Friday, May 27, 2005

Benjamin Bixby Sweater Vests


the official website of the Emergency known non-governmental association whose main objectives are: * Bring

medical and surgical assistance to the victims of armed conflicts

* Implement the the human rights for those suffering the social consequences of wars, hunger, poverty and marginalization.

* Promote a culture of peace and solidarity

Among other things you can follow the ' activities carried out by the association, register for a newsletter informative weekly publication

Friday, May 6, 2005

Who Makes An Old Time Girdle

Fight Nestlè PT.2

curiosity about NESTLE ':
As repeatedly pointed out by' the UNICEF
Nestlé violates international code drawn up by '
World Health Organization
which forbids the promotion of the use of powdered milk for
I' baby food ...

must know that in societies poor
artificially fed children are 25 times more susceptible to death than breast-fed

Nobel laureate Dario Fo shot zero against Nestle,
responsible for spreading the powdered milk in Africa: "They made a killing
infamous saying they were going to save humanity. But I'm gone
only market interest. "

Father Pier Maria Mazzola (Director of the monthly Nigrizia)
has presented the views of the missionaries who express serious doubts
and disagreement over corporate policy Dal Monte: Fruit,
De Beers diamonds, Shell Oil, but Nestlé especially since it is one of the most powerful
with an established presence in Africa.

Beppe Grillo attacked the multinational chemical and patents
of all new life forms. "You know cos' is the Novartis?
is a company formed by the merger of Sandoz and Ciba. Ciba
produced in Japan, a drug that in the first month has left 30 people dead and three thousand a year later.
The Sandoz instead Award for pesticides, has thrown tons of toxic waste into the Rhine
, giving us the "fish-diesel." Sandoz and Ciba together? It is as if
Toto Riina and Pacciani had combined to create a kindergarten. "

Ornella Martini : I stopped eating the cake when I
Motta noticed that Nestle ... and:
One of the latest actions against all of us was to pass
possible to label such as chocolate, made without the cocoa
, think a bit'...! .... and On the other hand, doing so will lower
even more 'the prices paid to farmers in the southern hemisphere producers
real cocoa.

Friday, April 22, 2005

How Do You Use Playstation3 Online Via A 3dongle

No logo

Recommend us dell'ononimo book by Naomi Klein.
Really well structured and interesting content, but unfortunately not translated into Italian. There are articles in the journalist
the FAQ on the book No Logo and interviews.


Wednesday, April 20, 2005

How To Reduce Facial Swelling Fast Wisdom Teeth

Newsletter(post per laboratorio)

*Scego l'argomento della newsletter sulla base del mio blog.
*Preparo una serie di testi.
*Trovo possibili fruitori della newsletter su siti web blog o forum ove potrebbero esserci potenziali interessati.
*Chiedo l'autorizzazione ad essere introdotti nel mio database senza violazioni della privacy per ricevere delle email con argomenti connessi al mio blog.
*Attivo la newsletter dotandomi degli strumenti necessari.
*Attivo la possibilità di togliere la registrazione dalla mia newsletter
*Ne curo i contenuti.
*Fidelizzo gli utenti attraverso la newsletter ,pubblicazione di news regolare e mirata, a visitare il mio blog/sito.
* I avoid spam or irrelevant information.
* On the same survey in the newsletter or something to get direct feedback to the liking of the newsletter or not by the user and suggestions for improvement.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Getting A Electrical License In Tn

Fight Nestlè PT.1

Nestlé beats cash in Ethiopia demanding $ 6 million in compensation from the hungriest country in the world.

For Nestlé is "a matter of principle" that Nestle is the world's largest producer of food, a giant in the food industry, with operations in over 80 countries and a turnover of billions of dollars emiliardi, claims against the Government of Ethiopia, poor and in the throes of a severe famine (perhaps worst of the terrible famine of the 80s), a compensation of EUR 6 million dollari.La case was the nationalization of a company in 1975 after a military coup took place in that country.

One year of sales from Nestlé is 8 times ilProdotto miserable Ethiopia's gross domestic ... Hence the


most popular:

DRINKS: Nescafé, Nesquik, Nestea, Orzoro
Mineral Water: Perrier, Vittel, Acqua Vera, San Bernardo,S.Pellegrino, Panna, Levissima, Pejo, Recoaro
DOLCI: Smarties, Kit Kat, Galak, Lion, After Eight, Quality Street,Toffee, Polo, Rowntree, Motta, Alemagna
CIOCCOLATO: Perugina, Nestlé
SALUMI: Vismara, King's
OLIO: Sasso
FORMAGGI: Locatelli, Hirz
PASTA: Buitoni, Pezzullo
SURGELATI: Findus, Surgela, Mare Fresco, La Valle degli Orti
GELATI: Motta, Alemagna, Antica Gelateria del Corso
CIBI PER ANIMALI: Friskies, Buffet
COSMETICI: L'Oreal, Lancome

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Unblock Mylifeisaverage

Segnalazione sito brutto(post per laboratorio)

Il sito che segnalo è il seguente:

Oltre ad avere un dominio chiaramente sprecato che richiama a ben altro, la ditta Vaticano Antonio ha un sito web dal logo e dalle grafiche decisamente non esaltanti e spartane.
Per restare in tema il sito contiene anche delle gif animate non troppo riuscite.

