean 3.8% salt) and 'So how come the water and' salt? The answer is in the process of accumulation of salts in the sea ... The evaporation and dissolved salts in the oceans comes from erosion of the earth's crust by weathering, the rocks and ocean sediments that make up the funds but also through gases released by volcanoes sottomarini.L 'ragging the sea water from the rivers and the precipitation evaporates back into the atmosphere but the salts remain dissolved in oceani.Semplice right? but many did not know ...
Thursday, July 2, 2009
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RACCONTO FANTASY BY ISI "Incantatore d'anime parte prima"
Black as the night wrapped in his arms the long-awaited lethal prey, she lay still, she fainted, but his soul was still there ... He tenderly stroked his hair and then rested his warm lips on the mouth of the girl, she eyes widened in surprise as his life almost slipped via ...
in my life I never believed in destiny, overcome my loneliness twenty-six years in total I was resigned to life without a mate next door. I've never been a romantic girl and see my friends cry so often because of this be called "men" made me go crazy! They were really painful. Yes ... maybe I was too cold and suspicious, not for nothing that I was called "Eve the ice" from school, but at least I was not likely to totally apart because of some poor fool. Yes of course I also had some story, but nothing important, when things got too serious immediately close, I did not want involvement ... the truth was that I had never loved anyone ... I never heard my heart beat a little faster for another person ... But to be honest I thought about it rarely, I preferred to live so large, with my beloved dog Sam, surrounded by family and many wonderful friends that I loved her. I lived alone with my mutt four years, in a lovely apartment for rent in Parma, in the center. I worked as an assistant at the clinic from now, let's see ... about five years ... I must say that I liked my job, some a few years ago, my biggest dream was to open the clinic all mine but you know how things go ... the Time passes and the dreams are back ... Now it was far too late and then I was so very well. But I made good money, in fact I had almost finished paying for my apartment with a "little" help from my parents were very rich, my mother had inherited a fortune after the death of my grandparents, old people had created a huge empire of oil and My parents continued their work as best they could with my grandparents ... I had never built a good relationship, they were too absorbed in their business to play with their granddaughter ... after their death has not shed a tear ... Valentino Dr. Corsi, My boss was a wonderful person and a great professional, married with three children, I learned quasi tutto da lui e arrivata a questo punto mi occupavo da sola della maggior parte della clientela . Insomma la mia vita andava alla meraviglia… Però c’era una cosa di me che nessuno sapeva,una parte di me che io stessa non conoscevo bene …Di notte nei miei sogni diventavo la donna più romantica e passionale del pianeta,non dipendeva da me…succedeva e basta. Da quando riesco a ricordare sognavo sempre le stesse cose,un bellissimo ragazzo moro che amavo più di qualsiasi cosa al mondo,anche lui mi amava,era pazzo di me…questi sogni erano sempre cosi reali,facevo fatica a riprendermi ogni volta che mi svegliavo. Non ricordo di aver mai sognato nient’altro in vita mia…nessun’altra persona…solo ... When he and I were little, along with my friends we confided our dreams, while they were telling me different things each time I was forced to lie by inventing a lot of stupid things, I could not confess mica have a boyfriend who lived in my drive By the time the head ... I'm not surprised as I was accustomed to the presence of night Alex, so called man of my dreams ... Last night, I was sleeping and something had touched me, he was, I woke up with Alex sweet kiss, her lips were always so soft and warm, smelled of wild flowers and moss. She stared at me with her big golden eyes-hazel which overshadowed by the desire to fade away, and whispered in my ear keep the sentences I touched his hair short blacks such as coal and then kissed her with such transport takes your breath away ... Then he took me in his arms, his chest burned, suddenly we were immersed in sea water, the waves rocking piano plan our bodies that were lost in the passion without restraint. It was not the first time we made love ... I suddenly woke up sweating, I felt his warm hands on me again ... I went to the bathroom to freshen up the face, the dream slowly moved away from my thoughts, I stared for a moment my face wet in the mirror, my skin was quite white blushed, my lips were swollen and slightly trembling, my eyes gray with silver highlights many seemed catching fire, how strange ... I could have sworn to see the flames dancing in my eyes ... must be the new bulb I had put on the mirror, I passed my hand in my hair, was covered with sweat so I decided to get me to