Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Yamaha Receiver Hdmi No Audio

Arena di Verona - 2009 International Festival of Nativities


Dott. Alfredo Troisi Ideatore e Curatore della Rassegna Internazionale del Presepio in Arena a Verona

Suscitano un grande fascino i diorami di Francesco Aiello,
che affronta il tema teologico del presepio con risultati
extraordinary: the Calabrian artist realizes
cribs with a special screening of emotional intimacy, managing to reproduce
perfect images of family life as
home, family, small town community, the
poor district of a city.

His artistic vein passes from the reconstruction of the Palestinian
typical placement of the Nativity crib
in a Franciscan monastery.

These are usually of significant projections costume
legacy of popular art that places the crib
under the sign of a strong religious and emotional.

Clear Cm Before Period



The collective Ideanna Polleca Dedalonic Nopasswd for the festival offers two days of workshops and performance events on issues related to the definition of female identity.

Ideanna is a large-scale art project that aims to investigate the stereotypes of women, mingling between the "b-culture" and "art high, "the possibilities for collaborative test-build-destroy the collective imagination of women.
Through the involvement of various entities, artists, citizens, institutions, associations, coalitions, strategic, etc.., And installation on the territory of geography, language, imagery, virtual, you will create a continuum of discourse to discuss the issues of identity women.

The group, formed by the time The Big Sweaters Magic Duo, Marcella Fanzaga and Stefania Rossi, artists who work mainly through the-art performance, use this medium to reach its goals.

Ideanna Polleca Dedalonic stands encyclopedia of women, the initial action for the startup of the project aims to establish a classification of the collective on female figures, then turned to the creation of a handbook of "kinds" of women through whose remix of gender roles , redefining them or confuse them permanently.
The compilation of these cards is entrusted to an audience, the more varied and diverse as possible, found in various ways (internet shopping malls, etc..) Through performance events, happenings, meetings or just stalking.

The topic of the proposed workshop is the very definition of the possible ways of gathering information, and how the mode performativa influenzi questa raccolta.
Le pratiche femministe anni 70, il pensiero tecno-femminista, le modalità organizzative utilizzate nelle riunioni di donne, l'aspetto di segretezza e esclusività, caratterizzeranno il workshop aperto a tutti; uomini, donne, curatori, artisti, transessuali, operatori del settore culturale ecc.

Il workshop proposto è della durata di due giorni divisi in 2 ore di laboratorio aperto a tutti che potrà svolgersi la mattina al campo base e 2 sessioni pomeridiane di interventi performativi nella città di Genova, che verranno programmati la mattina stessa.
La modalità di partecipazione potrà essere sia attiva, con l'ideazione e partecipazione alle performance; che di osservazione attraverso un'operazione di documentazione attraverso riprese video o fotografiche dei vari eventi.

Ideanna Pollec Dedalonic:
è costituita da:
The Grossi Maglioni Magic Duo:
Marcella Fanzaga:
Stefania Rossi:

per info contattare:

Vera Maglioni +39 4391739492
Stefania Rossi +39 3480311042