Panasonic Dvd Player And Receiver 5 Disc Changer

Banche armate

Le riviste Mosaico di pace , Missione Oggi e Nigrizia dal 1999 hanno dato inizio ad una campagna che invita i risparmiatori a scrivere alle proprie banche per chiedere di rinunciare a trarre profitto dall'esportazione di armi e a rifiutare il finanziamento di queste operazioni.

Si chiede insomma che i risparmiatori diventino Rispamiattori.

Consult the website you can find out the results achieved so far, you can download the prototype of the letters to send, receive information and materials.

Banks armed

Friday, April 8, 2005

Effects Of Imperialism On South Africa

Mosaico di pace

is a monthly magazine sponsored by the Italian section of Pax Christi - International Catholic movement for peace. Peace, environment, nonviolence, disarmament, inter-religious dialogue for peace, economic justice ... are among the issues on which the monthly questions and causes.

Opportunity constant confrontation and growth. Working tool for composing, from within the mosaic of the undertaking and the alternative of nonviolent means of headings and a monthly monographic dossier. Each month

pages Mosaic peace give the floor to witnesses and experts. These are voices that speak different languages \u200b\u200band cultures, but which offer the same hope and dream.

Every month different snapshots from the south of the earth. In Asia, Latin America and Africa are consumed, not only tragedies of war and hunger, new ways are boldly, it gives rise to hope laboratories and policies of peace and development. Mosaic peace gives voice to these locations.

Mosaic peace

Thursday, April 7, 2005

Picts Of A Smokers Mouth


Recommend us berluscounter
(Berlusconi go away)
After the last vote and the political defeat of Italy under hope have to show this counter for a short while and that the prime minister to go away ....


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

What To Do With Frozen Mixed Vegetables

Inventati 's goal is to free space on the network, to discuss and work on two levels: first, the right and need for open communication , privacy, anonymity and access to telecommunication resources, other projects related to social reality. To do this

Inventati has put in place in the creation of a separate server that makes the communication open, free, and then universally accessible.

The site offers web space, posta elettronica, mailing-list, chat ad individui e progetti in linea con queste esigenze; fuori dalla logica commerciale dell'offerta di servizi e di spazi a pagamento.

Saperi, conoscenze, risorse crescono attraverso la reciproca condivisione; è incentivata per questo la diffusione sistematica, organizzata e completamente gratuita di materiali creativi, autoproduzioni, documentazione, e la lotta al copyright tradizionale, e l'adozione esclusiva di software libero e di licenze aperte.

Inventati è la parte che cerca di riprodurre nel digitale le questioni che appartengono al reale: attraverso siti web, oppure creando ambiti di discussione that already exist but are kept in a daily physical (eg an assembly may be reproduced by creating a mailing-list that makes it, in this way, permanent and omnipresent).


Cb Radio Bielsko-biała

funzionalità dell'Ipertesto(post per laboratorio)

Hypertext is a kind of document text is not organized as a classic, linear, to be read from beginning to end. Exploiting the possibilities offered by cross-references (links), allows you to move quickly from side to side or even to jump to a different document.
The term was coined by Ted Nelson in 1965, but the first real testing was done only in the eighties. One of Hypertext first appeared on the Internet was Archie, the first virtual store.

there is no strict hierarchy of content, other than those stipulated by the user at the very moment when they are enjoying. Hypertext is in fact strongly addressed to the reader rather than author

Wednesday, March 9, 2005

Sew Draft Sausage Dog

Indymedia Italia

Indymedia 'a network of collectively run media for a radical narrative, and passionate for the truth'.

The network is committed to all those people who work for a better world, despite the distortions of the media who reluctantly agree to talk about the efforts of humanity 'freedom.


Ritetemp Thermostat Jumpers

NGV movimento di immagini

NGV and 'a project that aims to create online video channels and independent minimal cost - a database continuously updated view.

quality video 'vhs to download and watch the local and / or back to tape or CD.

NGV is based on the use of open standards and free software , technologies in the public domain that have allowed the construction of the infrastructure to produce, publish and download videos.

archive are given titles and contents of the video circuits, and servers hosting them on the web and cd collection.