the shower. I recovered fully under running cold water and after few minutes I ributtai to bed immediately fell into a deep sleep. The next morning as if nothing had calmly ate my usual croissant stuffed with cream sipping hot coffee, relaxed leafed through the newspaper was delivered to me every morning under the door and then I ributtai again in the shower this time pleasantly warm . Still wrapped in a bathrobe opened my locker and I took the bulk of many a black dress with lots of red flowers, she came out last spring and the heavy coats and dresses could remain closed for at least four long months, how nice, I loved the summer ... carefully combed my new hair, I had to be shortened making him a few days to reach just below the ear slightly lightening, were now a golden blonde. I had to admit that I donavano, wrapped around my face ... Truccai minutes making it very pretty little eyes with purple eyeshadow and a touch of mascara, her lips so I left the course, was the part that most preferred to me, were full and well pronounced with a very particular form of a pink and raspberry, they were so sweet ... I mirrored satisfied before leaving, the dress was almost perfect, it was new but I had to shorten it slightly ... it is not very high, one meter and sixty to be exact, I had problems long with all the leaders who buy ... My body is thin and I minutes made it seem so often a girl ... But the men I was always a certain effect, staring at me continuously. For heaven's sake ... I looked at my watch, I had to hurry if I was not late for work, only had the red shoes and I was ready, the heels could not always be in my clothes, never! The day was spent in a hurry, as usual, full of appointments. I was a little tired tonight but I had to go out to dinner with my two best friends Laura and Melissa, were completely different from me ... but I loved Laura, beautiful, brunette and very high, it was more of a crazy horse crazy, he just turned thirty-three years and was always looking for her prince charming, he had broken a few days with her boyfriend and there was a bit 'bad ... never changed, I got angry so many times for his self-destructive ways of doing things but there was nothing to do, she was too passionate ... Melissa, slightly higher than me, was lovely sweet and sensitive, with its eternal sentimentalist ... blue eyes and long honey-colored hair was crazy about all people, was the youngest of our group, was twenty years old and was engaged Michael with his eight. This evening we had to celebrate the newfound freedom of Laura so we had booked from Gabriella, the best restaurant in all of Parma. I had occasion to put my brand new little black dress short with the usual high heels ... I figure my bill, although still close to my lovely friends out of tune a bit '... it was beautiful ... as usual. The evening promised well, the food that arrived was delicious as always friendly and relaxed environment, there was also a band that sounded really nice pieces ... As Laura told something about a guy who had met at work, was a 'talented beautician, my eyes suddenly paused a guy with a face conosciutomi too well, but that there was equal to Alex! The wine I was drinking I was stuck in his throat and began to cough but could not stop me, my friends looked curiously the goal of my discount, "Great! Eva but who is that piece of male and nearly knocked you?! "Laura asked almost yelling. "Shut up you feel! I do not know who he is ... it was not to him that I was coughing, I went through all the wine here," shamelessly lied ... my friends did not know anything about Alex and certainly did not mean to confess now! But that strange though, the dark boy was identical to him, the same look ... just the thought mi fece venire i brividi lungo la schiena…Le mie amiche sembravano aver bevuto la mia bugia ma ogni tanto lo guardavano incuriosite, lui stava seduto insieme ad una stupenda ragazza dai capelli rossi come il fuoco,erano proprio una bella copia…Sentì la gelosia crescere dentro di me quando lei gli sfiorò il viso. E dai non fare la bambina,lui non esiste!Pensavo dentro di me ma un sentimento forte e reale mi fece trasalire di rabbia!Era sicuro,stavo impazzendo!Mi alzai per andare in bagno e in quel preciso istante i suoi occhi incrociarono i miei, il suo sguardo sembrò infuocarsi,meravigliato e sorpreso quanto me…la ragazza con i capelli rossi si girò di scatto per vedere chi stava guardando con tanto interesse,gli prese il viso in his hands and seemed to move to correct him ... He hit his hand and continued to stare, I felt very at discount and went running to the bathroom, my face in the mirror was inflamed, his eyes wide and shiny with fever that I felt up in the body. O God. ... He looked like his heart seemed uscirmi out of my chest was pounding as I felt that the floor was starting to turn ... then I did not see anything, total darkness and an annoying sound in the ears ... I fainted. I awoke in my bed next to me were staring at me Laura, and Melissa care about, "Hello darling, we've done a lot ... you're scaring fainted ... luckily the mysterious guy who have not done much that set the whole evening was a doctor ... I rescued him and then gave us a hand to bring them home, these are the drops that left you, you have to take them whenever you feel weak ... He was so cute with you baby ... "Laura caring for the fixed phrases. I watched stunned the bottle in his hand but I could not follow it ... he was here in my house? And I slept?! But now where was it? A thousand questions went through my mind but I said nothing to the girls, they were already quite concerned about my health, I asked only one thing ... "He asked me something? "Melissa's eyes widened suddenly jumping off the chair," In fact qualcosa ha detto…anzi scritto…” mi mise in mano un pezzo di carta,era la scrittura di un uomo “Quando ti sarai sentita meglio chiamami per favore devo parlarti urgentemente…il mio numero di telefono è 348….Alex.” La mano cominciò a tremarmi…forse era un sogno…guardai le mie amiche,sembravano reali però…Entrambe cominciarono a farmi una marea di domande,le liquidai con la scusa del mal di testa,andarono via promettendo che sarebbero ritornate domani mattina. Persa nei miei pensieri sempre più confusi mi addormentai sfinita. Mi risvegliai al mattino con il sole sul viso, oggi non sarei andata a lavorare,Laura aveva già avvertito il mio capo,avevo preso la mia decisione,non I never called that guy mysterious ... I had no need to mess your life, this story reeked of trouble ... I tore my ticket and went to the kitchen to prepare coffee. I spent the day to rest so if you could tell because my friends went several times trying to find out something about that doctor on the pretext of checking the health never thought they were clever ... but I had put off the track with great skill ... denies any involvement fought with him and eventually gave up ... Then came the turn of my relatives, my parents, my sister with her husband and children, my aunt with her cousins \u200b\u200b... well ... its all in the end I was forced to drive them away, pretending to feel very stanca. Finalmente verso sera ero rimasta completamente sola con il mio cane,certo che se i miei giorni di malattia dovevano essere tutti cosi allora preferivo lavorare anche sul punto di morte! Il resto della serata lo passai d’avanti alla televisione cercando di non pensare a lui…ma nonostante i miei sforzi mi addormentai con il suo viso d’avanti agli occhi. Il resto della settimana passò in fretta,non avevo sognato Alex ne anche una volta,o forse si…il fatto era che non mi ricordavo niente…Il suo ricordo svaniva lentamente con il passare dei giorni,il lavoro mi distraeva alla grande,la sera ero sempre cosi stanca che non avevo le forze per pensare troppo. Finalmente era arrivato il sabato,due giorni tutti per me. Non lavoravo mai on weekends, I devote myself completely to my passions, movies, reading, music and shopping! It was ten o'clock in the morning, a beautiful sunny day, I was about to leave the house, I had to see me with Melissa and Laura in front of department stores, there was a big sell-off not to be missed! My hand was shaking the door handle when you hear the phone ring, snorting lifted the receiver, I was listening carefully, I could not hear nothing ... then the shrill voice of my mother made me blow up! "Mom! You gave me a shot! You may slightly lower your lovely voice hen?" Sgridai the poor that if nothing had happened began to drill the head with its wonderful ideas ... She had tried to persuade me to go by her grandmother in the countryside with the whole family, "it also dead mother dear!" my answer does not quench his desire to drag the prairie in the middle of nowhere, but after about ten minutes bombing offensive surrendered pulling the phone, so I knew that I would call the next day, it was not so easy to get rid of her ... I resumed my bag when the phone rang, this time I did not answer ... I had no desire to waste any more time with my mother. Locking the door I turned my thoughts to department stores, shops full of items waiting for me wonderful! We went down the stairs that quickly come to an end I lost my balance and went down to the ground long, fine crushed against the floor like a pancake ... hear a male voice laughing at me, I looked, it was my neighbor, reached out and lifted me up off the ground without much effort . "Thank you, Luigi, I must run away, sorry ... I owe you a coffee!" Hastily greeted the cute bald man in his fifties everything. I found myself suddenly in the middle of the road, I looked straight at me and feel short of breath, across the street leaning against a black car he was there, it was him ... the world's most beautiful hazel eyes staring at me with great attention, seemed on fire ... With a stride he had moved in my direction, my legs were shaking and sweat never bathed the back ... I bit my lip so hard that you feel the sweet taste of blood in my mouth ... I touched the wall of the building behind me, I needed support. I risked going to faint again ... I breathed deeply. Here it is ...

Black as the night wrapped in his arms the long-awaited lethal prey, she lay still, she fainted, but his soul was still there ... He tenderly stroked his hair and then rested his warm lips on the mouth of the girl, she eyes widened in surprise as his life almost slipped via ...
in my life I never believed in destiny, overcome my loneliness twenty-six years in total I was resigned to life without a mate next door. I've never been a romantic girl and see my friends cry so often because of this be called "men" made me go crazy! They were really painful. Yes ... maybe I was too cold and suspicious, not for nothing that I was called "Eve the ice" from school, but at least I was not likely to totally apart because of some poor fool. Yes of course I also had some story, but nothing important, when things got too serious immediately close, I did not want involvement ... the truth was that I had never loved anyone ... I never heard my heart beat a little faster for another person ... But to be honest I thought about it rarely, I preferred to live so large, with my beloved dog Sam, surrounded by family and many wonderful friends that I loved her. I lived alone with my mutt four years, in a lovely apartment for rent in Parma, in the center. I worked as an assistant at the clinic from now, let's see ... about five years ... I must say that I liked my job, some a few years ago, my biggest dream was to open the clinic all mine but you know how things go ... the Time passes and the dreams are back ... Now it was far too late and then I was so very well. But I made good money, in fact I had almost finished paying for my apartment with a "little" help from my parents were very rich, my mother had inherited a fortune after the death of my grandparents, old people had created a huge empire of oil and My parents continued their work as best they could with my grandparents ... I had never built a good relationship, they were too absorbed in their business to play with their granddaughter ... after their death has not shed a tear ... Valentino Dr. Corsi, My boss was a wonderful person and a great professional, married with three children, I learned quasi tutto da lui e arrivata a questo punto mi occupavo da sola della maggior parte della clientela . Insomma la mia vita andava alla meraviglia… Però c’era una cosa di me che nessuno sapeva,una parte di me che io stessa non conoscevo bene …Di notte nei miei sogni diventavo la donna più romantica e passionale del pianeta,non dipendeva da me…succedeva e basta. Da quando riesco a ricordare sognavo sempre le stesse cose,un bellissimo ragazzo moro che amavo più di qualsiasi cosa al mondo,anche lui mi amava,era pazzo di me…questi sogni erano sempre cosi reali,facevo fatica a riprendermi ogni volta che mi svegliavo. Non ricordo di aver mai sognato nient’altro in vita mia…nessun’altra persona…solo ... When he and I were little, along with my friends we confided our dreams, while they were telling me different things each time I was forced to lie by inventing a lot of stupid things, I could not confess mica have a boyfriend who lived in my drive By the time the head ... I'm not surprised as I was accustomed to the presence of night Alex, so called man of my dreams ... Last night, I was sleeping and something had touched me, he was, I woke up with Alex sweet kiss, her lips were always so soft and warm, smelled of wild flowers and moss. She stared at me with her big golden eyes-hazel which overshadowed by the desire to fade away, and whispered in my ear keep the sentences I touched his hair short blacks such as coal and then kissed her with such transport takes your breath away ... Then he took me in his arms, his chest burned, suddenly we were immersed in sea water, the waves rocking piano plan our bodies that were lost in the passion without restraint. It was not the first time we made love ... I suddenly woke up sweating, I felt his warm hands on me again ... I went to the bathroom to freshen up the face, the dream slowly moved away from my thoughts, I stared for a moment my face wet in the mirror, my skin was quite white blushed, my lips were swollen and slightly trembling, my eyes gray with silver highlights many seemed catching fire, how strange ... I could have sworn to see the flames dancing in my eyes ... must be the new bulb I had put on the mirror, I passed my hand in my hair, was covered with sweat so I decided to get me to the shower. I recovered fully under running cold water and after few minutes I ributtai to bed immediately fell into a deep sleep. The next morning as if nothing had calmly ate my usual croissant stuffed with cream sipping hot coffee, relaxed leafed through the newspaper was delivered to me every morning under the door and then I ributtai again in the shower this time pleasantly warm . Still wrapped in a bathrobe opened my locker and I took the bulk of many a black dress with lots of red flowers, she came out last spring and the heavy coats and dresses could remain closed for at least four long months, how nice, I loved the summer ... carefully combed my new hair, I had to be shortened making him a few days to reach just below the ear slightly lightening, were now a golden blonde. I had to admit that I donavano, wrapped around my face ... Truccai minutes making it very pretty little eyes with purple eyeshadow and a touch of mascara, her lips so I left the course, was the part that most preferred to me, were full and well pronounced with a very particular form of a pink and raspberry, they were so sweet ... I mirrored satisfied before leaving, the dress was almost perfect, it was new but I had to shorten it slightly ... it is not very high, one meter and sixty to be exact, I had problems long with all the leaders who buy ... My body is thin and I minutes made it seem so often a girl ... But the men I was always a certain effect, staring at me continuously. For heaven's sake ... I looked at my watch, I had to hurry if I was not late for work, only had the red shoes and I was ready, the heels could not always be in my clothes, never! The day was spent in a hurry, as usual, full of appointments. I was a little tired tonight but I had to go out to dinner with my two best friends Laura and Melissa, were completely different from me ... but I loved Laura, beautiful, brunette and very high, it was more of a crazy horse crazy, he just turned thirty-three years and was always looking for her prince charming, he had broken a few days with her boyfriend and there was a bit 'bad ... never changed, I got angry so many times for his self-destructive ways of doing things but there was nothing to do, she was too passionate ... Melissa, slightly higher than me, was lovely sweet and sensitive, with its eternal sentimentalist ... blue eyes and long honey-colored hair was crazy about all people, was the youngest of our group, was twenty years old and was engaged Michael with his eight. This evening we had to celebrate the newfound freedom of Laura so we had booked from Gabriella, the best restaurant in all of Parma. I had occasion to put my brand new little black dress short with the usual high heels ... I figure my bill, although still close to my lovely friends out of tune a bit '... it was beautiful ... as usual. The evening promised well, the food that arrived was delicious as always friendly and relaxed environment, there was also a band that sounded really nice pieces ... As Laura told something about a guy who had met at work, was a 'talented beautician, my eyes suddenly paused a guy with a face conosciutomi too well, but that there was equal to Alex! The wine I was drinking I was stuck in his throat and began to cough but could not stop me, my friends looked curiously the goal of my discount, "Great! Eva but who is that piece of male and nearly knocked you?! "Laura asked almost yelling. "Shut up you feel! I do not know who he is ... it was not to him that I was coughing, I went through all the wine here," shamelessly lied ... my friends did not know anything about Alex and certainly did not mean to confess now! But that strange though, the dark boy was identical to him, the same look ... just the thought mi fece venire i brividi lungo la schiena…Le mie amiche sembravano aver bevuto la mia bugia ma ogni tanto lo guardavano incuriosite, lui stava seduto insieme ad una stupenda ragazza dai capelli rossi come il fuoco,erano proprio una bella copia…Sentì la gelosia crescere dentro di me quando lei gli sfiorò il viso. E dai non fare la bambina,lui non esiste!Pensavo dentro di me ma un sentimento forte e reale mi fece trasalire di rabbia!Era sicuro,stavo impazzendo!Mi alzai per andare in bagno e in quel preciso istante i suoi occhi incrociarono i miei, il suo sguardo sembrò infuocarsi,meravigliato e sorpreso quanto me…la ragazza con i capelli rossi si girò di scatto per vedere chi stava guardando con tanto interesse,gli prese il viso in his hands and seemed to move to correct him ... He hit his hand and continued to stare, I felt very at discount and went running to the bathroom, my face in the mirror was inflamed, his eyes wide and shiny with fever that I felt up in the body. O God. ... He looked like his heart seemed uscirmi out of my chest was pounding as I felt that the floor was starting to turn ... then I did not see anything, total darkness and an annoying sound in the ears ... I fainted. I awoke in my bed next to me were staring at me Laura, and Melissa care about, "Hello darling, we've done a lot ... you're scaring fainted ... luckily the mysterious guy who have not done much that set the whole evening was a doctor ... I rescued him and then gave us a hand to bring them home, these are the drops that left you, you have to take them whenever you feel weak ... He was so cute with you baby ... "Laura caring for the fixed phrases. I watched stunned the bottle in his hand but I could not follow it ... he was here in my house? And I slept?! But now where was it? A thousand questions went through my mind but I said nothing to the girls, they were already quite concerned about my health, I asked only one thing ... "He asked me something? "Melissa's eyes widened suddenly jumping off the chair," In fact qualcosa ha detto…anzi scritto…” mi mise in mano un pezzo di carta,era la scrittura di un uomo “Quando ti sarai sentita meglio chiamami per favore devo parlarti urgentemente…il mio numero di telefono è 348….Alex.” La mano cominciò a tremarmi…forse era un sogno…guardai le mie amiche,sembravano reali però…Entrambe cominciarono a farmi una marea di domande,le liquidai con la scusa del mal di testa,andarono via promettendo che sarebbero ritornate domani mattina. Persa nei miei pensieri sempre più confusi mi addormentai sfinita. Mi risvegliai al mattino con il sole sul viso, oggi non sarei andata a lavorare,Laura aveva già avvertito il mio capo,avevo preso la mia decisione,non I never called that guy mysterious ... I had no need to mess your life, this story reeked of trouble ... I tore my ticket and went to the kitchen to prepare coffee. I spent the day to rest so if you could tell because my friends went several times trying to find out something about that doctor on the pretext of checking the health never thought they were clever ... but I had put off the track with great skill ... denies any involvement fought with him and eventually gave up ... Then came the turn of my relatives, my parents, my sister with her husband and children, my aunt with her cousins \u200b\u200b... well ... its all in the end I was forced to drive them away, pretending to feel very stanca. Finalmente verso sera ero rimasta completamente sola con il mio cane,certo che se i miei giorni di malattia dovevano essere tutti cosi allora preferivo lavorare anche sul punto di morte! Il resto della serata lo passai d’avanti alla televisione cercando di non pensare a lui…ma nonostante i miei sforzi mi addormentai con il suo viso d’avanti agli occhi. Il resto della settimana passò in fretta,non avevo sognato Alex ne anche una volta,o forse si…il fatto era che non mi ricordavo niente…Il suo ricordo svaniva lentamente con il passare dei giorni,il lavoro mi distraeva alla grande,la sera ero sempre cosi stanca che non avevo le forze per pensare troppo. Finalmente era arrivato il sabato,due giorni tutti per me. Non lavoravo mai on weekends, I devote myself completely to my passions, movies, reading, music and shopping! It was ten o'clock in the morning, a beautiful sunny day, I was about to leave the house, I had to see me with Melissa and Laura in front of department stores, there was a big sell-off not to be missed! My hand was shaking the door handle when you hear the phone ring, snorting lifted the receiver, I was listening carefully, I could not hear nothing ... then the shrill voice of my mother made me blow up! "Mom! You gave me a shot! You may slightly lower your lovely voice hen?" Sgridai the poor that if nothing had happened began to drill the head with its wonderful ideas ... She had tried to persuade me to go by her grandmother in the countryside with the whole family, "it also dead mother dear!" my answer does not quench his desire to drag the prairie in the middle of nowhere, but after about ten minutes bombing offensive surrendered pulling the phone, so I knew that I would call the next day, it was not so easy to get rid of her ... I resumed my bag when the phone rang, this time I did not answer ... I had no desire to waste any more time with my mother. Locking the door I turned my thoughts to department stores, shops full of items waiting for me wonderful! We went down the stairs that quickly come to an end I lost my balance and went down to the ground long, fine crushed against the floor like a pancake ... hear a male voice laughing at me, I looked, it was my neighbor, reached out and lifted me up off the ground without much effort . "Thank you, Luigi, I must run away, sorry ... I owe you a coffee!" Hastily greeted the cute bald man in his fifties everything. I found myself suddenly in the middle of the road, I looked straight at me and feel short of breath, across the street leaning against a black car he was there, it was him ... the world's most beautiful hazel eyes staring at me with great attention, seemed on fire ... With a stride he had moved in my direction, my legs were shaking and sweat never bathed the back ... I bit my lip so hard that you feel the sweet taste of blood in my mouth ... I touched the wall of the building behind me, I needed support. I risked going to faint again ... I breathed deeply. Here it is ...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Valentines Pot Luck At Work
I CRISTALLI DELL'ACQUA (parte seconda)
water more 'beautiful location in Switzerland, specifically in Bern, the crystals are perfect ... beautiful ... but the water in Paris, Londara, Tokyo, Rome, Venice , Asia, Australia, and 'really bad ... small crystals are sketched rather badly ... Big surprises come from America, the water in Vancouver, Washington and New York presents bei cristalli...Del resto a Manhattan gli acquedotti sono stati modificati utilizzando contenitori di legno di cedro.Cristalli stupendi si trovano anche nelle acque dell'America latina,Buenos Aires,Manaus e in Amazzonia.Seguendo l'acqua lungo i fiumi poi sbarrati da dighe,Emoto scopri che i cristalli prima bellissimi si spezzano e si perdono quando vengono bloccati in un lago artificiale da dove non hanno scampo.La svolta nei suoi studi giunse quando un suo collaboratore ebbe un'idea...perche' non suonare musica all'acqua e poi vedere cosa succede ai cristalli?In fin dei conti l'efficacia della musicoterapia e' risaputa...le piante per esempio sono sensibili alla musica e reagiscono ai pensieri umani...Ma l'acqua?Emoto riempi delle bottiglie d'acqua e le mise tra two altoparlanti.La Beethowen music, Mozart, Chopin, etc ... created a crystal charm ... On the contrary, that of modern music as Heavy Metal, have produced crystals cleaved in pieces endless ... But ugly and deformed ... Emoto did not stop there, he decided to read the words to the crystals ... How? At several bottles filled with water from the same source, paste 'of the package label side facing the water in the bottles ... with the package that says the word "thank you, love, strength, love you, you're good" is created beautiful crystals of six corners, instead the bottles with the word "silly, stupid, bad, bad, kill you, I hate you "came the crystals deformed split into a thousand pieces ... The research Masaru Emoto lead to a debate ... if the human being and 'format for the 70% water, it means that what he thinks, says and does not fall in vain, but change the water from her body, resulting in crystals it good or bad ... healthy mind = healthy body ... what do you think?

water more 'beautiful location in Switzerland, specifically in Bern, the crystals are perfect ... beautiful ... but the water in Paris, Londara, Tokyo, Rome, Venice , Asia, Australia, and 'really bad ... small crystals are sketched rather badly ... Big surprises come from America, the water in Vancouver, Washington and New York presents bei cristalli...Del resto a Manhattan gli acquedotti sono stati modificati utilizzando contenitori di legno di cedro.Cristalli stupendi si trovano anche nelle acque dell'America latina,Buenos Aires,Manaus e in Amazzonia.Seguendo l'acqua lungo i fiumi poi sbarrati da dighe,Emoto scopri che i cristalli prima bellissimi si spezzano e si perdono quando vengono bloccati in un lago artificiale da dove non hanno scampo.La svolta nei suoi studi giunse quando un suo collaboratore ebbe un'idea...perche' non suonare musica all'acqua e poi vedere cosa succede ai cristalli?In fin dei conti l'efficacia della musicoterapia e' risaputa...le piante per esempio sono sensibili alla musica e reagiscono ai pensieri umani...Ma l'acqua?Emoto riempi delle bottiglie d'acqua e le mise tra two altoparlanti.La Beethowen music, Mozart, Chopin, etc ... created a crystal charm ... On the contrary, that of modern music as Heavy Metal, have produced crystals cleaved in pieces endless ... But ugly and deformed ... Emoto did not stop there, he decided to read the words to the crystals ... How? At several bottles filled with water from the same source, paste 'of the package label side facing the water in the bottles ... with the package that says the word "thank you, love, strength, love you, you're good" is created beautiful crystals of six corners, instead the bottles with the word "silly, stupid, bad, bad, kill you, I hate you "came the crystals deformed split into a thousand pieces ... The research Masaru Emoto lead to a debate ... if the human being and 'format for the 70% water, it means that what he thinks, says and does not fall in vain, but change the water from her body, resulting in crystals it good or bad ... healthy mind = healthy body ... what do you think?
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